The Annual Auction (Part 2)

A man came onto the stage and started talking about a bunch of stuff that she couldn't really care about, so she tuned out, and only tuned back in when he announced that the auction was starting. Looking eagerly at the stage, as she had never seen anything to do with cultivation in her old world, servant came in with the first item, two rare-grade throwing daggers. The daggers were silver, with a crooked, curved blade, that looked like a fish bone. The hilt was made of a kind of black material and shined in the light. The man then started explaining the uses. You could combine your elemental qi, which boosts the power of the dagger by 15%, and if you threw the dagger, the speed would increase by 3 times, and it could break any defence, basically a one-shot kill, unless the cultivator was a few levels above you, but only if you could concentrate and aim it right.

But the bad thing about the dagger was, if you throw the dagger during battle, your concentration might be fixed on throwing the dagger, and leave a blind spot open. But if you didn't concentrate, and just randomly threw it, it was a lot more likely for it to miss, and then you would be without a weapon. The bidding started at 1000 gold coins and it slowly rose up, to 1500, then 2000 and so on, until some rich guy on the second level shouted out 9000, which secured the bet. During the whole bet, none of the VIP people said a single word, so Luna guessed that they were all smart people and found out the bad part of the dagger, or they just didn't care about the first item being auctioned.

The next few items auctioned were all weapons, items or some pills to help breakthrough to the next Realm, or stuff like that. After around 20 different items being auctioned, something that fit the quest description finally came. It was an Inferno Ember Orb. For it to work, you would absorb it, and the orb would combine with your body therefore enhancing your flames by 25%. The bidding started at 10,000 gold coins, which was 1 Jade Sphere. People started bidding and Luna waited, as she wanted to get the item for the minimum price. However, it soon shot up to 3 Jade Spheres, and was still going fast, hence, she bided 5 Jade Spheres, and won the bet.

{VIP Room #2}

"Your highness, why didn't you bid for the Inferno Ember Orb? It would've helped with your fire qi."

"That's why you've only an assistant, Lucius. The orb only helps with your fire qi, and that's not suited for me. I combine my fire and earth, so we can't have one element stronger than the other, can we? The Elemental Crystal that affects 2 or more elements is getting sold later, so why would buy that useless orb? Are you trying to sabotage my cultivation, Lucius?" The longer he spoke, the more deadly and quiet it was. The dude called Lucius instantly regretted speaking. God, he forgot how scary the 2nd prince was. Ever since the prince came back from The Immortal Sword Sect to assist his brother with the latest events, Lucius has barely gotten a bit of peace!

"Now, go find something I can use as a gift for my brother, I haven't given him anything so far, and I've been back for 3 days already."

"Yes, your highness!" Lucius hurriedly scrambled out, very glad that he wasn't in that suffocating atmosphere any longer.

{Normal Seating Area}

After buying the orb, Luna sat in the seating area half paying attention, half reading. The only other things that interesting other than the orb was the Disguise Ring, which disguises your aura and true appearance, so even if someone was to see your face, it'll look murky and they won't be able to tell your gender or what you look like. There was also a kind of better version of the orb, which was the Elemental Crystal, which apparently can boost up to 5 elements. But this rich VIP dude bought it for 10 Jade Spheres, which is like two times her original money, so she won't even be able to afford that if she tried. When the auction was over, she went to another receptionist that was there to exchange the items that you won in the auction. Giving the purple-coloured haired receptionist her black card, she waited for the receptionist to give her her Inferno Ember Orb. Once she got the orb, her quest menu finally deemed the quest completed and she got her rewards.


Quest Completed:

Gained: +5 levels, +20 stat points, +15 skill points


"Woooo, got more skill points, I think I should save up to buy some more expensive skills, the plus 5 levels is also great, but slightly less than that other hard quest from before, but maybe it's because I didn't have to kill anything, but still, would've been nice to get some extra levels." Putting the Inferno Ember Orb into her spatial ring to use later, Luna left the auction house and went back to the inn she was staying at. She then opened up her stats, and split her stat points, so that they all had 90 points in them at the end.


Species: Twilight Dragon

Type: Rare

Bloodline: Moon Dragon Legacy

Level: 12

Experience: 274/1000



Hp: 500/500

Strength: 90

Agility: 90

Toughness: 90


Skills: Dragon Breath (Level 5), Night Vision (Level 1), Skill Shop (Level Max), Moon Dance (Level 5), Hide (Level 5), Dash (Level 5), Scratch (Level 5), Greater Flight (Level 5), Tail Whack (Level 5), Humanisation (Level 3)

Stat Points: 0

Skill Points: 17


She was at 12 levels, and last time it had taken 25 levels to evolve, so she supposed that she needed 50 levels to level up again. She then brought the Inferno Ember Orb out and placed it in front of her, unsure about how she was meant to 'absorb' it, like the announcer had said. She then put the orb on the table, still not being able to absorb it. She then tried placing her hand on the reddish-orange orb, and finally something happened. The orb suddenly glowed orange, and she realised that she couldn't take her hands off. Fire qi rolled off the orb in volumes and she started to slowly absorb the orb's power. After a few minutes of boiling heat and qi entering her 'human body', she'd finally absorbed it all. The orb was now devoid of colour, and looked like one of those crystal balls you would use for fortune telling. Surprisingly, after she absorbed the orb, her level went up, so she was now level 18, and her [Dragon Breath] skill had risen up to level 10.

Even when she spent hours practising her skills, hoping that they would level up, they only levelled up once or twice, and now, just by absorbing the qi in the orb, she'd risen up 5 levels! That was also the max level, so she could upgrade it now, which was also surprising, as Luna thought that those skills would just continue levelling up. She could upgrade it to [Dragon's Fiery Breath], which was just... an absolutely awesome name, which required 7 skill points to upgrade, and since she really wanted to use up the extra 2 skill points, as none of the things required 2 skill points to buy, and every time her skill points would be left as 2, she hurriedly spent the 2 cursed skill points. When she opened the stat's, it now said [Dragon's Fiery Breath] and it was back to level 1.