Chapter 3

"I'm Eijiro Kirishima." He has red hair and a muscular build. "That is Katsuki Bakugo." Bakugo has blonde hair, and also has a muscular build. "She is Mina Ashido." Ashido has pink skin with horns, as well as pink hair. "There's Shoto Todoroki." He has half red half white hair. " And lastly, there's Fumikage Tokoyami." He has a bird head, and has a shadow to the right of his head. "Damn, there's still more raiders outside. There is a crashed vertibird on the roof with Power Armour. You can jump off the building in the armour. There's also a mini gun still attached to the vertibird." Izuku nods and walks towards the door. He goes through and sees the armour and vertibird. He enter the armour and rips the mini gun off the vertibird. A raider is on the roof and Izuku shoots the mini gun at him. He gets pulverized and falls of the roof. Izuku jumps off the roof and lands safely. More raiders show up and start shooting Izuku. He tanks the shots and shreds the raiders to bits. A massive monster comes out of the sewers and starts tearing up the rest of the raiders. One says "Shit! It's a Deathclaw! Let's get out of here!" The raiders start running away while Izuku fires his mini gun. A stream of bullets keep pouring out of the gun, and after thirty seconds the Deathclaw dies. Izuku enters the building and notices everyone there. "That was one hell of a show. The way you tanked those bullets and just destroyed the Deathclaw was... manly!" Izuku just chuckles. "I have a place you guys can stay at that's safe. It's north of here, and it was my old home before the bombs." Everyone's eyes widen. "W-what do you mean, 'before the bombs'?" Mina asks. Izuku just shakes his head. "I was in Vault 111 before the bombs. Of course, instead of a decontamination chamber, it was a cryo chamber. I was frozen since then and I woke up a couple hours ago." Izuku explains. "You know you've been frozen for 250 years right?" says Todoroki. "Haha, nice joke." Izuku looks at him and the others, noticing they're not laughing. "I missed 250 years of life? Man. No mother, no father, and I learned that I'm 264 years old." Izuku sighs. "I need to learn more about what happened. I need a person who could locate someone. Anyone have a place that I could go?" Izuku asks. Mina speaks up. "There's a place called Diamond City. I have a friend there that works for there detective. I can lead the way for you." Izuku nods. "I'd like that. Thanks." Ashido gets up and Izuku fallows her out the door. "Diamond City is pretty far away. It's also very dangerous." Mina explains. "Do you want my Power Armour?" Izuku asks Ashido. She just shakes her head. "My quirk is acid. I can throw my acid. What's your quirk?" Ashido asks. "The bombs dropped before I could get it checked. I just hope I have one." Izuku says with a sigh. He just stops walking. "Why did you stop?" Ashido asks. Izuku draws his mini gun and turns around. "Why are you following us?" Izuku asks to the person. "I need a stimpak, and there is a doctor at Diamond City." Izuku puts his gun away and gives the man a stimpak. The man thanks him and draws a knife and stabs Izuku. Well, he tried. It bangs off the armour and Izuku draws his mini gun. The man's eyes widen before getting shot by a mini gun. "Why did you try?" Izuku shales his head and walks away. Ashido looks at him and blushes. 'Man... he just pulled that out without a thought.' She starts walking next to Izuku. She starts walks infront of him and turns around and looks up to Izuku. She smiles and pokes his helmet. "You're strong, and that guy could've killed me. " Ashido says. Izuku exits his Power Armour and let's Ashido enters it. Izuku holds his mini gun. 'He can hold that without Power Armour? He is stronger than most.' Izuku and Ashido in the armour walk towards the city. They reach the city without any difficulty's. "Come on! Let me in!" says a girl, yelling at a intercom. "Sorry. The mayor told me to not let anyone in." the intercom rejects. "Momo?" Mina asks. "Mina!" The girl replies. "This is Momo Yaoyorozu. She is a childhood friend." Mina explains. "Hold on." Izuku whispers. "I'll say I'm a trader." Everyone nods. "Look, I have goods from all over the place. Let me in, and no one will be angry, since they get there supplies." Izuku explains. "Fine. I don't want to get attacked." The gate opens and the three of them enter. "Hey! Who let you in?" Izuku walks past him and enters the city, not caring for his questions. "I'm the mayor! You have to listen to me! Get back here!" He yells. Izuku enters the city and looks around. He notices a doctor and runs up to him. "Can you check what quirk someone has?" Izuku asks. "Uh... yeah? You look like yours is already checked." The doctor says. "Just check my quirk! Please!" Izuku begs. "Fine." The doctor checks his quirk and starts sweating. "Y-you can c-create quirks. Please don't hurt me!" The doctor begs. "Ok." Izuku walks away. 'No way in hell that's my quirk. Quirk Creation?' He thinks of naruto. 'Let's see. Ah! A rinne-sharringan quirk!' He opens his eyes and everyone starts sweating profusely. "Do you have a mirror?" He asks the doctor. "Yes I do sir!" He goes to the back of his shop. 'Why did he call me sir? Well, I am 264 years old.' The doctor come back with a mirror and sure enough, Izuku eye's are rinne-sharringan. He deactivates his eyes. "Thanks, doc." Izuku thanks him. He walks towards the front of the city where Ashido, Yaoyorozu, and the mayor are standing. "You! Why did you ignore me! You can't ignore the mayor!" Izuku creates a fire quirk. "Oh really?" Izuku asks before using his fire quirk. Fire is coming out of his hand, and turns black. 'Amaterasu flames?' Izuku wonders. "Wow. What a weak quirk! My quirk lets me make my voice loud enough to shatter glass." The

mayor says. Izuku makes a Kurama Quirk that lets him have full control. He goes KCM 2 (Kurama Chakra Mode). "Really? Calling a person who can create quirks weak? That's a foolish move." Izuku says, while making a acid quirk. It's the same quirk that Mina has. Ashido's eyes widen as she understands what could happen. 'If someone calls him weak, he could make a super strong quirk and kill us all. That's dangerous.' Ashido thinks. "S-sorry. I won't do it again." The mayer apologizes. "Whatever. Ashido, where is the detective?" Izuku asks as he deactivates all his quirks. "Well, can we talk in the agency?" Yaoyorozu asks. Izuku nods and follows her. They enter the building. "Look. Detective Valentine has been missing for two weeks. I have no idea where he is." Yaoyorozu explains. 'I can make a tracking quirk. That should work.' Izuku wonders. "Do you a piece of his clothing?" Izuku asks. "Of course. Why would I not?" She giggles. "I need it. I cam track him." Izuku explains. She gives him it and knows exactly where he is. "He is locked in a vault. I am gonna need that Power Armour back Ashido. Sorry." Izuku apologizes. Ashido nods and exits it. Izuku enters and starts leaving to find Valentine.