Chapter 38

"You are not authorized to be down here. Not even the Overseer is allowed to blow this place up." Izuku holds his MA40 and looks around. "What do you mean by not authorized? She is the Overseer and the ruler of the vault!" he yells. "Fool. I am the Overseer of this lab. She can die with the others once my army of mutant test subjects are finished. You also killed the mother. She was to give more test subjects!" Izuku grimaces. Then, another mutant walked into the hallway. It was a massive cockroach, with smaller ones behind it, although they were almost as big as dogs. "Fuck this!" He shoulders the launcher and both Spnker rockets. They explode, killing the mutants. "You cheated! You weren't supposed to bring explosives!" The voice screams. Izuku reloads and moves into the next hallway. He sees a Super Mutant and fires a rocket before it could react. It gets hit in the face and turns into a blood splatter. Behind it didn't matter since it blew up as well. Izuku reloads. "I have more of this! Come at me!" He yells as he sprints into the next hallway. A Behemoth towers over him. It attempts to smash Izuku with its club, but Izuku grapple shots onto the wall, then firing two rockets, reloading, and seeing that it isn't dead, fires two more. He reloads as it falls on its face, and izuku jumping down. "That wasn't even a challenge!" Another Behemoth comes around a corner. "Let's go, bitch." Izuku makes another Spnker and dual wields them while firing four rockets into the Behemoth. It falls on its back and Izuku finally moves into the last room. "Hello First Hokage, it isn't supri-" She gets interrupted as four rockets blow up in her face. He walks up to the terminal and starts the self-destruct sequence. The timer appears and blaring. "We have ten minutes! Let's go!" Cortana says. Izuku smirks and teleports to the lab's entrance. He puts a barrier around the lab to keep it from damaging the vault. He hears a rumble way before the timer counts down. The barrier holds, but there are cracks in it. The barrier disappears as he makes another beneath the Vault. The lights go back on as the rumbling ends. 'Perfect, now I can go home.' He teleports near the Vault exit and sees Gradwitz, his parents, some guards and the Overseer. "Thank you for fixing the problem. This little rascal told me everything: working for the woman-" She gets interrupted as a gunshot is heard. Izuku puts the pistol away as Gradwitz eyes widen, and he falls as blood leaks through the hole in-between his eyes. The parents scream. "Why would you do that!" Izuku turns to Gradwitz's dad. "He helped in the making of mutants where once being controlled, would kill everyone in the vault AND outside. I don't care what you will say." He exits the Vault as everyone looks at him. "I may be a murderer to you all, but I've seen the future. With him, you would all perish." He exits and teleports to his home in the village. Ezra walks in to see him still in his armour. "When did you go back?" she asks. Izuku deactivates his armour. "Just now." "How was the search for the Vaults?" she scoffs at him, a little annoyed for not being there for her. "Not good. I got what I needed, but it was at a cost." She stares at him. "And what was the cost?" she asks. "I killed a kid in front of his parents."