New Powers

Teo, Cora, and Val appeared on three different planets.

An injured Benny appeared in a chair in a circular room.

The chair was surrounded by a circular desk that had a control center with thousands of keys, buttons, and controls.

Above the controls, there was a circular screen. The screens showed footage of Cora, Val, and Teo who, stood still, confused by what had just happened.

A hologram showing Benny's face appeared in the sky of each of their planets.

"Welcome to the game room!" Benny shouted enthusiastically.

In their different planets, Teo, Cora, and Val turned their attention to Benny's hologram.

"This is one of my ririsu abilities," Benny explained, "it allows me to transport contestants to one of the many planets that are in my game room."

"From my control center, I can control what happens in each room. So each of your planets you are on is under my control."

Val, Cora, and Teo all shared an uninterested look on their face.

Benny wiped his smile away.

"Do you not understand what is happening?" he shouted, "You cannot return home unless your room is destroyed!"

The three of them unknowingly asked in sync, "so, all we have to do is destroy our planet?"

"N-No," Benny stuttered, realizing he had leaked information.

"Only the girls have the opportunity to escape," Benny said slyly.

"The man that sent me to hell cannot escape. He will be stuck here forever."

"As for you ladies," Benny continued, "the only way you can escape is by giving your body up to me!"

"No," Val and Cora said.

"Very well," Benny said angrily, "I'll force you two to give yourselves up."

"And as for the man that attacked me, you will suffer forever!"

On each of the planets, many giant versions of Benny appeared. They were multiple times larger than the ones he had created before.

The giants all loomed over the person on their planet.

On Cora's planet, Benny's hologram in the air shouted, "I know you! You're the daughter of King Kaijo! I know all about your crystal prana! Give up!"

Cora smiled as she watched the giants loom over her.

"You don't know anything about it," Cora replied.

"When I awakened my prana, Aziel said it was versatile. But before our two years of training, I only used it to create new crystals to attack and defend with."

"But," Cora said, "that isn't all my prana can do."

"Aziel taught me that my prana not only creates crystals, but I can also manipulate existing crystals and anything with a crystalline structure."

Benny's hologram formed a confused look on his face, "I don't care! Giants, attack!"

As the giants prepared to attack, Cora said, "you don't seem very smart so, I'll explain it to you."

"Do you know what kinds of substances have crystalline structures?"

Benny shook his head.

"Minerals," Cora answered, "do you know anything that is packed with minerals?"

"The ground," Benny said.

"Bingo," Cora replied as she gently stomped on the ground, which caused it to begin to shake.

Huge chunks of the ground were ripped out and began to float beside Cora.

"By manipulating minerals, my prana allows me to control the ground."

Cora pointed at the giants and, the chunks of ground launched at them, knocking them over one by one.

Val looked at the giants and, she began to manipulate her ririsu prana.

She thought back to the explanation of ririsu that Aziel had given them during their training.

"Ririsu is the second stage of a saint's prana," Aziel explained, "before someone unlocks their ririsu, just like before you unlock your signature prana, it sits in the body as a latent power."

"Ririsu prana can be unlocked in two ways. One by training your prana and eventually reaching the second stage. And two by going through a traumatic experience."

"Once ririsu is unlocked, you will have to train it, and over time, you will learn more and more of your ririsu abilities. Some people have more ririsu abilities than others."

"Wait," Val said, "before, you told me training was the only way you can unlock your ririsu."

"I did," Aziel admitted, "I said that to hopefully prevent you from unlocking it by experiencing something traumatic."

"Why?" Val asked, "Is that how you unlocked yours?"

"Yes," Aziel answered, "my brother and I unlocked our ririsu when we helplessly watched our parents die. We experienced the true feelings of sorrow and hatred."

Benny's hologram watched as Val finished manipulating her ririsu.

"Thanks to Aziel," Val whispered, "I unlocked my ririsu through training. All this while, he was trying to prevent me from feeling trauma like he did."

Val dashed at a group of giants.

"Ririsu Prana: Shōkyo!"

Before Benny could understand what was going on, his giants disappeared without a trace.

"What was that?" Benny asked, "that blade of hers. Is that what caused this?"

"It's the only one of my ririsu abilities that I've learned," Val explained, "it's called Shōkyo and, it allows me to completely erase things from existence."

"That's not enough!" Benny shouted, "more giants! Bigger giants!"

Val began to think about Aziel's explanations once more.

"When ririsu is unlocked," Aziel said, "a saint may get something called a ririsu blade. A ririsu blade is a weapon that comes with some ririsu abilities and, once you get them, they are merged with your prana."

"When you unlock your ririsu, a ririsu blade may appear in front of you. When the blade spawns, you will automatically know its name."

"As I said, not everyone that unlocks ririsu will get a ririsu blade. A saint without one can be just as powerful as a saint that has one. Some say that a ririsu blade is a saint's destined weapon."

"Is your scythe your ririsu blade?" Cora asked.

"Yes," Aziel replied as his scythe appeared in his hands, "its name is Kanashimi."

Val reached for the sheathed sword that she had tied to her sweatpants with her hakama belt.

The sword sheath was black and, the entire sheath was engraved with purple dragon markings.

