Finally, Trees

When it was nearing night time, the first proper beast showed up, a desert imp. It was an ugly, gruesome little creature, with sand-like skin, it was completely naked, with only a baggy loincloth hanging from it's big potbelly. It had sharp little claws and big rotten, yellow teeth. It had sneaked up on her, probably because it was turning dark and the silver Luna was like a flaming torch midst the darkness, with her silver figure, only to be burnt alive before it could even touch her. Luna tried to eat it, however it was bitter and gross and she'd only managed to eat a few mouthfuls before giving up entirely, but had still managed to get to level 7 as she had also gained exp from the 4 rabbits earlier. She then practised burning the imp a couple of times and had finally levelled up her [Dragon Breath] to level 3.

Another 2 days passed, with her eating more rabbits and a new creature, a desert fox while travelling. On the second day, it was extremely hot, and the already dehydrated Luna was so thirsty that she had resulted to drinking the rabbit blood, as it was the sweetest and most refreshing one out of all the prey she had caught so far, with the only problem being that, since rabbits were small creatures, there was naturally less blood in them.

Finally, on the 3rd day, she had spotted something up ahead. It seemed like a dark green blob at first, but when she looked closer, it turned out to be a forest stretching on for miles, which could only mean one thing, that she had reached the end of the desert at last. Excited, Luna flapped her wings without realising and suddenly jolted forwards. Over the last few days, she'd been practising flying for few hours everyday, but was always careful to not fly too high, incase her silverly body caught the attention of some unwelcome guests.

As she was flying, she was at least 2x as fast as normal and reached the forest in less than half a minute. The forest, on a closer look, didn't look different at all from the regular forests on earth, it had trees with brownish oak and healthy, dark green leaves. There wasn't any type of strange mist covering the area and was quiet without any beast roars, actually it was too quiet. Normally, there was at least some birds chirping or leaves rustling from the wind blowing around the place, however, the forest was utterly silent, so silent that whenever Luna stepped forwards, it was clearly heard and made her feel like the noise was 10x louder than normal.

Spotting a small lake by the distance, she hurriedly secured the vine bundle on her back and flapped towards the lake. Greedily taking long gulps until she was no longer dehydrated. She then went to a nearby tree, and was about to appraise it, however a black furry figure leaped towards her and tried to bite her, quickly ducking, Luna sprinted away at top speed and managed to dodge all the trees, thanks to her newly improved agility.

Finding a hole big enough to fit her, she scrambled in and tucked away her wings before firmly deciding to use them more. She got the gift of flight for free, but never remembered to use the wings to escape or go faster, as she had merely practised using them in the desert and the fact that she was a human in her previous life, a race that did not have wings, she had always forgotten that she could use them as her natural instinct as a human was to run when there was any danger. As if feeling her disappointment, the quest feature, which had yet to show itself in days popped up.



Defeat the king of the forest.

Rewards: 7 levels, 20 stat points, 12 skill points.

Difficulty: Hard


"Hard? How strong is this King of the forest? Is that why there aren't any beasts around? Because they're too scared of the king or they've all been eaten? If the king is able to be the king of the forest, then he must be pretty strong, how on earth am I meant to beat him then? I don't even know what species he is, this quest sucks, what will happen if I don't complete it? Will it take away levels instead? Crap, i'll think about this tomorrow, I'm pretty tired from the running."

Randomly grabbing and popping some herbs into her mouth, she instantly fell asleep. However, what she didn't realise was that the herbs she ate were highly rare herbs and were used to add strength and resistance to the various elements. Since she popped a whole handful of them in, her strength increased dramatically also with her defence, so, without knowing, she had made her strength and defence ahead of her agility by a lot again.