Chapter 6

He enters and already can tell that the air is musty and has little oxygen in it, thanks to his power armour for notifying him. "Well, time to destroy everything." He starts scrapping everything in the house except the bed and the power armour station. Now there is a lot of empty space. He starts building air purifiers and others to keep the air breathable. He exits his armour at the station and starts tinkering. 'Hmmm.... I could make a quirk where I could choose If I was in power armour or not... that would work!' He makes a quirk that lets him choose between power armour on or not. "Now, to give this to Ashido. She did want to be my companion, while Dogmeat stayed behind. I should check up on him." He heads over to Yaoyorozu's office. He enters and notices her sitting at a desk, writing about something. "Hey, do you know where Ashido lives? I have something for her." Izuku asks. "Oh, Mina? She lives right next door." She smirks. "I know what you're giving her." She says. "Oh. Good, that means you know about the power armour. Alright, thanks." Izuku turns around and leaves. "Wait, it was that?" She asks the door. 'Alright. I just have to knock.' He knocks and Ashido responds almost immediately. "I have something for you. Follow me." She nods and they walk to his house. He unlocks the door and they both walk in. He leads to the power armour. "Bit, don't you need that?" She asks. "Well, I created a new quirk that lets me make my own power armour and wear it wherever I want. I don't need that anymore, and since you want to be my companion, you can have that to protect you." He says. She laughs and enters the armour. "Thanks, Izuku." Izuku blushes and looks away. "No problem, M-mina." They walk back to the office. They enter the office and spot Yaoyorozu. "Izuku just wanted to give me his power armour." She explains. Yaoyorozu just smirks and looks at Izuku and he shrugs. "So, fist name basis? Mina, we need to talk!" She drags Mina away, basically leaving Izuku alone. "Uh, bye?" He says to a now missing Mina. 'Whatever. I need to get supplies to sell to the merchants.' He went to his house and started grabbing things he doesn't need. "I have a submachine gun, a 10mm pistol, an assault rifle. I should keep that. I have another 10mm, silent 9mm, and a fusion core. Is that a grenade? I think it is a grenade, probably shouldn't mess with that. I think that's all." He goes to a merchant and tries to sell it all. "I'll buy this all for 500 caps, and the fusion core for 2,000 caps." He accepts the deal and buys a new weapon. He buys a desert eagle and a few frag grenades. He notices that it has an effect to where he doesn't have to reload before he runs out of bullets. (Example, you have 50 bullets, you shoot them all without reloading.) 'This could help in the upcoming fight with raiders and the Institute. The grenades could help distract enemies while I spray and pray that everything dies.' He walks back to the office.