
"Captain!" a young man ran into the barracks.

The man had his brown hair neatly combed to the side. He wore an armored outfit with black boots and, strapped to his back was a black spear with a sharp black blade.

He was talking to a bald man who wore a black uniform with a pin on his top that said "captain."

"What is it?" the captain asked as he put on his boots.

"We have located the man that took care of the heavenly demon," the man replied, "his name is Sean Kirkwood and, he lives around the center of Avalon."

"Two years of searching," the captain said, "and the investigation division only managed to locate his guardian?"

"Yes," the man replied, "his wanted posters have been dispersed all over the world but, there hasn't been a real sighting of him since he left Kaijo Castle."

"Well," the captain responded, "as my first lieutenant, you should go and retrieve Sean. Since the heavenly demon won't be there, there's no reason for me to go."

The man nodded his head and saluted before dashing away in pursuit of Sean Kirkwood.

Teo walked through the streets of Avalon with his sword, Teiden floating beside him. It was wintertime and, although it wasn't snowing, it was still incredibly cold.

He wore a zipped-up black jacket and a pair of black jeans.

Teo looked down at his black shoes as he walked through the town. Both shoes had a logo that looked like a checkmark.

"These shoes Raijah gave me are pretty comfortable," Teo said.

They had all returned to Avalon earlier that morning and planned on resting for a some time before heading to the Shi Mountains.

Teo opted to spend his time exploring Avalon since he had never had a proper look around. Val and Cora both decided to use their time to twist Raijah's dreadlocks which had grown over the two years they spent training.

As Teo walked through Avalon, he noticed that wanted posters were spread out everywhere. The person he saw the most on the posters was his own friend, Raijah.

"Raijah's become famous," Teo said.

Teo continued to walk until something caught his eye.

He peered through a building window and noticed someone who resembled Raijah.

"Raijah?" Teo whispered, "Isn't he supposed to be at Aziel's house?"

Teo walked into the building. Although the building was dark, the interior was lit up by colored LED lights and, loud music echoed around the building.

From the door, Teo looked at the man that he had seen through the window.

Although he was sitting, Teo could tell that he was almost as tall as Raijah.

The man was surrounded by attractive women who chattered endlessly. One girl sat on his lap while many others sat beside him, all of them attempting to win him over by flirting.

The woman giggled as she said, "All I've heard about the heavenly demon was that he was evil."

She rubbed his cheek and said, "But, you're not so bad. You're very handsome."

"And," she said as she touched his dreads, "you have amazing hair."

She moved his dreadlocks to the side and, Teo noticed that he did not have Raijah's lightning bolt tattoo on his forehead.

"He's a fake," Teo muttered as he turned around to leave.

"Hey!" the fake Raijah shouted.

"He doesn't even sound like Raijah," Teo whispered to himself.

Teo turned his head calmly.

"What?" Teo asked.

"I saw you staring," the man said smugly, "you wish you were me don't you?"

Teo turned his head away and opened the door to walk out of the building.

"Stop!" the man shouted, "are you disrespecting me?"

He stood up and, the girls began to cheer him on. Teo observed and concluded that the man's entire appearance, excluding the missing tattoo, was an exact copy of Raijah before they had left for training.

Raijah was now much taller and, his hair had gotten even longer.

"Do you know who I am!" the man shouted, causing the girls to cheer even louder. More people who were in the building turned towards Teo and the man. They had become the center of attention.

"I am the heavenly demon!" the man boasted, "my wanted posters are all over the world!"

Teo stared at the man with an uninterested look on his face.

"Get him!" one of the women shouted.

The other people in the building began to cheer for the man to attack.

Fueled by the cheers, he swung his right fist at Teo.

Teo, using one finger, stopped the man's punch.

"I don't know who you are," Teo said, "or why you're impersonating Raijah. But, you're nothing like him."

"You're too weak."

The man attacked again, using his other fist.

Teo stopped the man's other attack with his finger.

The man began to throw punches rapidly and, Teo stopped every attack with just his finger.

"Stop playing with him!" one of the women shouted.

"Yeah," another added, "show him your true power."

The fake Raijah began to sweat.

"I got this," he assured the onlookers, "I was going easy because I didn't want my power to destroy this building."

"Let's take this outside," he said to Teo.

He looked around and, Teo was no longer there.

The man looked outside and saw Teo walking away.

"Hey!" the man said as he ran out of the building.

Teo turned around and stared at the man, keeping the same uninterested look on his face.

The people inside the building crowded around the windows, trying to watch the fight.

"Let me show you the power of the heavenly demon!" the man shouted.

Before he could attack, Teo appeared before him.

Teo grabbed the man's finger and pulled it back. The man dropped to his knees and let out a cry of pain.

"Show me your real face," Teo said, "then I'll let go."

The man's appearance changed. He was an ugly man with his two front teeth missing and, he wore dirty black clothing. He had short black hair and, he was much shorter than Teo.

The people spectating from inside the building were shocked to see his real face.

"I knew you weren't Raijah," Teo said as he looked at the man.

