Too Many Monkeys

Getting up the next morning, she practised some more of her 'One with the Wind', and focused on controlling the wind better, and since she was now at a higher level, it became a lot easier, and by noon, she'd managed to condense it into a ball for a few seconds, which was a lot of progress from her tiny wisp of wind before. After eating lunch, she decided to leave the city. She'd finished what she came here to do, and even got a new technique. After checking out the inn she had been staying in for the past two days, Luna left the city wearing the cloak. After flying in the general direction of Foreta, she levelled up her [Greater Flight] and [Hide] multiple times. Stopping to rest a bit in a vast jungle, she sat on a tall tree eating meat that she got from a Cinize Gorilla, who was not at all a herbivore at all. When she found the gorilla, he was munching on the bones of some poor dead animal.

All the gorilla's attacks he had were strength-based, waving his buff arms at her, trying and failing to land a hit, as she darted around his head, whacking him in the face, before burning his chest. His last attack was ear-piercing, letting out a shrill cry that hurt her eardrums and made her whole body numb for a few seconds, before it collapsed in a puddle of blood. When she finally realised what happened, Luna clamped her hands onto her ears, but it was already too late and a bit of silver blood trickled down her neck. It wasn't a hard battle at all, but after she killed him, she left her guard down, and thus got injured. After resting for a bit, and eating the gorilla meat, Luna was about to head off when roars sounded from under the tree she was resting on. Glancing down curiously, she quickly jolted her head back up, for there was hundreds of Cinize Gorillas, all pounding their chests and roaring, while trying to strike the tree down.

Surprised, she tumbled on the branch, nearly slipping off, if not for her grabbing onto a nearby branch at the last moment. Seeing her, the gorillas roared even louder and picked up nearby objects, to throw at her. Having massive boulders, smaller trees plucked up from the ground, and the leftovers of the gorillas meals all getting thrown at her was terrifying. She hurriedly blew a wisp of flame towards the closest gorillas, who were trying to climb the tree. Thinking of wether she should escape quickly with [Hide], or to get some more experience first, since her growth in levels has been lacking a bit these few days that she'd been travelling, she decided to stay, as all the gorillas were only uncommon-grade beasts.

Dashing in the crowd of monkeys, she activated her [Moon Dance] skill, and weaved around the monkeys, slashing their eyes and whacking them in the face. Sometimes using [Hide] to disappear and make the monkey's confused for a split second, before reappearing and blasting them with a mouthful of flames. [Hide] only made you invisible, but if you were using your cultivation to look, or if you got close, [Hide] wasn't very useful at all, which was why Luna was only using it for flying around, as most people didn't have like flying swords or something and normal people just walked on the ground, where your actually meant to be. She was also on the small side, as since she could move better in the skies, she'd tried to be speed-based.

After killing around half the monkeys, with more piling in from various angles, Luna was getting a bit exhausted, I mean, where had all those monkeys come from? They were like one massive hydra head. Whenever you killed 1, 2 more would take it's place. She was already at level 27, while her [Moon Dance], [Tail Whack] and [Scratch] were all at level 7, [Hide] being at level 6 and her [Dragon's Fiery Breath] becoming level 2. There were also tons of system notifications that she hasn't read, so she activated [Hide] again, and flew away. It seemed that this forest was literally just home to the Cinize Gorillas, with like no other monsters around.

Maybe the gorillas killed most of them with their numbers, but she didn't want to stick around to find out. Leaving the scene, she landed on a snowy mountain and checked the notifications she missed. There were the normal level up notifications, but also some more interesting notifications from when she reached level 25. She'd had an increase to the amount of experience she needed before she could level up, and more hp, along with 20 more stat points and 10 skill points. She had also gotten a new skill, [Moon Cutter], which was the new level of her Moon Dragon Bloodline. She placed all 20 of her stat points into agility, since her scales were already pretty tough, and since she was a dragon, one of the more stronger species with a powerful bloodline, she was naturally stronger than any random monster that didn't have a strong bloodline.


Species: Twilight Dragon

Type: Rare

Bloodline: Moon Dragon Legacy (Moon Dance, Moon Cutter)

Level: 27

Experience: 823/5000



Hp: 800/800

Strength: 90

Agility: 110

Toughness: 90


Skills: Dragon's Fiery Breath (Level 1), Night Vision (Level 1), Skill Shop (Level Max), Moon Dance (Level 7), Hide (Level 6), Dash (Level 5), Scratch (Level 7), Greater Flight (Level 5), Tail Whack (Level 7), Humanisation (Level 3), Dragon Aura (Level 1), Moon Cutter (Level 1)

Stat Points: 0

Skill Points: 20


When she experimented the [Moon Cutter] skill it on a nearby boulder, a crescent moon-shaped blade flew out horizontally and cleanly slashed the boulder in half, with the top bit flying off and landing with a heavy bang on the side of the mountain, crushing a random goat that had been just chilling on the side of the mountain for no reason at all, chewing grass. Looking through her skills again, she realised that she had missed a skill, [Dragon Aura].