The God Among Saints

Raijah watched in awe as the two samurai clashed.

Cora's samurai swung its giant blade, and Teo's samurai stopped it with his sword.

"I need an opening to seal that samurai," Val said to Cora.

"That won't happen!" Teo said as dark prana began to swirl around his sword.

"Dark Prana: Dark Slash!"

A black slash, almost the size of the samurai, soared towards Cora and Val.

"Sealing Prana: Prana Seal!"

A purple gust of prana flew at the Teo's dark attack, and as they came in contact, Teo's attack disappeared.

Val's attack continued to soar, with its next destination being Teo's samurai.

As the attack neared Teo, his samurai shifted its body downwards to dodge it, causing Teo to take his eyes off his opponents.

"Now!" Cora shouted as she made a small opening in the chest of the crystal samurai.

Val ran out of the opening, which closed behind her, and she jumped on Cora's samurai sword.

She ran on the sword and jumped towards Teo's samurai.

"Sealing prana: Prana Seal!"

Val coated her hands with an incredible amount of sealing prana as she cocked her arms back, ready to stop Teo's samurai.

As Teo noticed that Val was flying at him, he swung his sword.

Just before Teo's sword could hit Val, Cora used her sword to stop it.

"You're done!" Val shouted as she swung her fist of sealing prana at Teo's samurai.

Before she could hit the samurai, a dark shield got in her way.

As Val hit the dark shield, she sealed it away, revealing Teo smiling in his samurai.

"You thought it would be that easy?" Teo asked as he pointed his sword at Val, who was now falling to the ground.

"Damn it!" Val shouted as she realized she was beginning to feel tired, "his dark aura is making my body feel weaker. I can't keep wasting my energy."

As she said this, she released the prison protecting, Raijah from the battle.

As Raijah saw the shield disappear, he quickly dashed towards Val. In the blink of an eye, he appeared on the battlefield.

Raijah caught Val just before she hit the ground.

"Thanks," Val said as she realized Raijah had caught her.

Raijah smiled at Val as he began to speak. Before he could get the words out, he noticed a dark sword was coming at them.

Still holding Val in his arms, Raijah flipped back, avoiding the sword, and as it slammed into the ground, Raijah jumped on it and began to run towards the top of Teo's samurai.

"The boy with the mark!" Teo said as he noticed Raijah running up his sword, with Val in his arms.

Raijah jumped off of Teo's sword, and he soared towards Cora's samurai. As he got close to her samurai, an opening formed, allowing Val and Raijah to enter.

As Raijah placed Val down, she said, "thanks again. Sorry for leaving you back there."

"It's fine," Raijah replied, "I wouldn't have been able to help much."

Cora continued to control her samurai to clash with Teo. As they continued to fight, Cora realized her samurai was beginning to crack.

"Guys!" Cora shouted, "we need to think fast. My samurai isn't strong enough to stop him!"

"I have an idea," Raijah said as he remembered something from earlier, "my tattoo makes him see some weird memory. Last time he dropped to the floor and grabbed his head. If I can get close enough to show him my tattoo, maybe he'll have the same reaction, and Val can use that opening to seal his samurai."

"How do you know he saw a memory?" Val asked.

"When I crashed into that mountain," Raijah explained, "he told me that showing him those memories was enough reason to kill me. I'm guessing he was talking about what he saw when he grabbed his head."

Val and Cora looked at each other skeptically.

"It's a stretch," Val said, "but it's worth a shot."

"Great," Raijah responded, "get me close enough to reveal the tattoo, and then if he reacts, Val can seal the samurai."

As Raijah said this, Teo shattered Cora's samurai with his sword.

The trio landed on the ground and looked up at the giant dark samurai, noticing that the samurai was staring back down at them.

"How do you expect to beat me, and you don't even have anything to match my samurai!" Teo said as he mocked them.

Teo swung his sword as he shouted, "I'll finish you three at once!"

The trio dodged his attack as they jumped on the sword.

"Follow me!" Cora shouted as she grabbed Raijah's arm and led him towards the top of the samurai.

Cora ran up the samurai as she shouted, "I don't have much strength left, but I'll put it all into this last attack!"

While holding Raijah's hand, Cora jumped into the air.

"Crystal Prana: Crystal Spike!"

A crystal spike, which was almost the size of Teo's samurai's arm, appeared above Raijah and Cora. As Cora swung her arm down, it fired at the samurai.

"This samurai is too big for me to move fast enough," Teo said as the spike sliced through the arm holding his sword. Teo's sword crashed into the ground, with the samurai arm falling on top of it.

Cora was falling while she was still holding Raijah's hand. She mustered the rest of her strength and threw Raijah at the chest of the dark samurai, which was where Teo was.

As Raijah began to understand her plan, he moved his dreadlocks to reveal the tattoo.

Teo looked up as Raijah appeared before him.

As Teo saw the tattoo, his head began to ring, as he saw the vision of the people with blurry faces and tattoos and the tall man behind them.

Teo shouted in pain as he began to grab his head.

As Raijah fell back down, he watched Cora crash into the ground, and she passed out from exhaustion.

Before he hit the ground, Raijah looked at Val, who was waiting for her opening, "go!" Raijah shouted as he continued to fall.

Val dashed towards the top of the samurai.

"Sealing Prana: Prana Seal!"

A gust of purple prana followed that caused Teo's samurai to disappear.

As Teo's flashback stopped, he noticed he was falling, and Val was right above him.

"Sealing Prana: Pressure Fist!"

Val mustered the last of her strength as she manipulated as much prana as she could. She coated her fist with purple prana, and she punched Teo in the stomach, temporarily sealing his flow of prana.

