Chapter 42

As Izuku wakes up to the sun's light coming through his window, he sits up and stretches. He stands up and walks downstairs before leaving. He makes a shadow clone. "Go tell Ezra I'm going to the office and you can join me there." The clone nods and leaves, and Izuku starts heading to the office. Once Izuku reached the office, he entered the building and climbed the stairs. He opens the door and closes it when he sees Ezra. "What? But you were" He gets cut off. "No, I've been here taking care of things for you." His eyes widen. He suddenly gets the clone's memory and sees it is a fake. It was a transformation jutsu, a jutsu that can change a person's appearance. Ezra had turned into a man and stabbed the clone in the face. "Shit, we have an intruder in our house." Izuku quickly teleports himself and Ezra to the front door of their house. He activates his armor with his MA40 and opens the door silently. Izuku turns into the family room, seeing an imposter of Ezra in the chair. He steps back and puts silencers on his weapons. He steps around the corner, putting three bullets into the imposter's head, and the jutsu cancels, leaving a dead man in a cloak sitting on the couch. He gets ten readings on his motion tracker. They appear to be upstairs, and they move towards the stairs. Another Ezra starts to walk down but meets three bullets in her chest. She starts to fall as the jutsu deactivates and a girl in a purple cloak. The enemy markers love more quickly, and he sees a cloaked figure pop its head out, before quickly pulling it out of view. The figure steps out and shoots at Izuku but they miss. A bullet hits Ezra, and she yelps in pain. He puts down a drop wall and switches to full auto. He pulls the trigger, and a stream of bullets collides with the figure, killing him. "Shit, are you okay Ezra?" She flinches at the pain, and a grimace appears on her face. "Yeah, nothing serious." He fires more rounds, missing as his attention is focused on someone else. "Bullshit, that hurt." Another man with a cloak covering his face starts to walk down the stairs as he starts to spin up his minigun. "Finally, we meet, at last, Izuku Midorya. I won't tell you my name since I'm a bitch." Izuku blinks underneath his helmet. "You said that out loud." The man starts firing the machine gun. "WHAT? I DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING DUMBASS!" The drop wall fails as his shields start to slowly drain. 'Shit, I don't have time for this.' Izuku quickly fires three rounds into the man's leg, making him fall down the stairs and let go of the trigger. "Fuck it. ZA WARUDO!!!!" He stops time as he grabs the man's neck. "What do you know?" He quickly gets into the man's mind and easily finds all the info. "Oh, just wanted to experiment on me. Resume time or whatever. It's been a while since I've watched JoJo's Bizarre Adventures." Time resumes, and Izuku snaps the man's neck, killing him. "We will have more assailants, I just don't know when. He picks up Ezra and teleports, and then takes the bullet out of her and starts to heal her wound.