Chapter 37

After all the kids got their autographs, Izuku heads towards the vault entrance. As he walks through, the power goes out. "What happened?" he asks someone. "Sometimes the generator shuts down for cleaning. It normally lasts five to six minutes." Izuku looks around. "Is there another place that power can run through?" The woman nods. "Near the generators. A guard will show you." The guard brings him to the power receiver. He makes lightning on his palm and puts it onto it. The lights turn back on. After ten minutes, the lightning dissipates, and the power goes off again. "What? Unless all of them are broken, there should be power!" He says, a little scared. "Hold on." Izuku puts his palm on the power receiver. He gets an image of the whole power grid and where it leads to. "The lines distribute it around the vault and an old lab behind the generators." He looks at the guard. "The lab was destroyed. There shouldn't be power going there." Izuku double taps his left wrist and the armour activates. Cortana, scan for any handprints." A scan appears and he hears Cortana tell him the location. He looks at the hand prints and sees the hidden button. He presses it and a door opens leading to an old lab. "These handprints are from Gradwitz. Find him, and if you can't, make no one enter this door." He stays ad guarda and Gradwitz comes down. "What's in the old lab?" He asks Gradwitz. "Oh, a bunch of mutant test animals that when you get bitten, you basically get so weak that you can die." Izuku looks at him straight in the eye. "Has any of the things seen you, touched you, or hurt you?" Gradwitz just shrugs. "I've been chased away, but I haven't been hurt or touched." Izuku sighs of relief. "Good. Someone get the Overseer. We have a problem." The guards rush and quickly come back with the Overseer. I destroyed this lab when I became Overseer! This staircase should be rubble!" Izuku goes down the stairs. "I plan on going down there, killing things, and coming out alive." He pulls out his MA40. After going down the steps, he turns right and walks through a hallway with a door. He opens it slightly and tosses a grenade in the room, and it goes off.

He looks down the hallway, and sees a four-headed moose run down the hallway, and Izuku gives chase. It rams into him, his shields die and he stabs it with a combat knife. It roars in pain and Izuku makes a shotgun and shoots it in one of the heads. It doesn't die, but roars louder. When the mouth is open, Izuku shoves a grenade into its mouth and it blows up as its blood sprays everywhere. "What the fuck was that?" He walks through the hallway as a voice comes through the ceiling.