Teo crashed into the ground landed next to Raijah. And Val crashed, landing next to Cora.

Val also passed out due to exhaustion as she hit the ground.

The four fighters all lay on the ground together.

"Why don't you attack?" Raijah asked Teo as he lay next to him.

"There's no point. I've lost. Your friend sealed my prana," Teo replied, "I can't even move my body. You guys aren't as weak as I thought."

"Yeah," Raijah responded, "both Cora and Val are strong. I wish I could help them more."'

Teo formed a confused look on his face, "but you do help them," he said.

"Nah," Raijah said, "look at them. They're exhausted because they used their last strength to help me."

Raijah began to look at the sky noticing, it was getting dark, "when I get my prana, I'll always protect them and the other people that I love. I'll unlock the mysteries of my past, and I'll find out what I truly am."

Teo began to stare at the sky as he said, "you don't know who you are or anything about your past?"

"Nope," Raijah replied, "am I god, a peasant, or just a lucky kid. I'll find out one day."

"What about you? What's your past like?" Raijah asked.

"I guess I can tell you," Teo said, "This seal is much stronger so, it should last longer. As soon as your friends gain their strength, They'll finish me.

"I don't know much about my past either," Teo began, "I remember one day, waking up and being chased by a woman named Mia. She said she was my protector, but I wasn't too sure. All she told me was that I was a devil and that my father had banished me and erased my memories. I guess she couldn't say anymore because she'd get in trouble."

Teo continued, "I left her because she didn't offer anything to me. I was always independent and felt like I could do things on my own. It would be nice to one day find out about my past and why my father banished me."

"See," Raijah said, "We shouldn't be enemies. We have many similarities."

Confused, Teo asked, "why don't you attack me? You're obviously in better shape than I am."

Raijah responded, "as I said, I don't consider you an enemy. And, I don't think you're different from anyone else. I think we're connected, Teo. We are supposed to be friends."

As Raijah said this, Teo felt something click in his mind.

"I shouldn't bother about any of those people in those memories," Teo said, "I'll find out who they are one day."

Raijah smiled as he said, "good to see you've let that go."

Raijah and Teo turned to face each other.

"I can look at your tattoo without seeing those flashbacks!" Teo said joyfully.

"Join us," Raijah said with a smile, "as long as you're with us, we'll never allow you to feel inhumane. Teo, we can unlock the mysteries of our past together."

"That'd be nice," Teo said as he began to feel tired, "let's do it-"

"Raijah. My name is Raijah," Raijah said.

"Raijah," Teo said as he began to fall asleep, "I remember that name from somewhere."

Teo began to smile as he stared at Raijah, "let's unlock the mysteries of our past together," he said as he fell asleep.

As he said this, Cora and Val began to smile. They were too weak to move and talk but, they had heard the entire conversation.

Raijah had a big smile on his face as he lay there in silence next to his three friends.

As Raijah was about to fall asleep, a beautiful woman appeared on top of him.

"Who are you?" Raijah said as he quickly jumped up and looked at the woman.

"Don't tell me you've forgotten about your wife already?" the lady said as she began to touch Raijah.

"Mia?" Raijah asked as he backed away.

"I love you," Mia said as she grabbed Raijah's neck, "but I warned you about touching Prince Teo."

As she squeezed Raijah's neck, she asked, "why don't you fight back? I don't sense any prana coming from you."

She stretched her hand out, and it almost touched Raijah's face.

Her hands began to glow red as she closed her eyes.

"This is like when Aziel tried to unlock my prana," Raijah thought.

Raijah suddenly felt his body fill with electrifying prana.

"My Prana!" Raijah thought.

"Oh my," she said with a shocked look on her face, "this is the prana of a god. I can't allow you to leave here with this potential. It could ruin that man's plan. After I stop you, my dear husband, I will destroy your friends," she said as she pointed at Val and Cora.

As she said this, red lightning began to surround Raijah's body.

"You won't touch my friends!" Raijah shouted as a red lightning bolt shot at Mia and pierced her in the stomach.

As Mia let go of Raijah's neck, Raijah looked at his body which had an aura of red lightning.

"No way," Raijah said as he looked up, "how did you-"

Raijah saw that he had blasted Mia away, and her body was no longer moving.

"No, no, no," Raijah said as he ran towards Mia.

As he looked at her, he saw that he had pierced right through her stomach.

Raijah noticed that something black on Mia's forehead.

As he moved her hair, it revealed a tattoo that was similar to his.

It was a tattoo of a flame that looked faded like Teo's

"Is she a devil too?" Raijah thought to himself.

Mia began to smile as her body began to fade away, "Devils don't die. We return to hell," she said calmly.

She said more things, but Raijah could not hear her because her voice faded away.

Raijah continued to think about what just happened, but he was interrupted by a promise he had made.

Raijah began to fly as his tattoo began to glow red. His red aura spread and red lightning surrounded him.

Cora, Val, and Teo forced their eyes open to see what was causing them to feel this powerful aura.

Raijah stretched his arms out, and lightning shot across the night sky.

The three on the floor watched in awe as Raijah's beautiful lightning lit up the night sky.

As Sean was about to walk into his house, he saw beautiful lightning soar through the sky.

"You did it," Sean said as he watched the lightning, "I'm so proud of you, Raijah," Sean continued as he looked up proudly, "your lightning is amazing."

Raijah continued to fly as his lightning stopped. He looked up at the sky as he thought, "Mia unlocked my power."

Raijah looked down at his friends, who were shocked by what they had witnessed.

Raijah, the god among saints, has awakened.