Chapter 41

He flickers himself and the man to the torture unit, where they see the masked man just finished743wsss killing a woman via torture. "Hey, this asshole just killed the Hokage's girlfriend's, unborn baby! Lord Hokage will kill him tomorrow. " The masked man chuckles. "I'll take him off your hands now, thank you." He chuckles while staring at the man. "Let's start off with introductions. I'm Damian. I will be your host today. What's your name?" The man stares back. "And why the FUCK should I tell YOU?" He snorts, before getting punched in the face. "WHAT IS YOUR NAME?" Damian yells. The man only shakes his head. "Fuck you." He gets punched in the balls. "OK, OK. Name's Seamus McGowin. Also," he coughs, "FUCK YOU, ASSHOLE!" Damian grabs him by the throat and drags him to a dark room filled with torture devices.

(FLASHBACK TIME!) Ezra enters the store and looks around. 'I hope this place has everything I need.' She pulls out a list. 'Only ramen noodles and beef broth. This isn't a lot, but this place is huge.' She easily finds the ramen noodles but has searched half the store and still can't find it. She goes up to a store worker and finds out that they are completely out, on the shelves, and out of stock. "Thank you, is there another store that has it?" She asks her. "I think there is one on the other side of the village, but that's the only place I can think of that actually carries the stuff other than here. Good luck!" She says, before looking for another customer that needs help. Ezra leaves the store and is seen walking to the next store when a drunk (Seamus, just sober later) walks up to her. "What's going on, sugar? Want to come to my place?" He asks, stupidly. "No, I'm going to the store." The man starts grumbling about his deserving woman because he's so nice. "Alright then." Seamus chuckles, before kicking her in the stomach, killing the unborn. "That's what you get you fat bitch!" He sees her holding her stomach and crying, and he starts running away. "I'm not fat, I'm pregnant!" The man runs even harder. (END OF FLASHBACK!)