He released his finger and realized something.

"You're one of those men on the wanted posters," Teo said, "what are you wanted for?"

The man stayed quiet.

"He's Benny, the impersonator! He first appeared around a year ago!" a woman from inside the building shouted, "his prana allows him to make himself look like anyone he sees."

"He's wanted around the world for utilizing that ability to impersonate attractive men and then luring women into a trap. It is unknown what he does to those women because they never return."

"That makes sense," Teo whispered, "he probably copied Raijah's wanted poster. Which is why he looks like Raijah did two years ago. And, in the posters, Raijah's hair is covering his tattoo."

"Thank you for the explanation," Teo replied.

He turned his head towards the man, who was still on his knees.

"People like you deserve punishment," Teo said, "Would you like to see hell?"

"W-What?" Benny stuttered, still feeling the pain from his finger being pulled.

"I said would you like to see hell?"

"N-" before Benny could finish, Teo snapped his fingers.

"True Devil Prana: Banishment!"

Benny appeared in a location surrounded by fire. Creatures emerged out of the flames and, as they ate at Benny's body, horns began to grow out of their heads.

Teo snapped his fingers again and, Benny reappeared, lying on the floor. His already dirty and torn clothing was almost gone and, bite marks were dispersed over his body.

Teo dropped down and whispered into Benny's ear, "I'm in a good mood today so, I'll let you live."

Benny, who was struggling to breathe, began to smile.

"But," Teo said as his dark eyes stared at Benny, "If I hear a word of you even touching another woman, I'll send you right back to hell."

Benny's smile faded away, "I can't give that up," he muttered.

"Do you accept?" Teo asked.

"No," Benny replied.

"Ririsu Prana: Giant Creation!"

Two giant versions of Benny appeared in front of Teo. They were more than triple the size of every building that surrounded them and, their size caused the spectators to yell in fear.

Benny, who was still lying on the ground, watched as the giants attacked.

"What a useless attack, Benny," Teo said, "I expected more."

Teo pointed a finger up at the two giants.

"True Devil Pra-"

Before Teo could attack, one of the giants was sliced in half and, its body crashed to the ground.

The other giant was smashed to pieces and, its parts also crashed into the ground.

In front of the giant that was cut, Val landed. Instead of wearing her usual white hakama, she wore a crop top with sweatpants and white shoes. Her long black hair was let down and, she had a sheathed sword tied in the gray silk belt, which she had wrapped around her sweatpants. Val smiled with her black eyes and pearly skin glistening.

In front of the giant that was smashed, Cora landed. She also wore a crop top, sweatpants, and white shoes. Cora shook her curly ash blonde hair and, with her blue eyes, she looked around at Avalon with a smile.

"Oh," Benny said as his devilish smile came back, "pretty women."

He gazed intensely at Cora and Val's curvaceous bodies.

"We aren't dressed for the cold," Cora and Val muttered as they felt the chilly weather.

"I haven't been here in forever," Cora said, "It's been two whole years since I've seen Avalon."

"I came back twice during our training," Val said as she joined Cora in looking around, "I had to assist Aziel with the annual awakening ceremony but, it still feels like it's been forever."

"Where's Raijah?" Teo asked.

"He went to see Sean," Cora explained, "after Val and I finished with his hair, we were bored so, we came here to find you."

"What is he doing?" Val said as she pointed at Benny, who was staring intensely at her and Cora.

The three of them looked down as Benny licked his lips and clapped his hands once.

"Ririsu Prana: Game Room!"

Val, Cora, Teo, and Benny disappeared and, the confused spectators looked around, expecting them to reappear.

Sean sat inside his house reading a book until he heard a knock on the door.

"I have to be careful," Sean whispered to himself, "since the government is after Raijah, they could be looking for me since I'm his guardian. "

Sean peeked through his window and noticed a box on his front porch.

"It was just a delivery," Sean said, feeling relieved.

He walked out and picked up the brown box.

As Sean was about to turn around and enter his house, he felt something gently tap his head.

Afraid to turn around, Sean stood still in fear.

"First Lieutenant of the Avalon army's fourth division," a voice came from behind Sean.

"It would be of both of our best interests if you would cooperate."

Sean said nothing.

"Release that box and put your hands on your head."

Sean listened and put both of his hands on his head.

"Alright," the voice said, "I'll be taking you back to the army headquarters."

"I won't do that if you simply tell me where the heavenly demon is."

Sean once again stayed quiet.

"It was worth a try," the man said as he reached his hand out, "But I'm warning you, the interrogation division will get it out of you no matter what it takes."

Just before the man's hand could reach Sean, something sped by in front of them.

With his hand still extended out, the lieutenant looked around.

"That was odd," he said.

"Let's go," the man said as he once again reached for Sean.

Before he could reach Sean, he felt something grab onto his arm.

Raijah appeared and stood between Sean and the lieutenant and, an aura of red lightning surrounded him.

Raijah was holding on to the lieutenant's arm with an aggravated look on his face.

"What the hell are you doing?" Raijah asked as his red lightning aura increased.