Chapter 7

Izuku walks up to the office door and grabs the handle. He turns and opens a little and hears a scream. He throws open the door and draws his desert eagle. "Where is the danger!" Izuku yells. He spots no one and kicks down the next door, spotting Mina naked and Yaoyorozu trying to block her body. Izuku, completely oblivious to the fact he just barged into someone fully stripped, proceeds to ask the question again, "Where is the danger?" Mina looks very shocked, not knowing what to say. 'He heard me scream, and is trying to protect me from no one?' "You idiot! You just opened the door without a knock and drew whatever that is?" Yaoyorozu yells, throwing a hanger at Izukus head, right as he deactivates his quirk and gets smacked. "Ow! I heard a scream, so I thought you two were in danger! God, I'll leave!" As Izuku leaves, Mina looks pissed. "Momo! He was actually worried about us, and you probably just got him angry! Just help me get clothed and I'll talk to him." Izuku is sitting on his bed. 'I just thought that they were in trouble..." He hears a knock at the door and yells "Go away!" He hears the knocking stop but it then starts again. 'Jeez, fine!' He walks up to the door and opens it far enough to where he can peer through the crack, he sees Mina. "What?" He asks, plainly. "I wanted to talk about what happened." She tries to open the door, but it doesn't budge. "Please, let's talk about this! She probably wasn't thinking, so-" Izuku cuts her off. "I could see the hate in her eyes. She thought about what she was going to say. Go away." He slams the door, and walks up the stairs to the door to the roof. He goes through the door and jumps onto the next roof. He starts roof jumping, heading towards the city exit. He leaves and opens his pip-boy (for once) and opens the map. He looks around before noticing an area that has a bunch of buildings. 'Cambridge, huh? I'll head there.' He starts walking and comes across some mutants and raiders teaming up. Izuku sneaks up and eavesdrops on there conversations. "So, we are gonna go to that big city and kill all the humans?" Says a mutant. "Yes. Just no friendly fire. We have zero tolerance for that and we will turn on you. Don't try anything suspicion either." The mutants nod and draw there weapons. Izuku activates his power armour and draws his desert eagle, and stands up. "No one is dying ony watch!" Izuku yells, and starts shooting. He shoots 3 people in the head, and gets rushed by a board-wielding super mutant. The mutant tries to smash it on his head, but Izuku dodges and pull a grenade. He shoves it down the mutant's throat. He shoots it and it explodes, tearing. the mutant in half, and hurting some of the other mutants. One mutant draws machine gun and spina it up. Izuku charges him and grabs the gun. He starts spinning and then throws the mutant into more humans. "They betrayed us! Kill the humans and never trust them!" Izuku draws his own machine gun and starts spraying. He tears up everyone and reloads. "Wow. That was a blood bath." Just then, a group of Diamond City security come running up with there weapons raised. "You! Did you do this?" Izuku nods and sheaths his gun, and deactivates his quirk. "Wow. A quirk just for power armour, and you have a machine gun? Thanks for taking care of the job-" He gets cut off as Izuku disappears suddenly. "What? Where did he go?" They ask.