She removed the sword from the sheath, revealing a curved katana with a black hilt and a white grip. Its guard was a small black dragon and, the blade was silver with black dragon engravings on both sides.

"My ririsu blade," Val said, "Ame-no-Ohabari."

"My blade is sharpened on both sides of the tip."

Benny's shouted, "get her giants!"

The larger giants began to sprint at Val.

"I can use Shōkyo by channeling ririsu prana into my katana," Val explained, "it produces a pretty cool effect too."

Just before the giants could hit, Val channeled her ririsu prana into her blade.

The once black dragon engravings began to glow purple.

Val lifted the katana and dashed towards the dragons.

"Ririsu Prana: Shōkyo!"

Val dashed towards the giants and, as her blade touched them, they were erased.

Benny's hologram had its mouth gaping open, "just how strong are these girls!"

On Teo's planet, the giants all attacked him.

Teo began to fly and, before the giants hit, he stretched his arm toward them.

"Dark Prana: Dark Emission!"

A ball of darkness appeared in his hand and, it began to grow in size.

The ball of darkness had grown to the size of the giants and, Teo fired at them.

As the attack hit the giants, they were destroyed.

Teo was still flying in the air and, Benny had an infuriated look on his face.

"Volcanoes!" Benny shouted.

"I'll melt you all away along with the planets you're on!"

On each of the planets, the ground began to shake and, volcanoes popped up all around.

Teo looked down as the volcanoes began to erupt and lava spewed all around the planet.

Teo grabbed onto his sword, which was floating beside him.

He channeled prana into the sword and said, "let's get out of here, Teiden."

"Dark Prana: Dark Beam!"

Dark prana began to swirl around Teo's sword and, a beam shot out of it.

The beam slammed into the ground and, an explosion followed.

This was followed by a sizzling sound. Teo smiled as the entire planet exploded due to his attack.

The last thing Teo heard was Benny screaming, "No!"

Teo reappeared in the middle of the street and, the onlookers stared at him, awaiting an explanation.

Frustrated, Benny shouted in his control room, "Damn! He's already escaped!"

"No matter," Benny said, trying to calm himself down, "I still have two beautiful contestants."

On Cora's planet, she watched as the volcanoes began to erupt.

Benny's hologram grinned as he said, "will you give up now?"

"You idiot," Cora said as she lifted her arm, "lava is packed with crystals and minerals that have crystalline structures."

She pulled her arm down and, the lava that was spewing out returned to their volcanoes.

"Time to get out in style," Cora said as she jumped into the air.

Cora flipped and, she began to fall face first towards the ground.

She coated her right arm with prana, and before she hit the ground, she punched it with the arm she coated with prana.

As she hit punched the ground, the planet rumbled before completely exploding.

Cora reappeared in the street and, she saw Teo explaining to the onlookers.

"No, no, no!" Benny shouted, "I only have one left!"

He nervously turned to the screen that showed Val, hoping she couldn't escape.

Val manipulated her ririsu prana and, her sword's dragon engravings began to glow purple.

Just before the lava could hit her, she swung her katana.

"Ririsu Prana: Shōkyo!"

As the katana touched the lava, it was erased.

"Shōkyo takes a lot of energy," Val said.

More volcanoes began to erupt as Val sheathed her sword.

"Time to go," Val whispered, "although I haven't mastered it, I've learned a few doragonken attacks."

"Now would be a good time to test one of them out."

She looked down and stretched her arm back.

"Doragonken: Dragon Fist!"

Val slammed her fist into the ground and, the planet began to crack and rumble.

Val watched as, in mere seconds, the entire planet exploded.

She reappeared and saw Cora and Teo talking to the spectators.

"Where is he?" Val asked.

As she said this, the three of them began to feel his prana.

They turned their heads to a man running away.

"Is that not him?" Val asked, "I sense the same aura but, he looks different."

"That's him," Teo said as he stood up, "he can change his looks."

Teo dashed away and appeared in front of Benny, who had changed himself to look like an old man.

Cora explained what the onlookers and Teo had told her about Benny.

"He's disgusting," Val said after hearing the explanation.

"Benny, Benny, Benny," Teo said as he stared down at Benny's fake identity.

"Wait, Teo," Val shouted, "let's just turn him in."

"You're lucky I'm in a good mood," Teo said.

Before Benny could run again, Val dashed towards him.

"Sealing Prana: Pressure Fist!"

Val slammed her fist into Benny's chest and temporarily sealed his flow of prana.

"There's no need to try to manipulate your prana," Val said as Benny attempted attacking, "my pressure fist temporarily seals the flow of prana."

Benny got up to run again and, Cora gently tapped the ground with her foot.

The ground rumbled and, a wall erupted out of it.

Cora pointed her finger at Benny and, the wall moved towards Benny while he kept running.

Benny ran into the wall and dropped unconscious. He changed back to his normal appearance.

"May we go turn him in?" a couple said as they walked out of a nearby house, "we need extra money from his bounty to care for our child."

The three of them simultaneously nodded their heads and, the man and woman lifted Benny's body and carried him away.

"Thank you so much," the couple said as they left.

"No need to thank us," Val said.

"One thing is for certain," Cora said as the couple was out of sight, "we've all gotten stronger."