Chapter 2

*After the bombs dropped*

Izuku sees his mother with a bullet hole in the forehead and has a small layer of ice covering her. "MOM!" he yells. He stops crying. He wipes his face and stands up. He closes the pod and walks towards the doors. He opens the door and keeps walking down a hall. The next door he reaches won't open. He turns to his right and opens that door. He sees a security baton on a crate and picks it up. "This could be helpful." He says. He opens the door and gets attacked by a Radroach. He blocks the attack and smashes its body, then head with the baton. 'Giant... Roaches?' Izuku wonders. He moves into the next room. There is a desk with a terminal, with a cage next to it on the wall, with a skeleton that has fallen off the chair. Izuku's eyes widen as he starts to understand. There is a 10mm pistol on the desk with 10mm ammo surrounding it and in the cage. He takes the pistol and all the ammo. He walks towards the door and attempts to open the door. 'Locked... the terminal!' he thinks as he turns on the terminal. 'Hmmm... how do I...' he wonders as he opens the door. He looks up and walks through the door and enters the room with the vault door. He sees a Radroach and shoots it, and shoots another in front of him. He notices a skeleton with a device on its arm. He takes the device and boots it up. He notices a vault boy on the screen. He opens the vault door and walks towards the elevator that leads to the surface. As he reaches the surface, he gets blinded by the light for a couple of seconds. He walks towards his old home and walks towards the Red Rocket Truck Stop. He sees a dog and a garage with a station in it. He walks towards the dog. The dog turns around and barks. The dog starts trying to jump and lick Izukus face. "Calm down boy, you been alone all this time? Do you want to come with me?" Izuku asks the dog. The dog barks and rubs on his leg. 'He needs a name. I know a good one!' "You will be named Dogmeat!" He says. Dogmeat barks. 'Well, I have a companion now.' He starts walking towards Concord. 'I hope there is people there. I haven't seen anyone yet.' He enters the town via a road. He hears gunshots and draws his gun. 'Well, there's gunshots, which means people. But I hope there good.' He then hears a laser shot fire. He notices around 10 to a dozen people firing at one guy in a balcony. Izuku walks out and almost gets shot. "Kill the man on the balcony and let's kill this guy as well!" Says one of the people. "Shit." He draws his pistol and shoots two of the men in the head. He shoots a third twice in the chest and he drops. One of the attacks Izuku with a tire iron. Izuku blocks, grabs his arm and flips him and shoots his head. He then shoots up the other people and grabs a double barrel shotgun. "Fear me!" Izuku yells and blasts both shells into one guys face and you wouldn't be able to tell who he was. He reloads and blasts another dude in the chest, and he drops. 'Holy shit! He's a monster, blasting them like he does this for a living. I hope he's on are side.' The man on the balcony thinks. Izuku finishes the rest of them and walks towards the building. "Hey! We need your help! Grab that laser rifle and laser cells and kill the rest!" Izuku just nods and picks up the laser rifle and ammo and walks inside. Four people turn around and notice him and draw there weapons right away. Izuku smiles and blasts one dude in the head with the double barrel, killing him and shoots the other three in the head and chest with his pistol. The guys on top start running away, afraid they're going to die and jump off and land next to Izuku and run out of the building. Izuku only sees a doorway and walks through and kills another person. 'How many are there?' He thinks. He moves to the next room. No one is in it so he moves on. He climbs some stairs and shoots two more people with a slug in each persons chest. 'I feel like a god!' He just keeps blasting. *Bang Bang Bang* is all they here. 'Now that I think about it, where are the people? He did ask for help, so maybe it's just him.' He nears a door and hears two people trying to get in. "Once I open this door, I'll skin you alive!" Says one. "Yeah!" Says the other. Izuku walks up behind them and shoot them both in the head. "Weak." The door opens and he walks through. 5 people are in the room, and one is a female. "Thanks for the help!"