Dragon Aura

When she apprised the [Dragon Aura] skill, she was shocked at it's contents. It was a passive skill that was given to true dragons when they became strong enough. It would scare away any beasts weaker than her, and even some slightly stronger than her, as dragons were at the top of the animal hierarchy. It would also give off an aura of dominance, and cause the weaker beasts unable to get up, showing them the power of the mighty dragons. If directed at a specific target, it would display twice the power. It didn't only apply to beasts, humans could be affected to, and normally cultivators below Sky Realm would be deeply scared. Cultivators at Sky Realm would be fine, but it was still pretty bad for them if the dragon was stronger.

However, those effects only applied to those higher up dragons, with their Divine Abilities and mountain splitting powers, which she hasn't achieved yet. Maybe after a few years, her [Dragon Aura] would be able to scare away Sky Realm cultivators, but now, her [Dragon Aura] was just a rip-off version of the real skill. Speaking of Divine Abilities, she seemed to know a lot of information about beasts in this world, despite her not learning it before. Kind of like a six sense kind of information that all beasts know. She also didn't even feel anything when murdering all those poor defenceless bunnies before, even when it was her first kill, or when thinking of murdering the cocky boy from that small town before. Killing the weak was a thing that she had certainly have never bothered about, even when she was a human in her past life. Maybe it was her new animal instincts at work..?

Deciding to not think about it anymore, she gathered up all the gorillas, and harvested their meat, putting it into her spatial ring, for emergency food. Flying away from the gorilla infested forest, she headed north, towards Foreta, to train in a place with various stronger beasts, instead of training in a place filled with only one type of monster. None of the gorillas had a beast core, which was to be expected, I mean, they were all uncommon-grade beasts, and only rare-grade beasts have those. On that note, she hasn't formed a beast core yet, as she didn't have any of the things that met the requirements yet. Checking her stats again, she scrolled all the way down to the place that listed the requirements she had to fulfil to form a beast core.


Beast Core Requirements:

[√] Become a Rare-grade beast

[√] Moon Crystal

[0/1] Ancient Moon Flower

[0/5] Beast Cores


She had became a rare-grade beast, and she still had her moon crystal from the cave, but she had no idea where to find an Ancient Moon Flower, nor did she know where to find that many rare-grade beasts who already gotten a beast core. After forming a beast core, your fighting ability, strength and power as a beast went up dramatically, along with getting a Divine Ability. How was she, who hasn't even formed a beast core, meant to find and defeat 5 rare-grade beasts, and get their beast cores? If she'd known that this sort of thing would happen, she would've saved the four beast cores that she'd found in the werewolves cave. To make it worse, the quest menu, which only gave one quest at a time also came forward to join in the fun.


Quest: Form a Beast Core

Rewards: 7 levels, 20 stat points, 15 skill points.

Difficulty: Hard


She only had half the requirements done, and that was the easy half. Her luck couldn't be that good, that she'll just instantly find an Ancient Moon Flower just laying around on the trees she was flying over, along with 5 random dead rare-grade beasts, who just happened to still have their beast cores in their body. Resting for a bit on-top of a tree, she ate some gorilla meat and continued her flight. According to the map and the description a bit under the forest, there were 8 different forests in Foreta. A normal oak-like forest with strange glow-in-the-dark mushrooms, a jungle where the plants were massive, and elf-like people lived in the trees they carved into houses, a poisonous woodland area, taken control of by all sorts of poisonous, flesh-eating plants, a fantasy like area where fairies hide in their colourful, little houses hidden deep in the environment.

All sorts of places were in Foreta, some hidden underground or in secret areas, blocked off by barriers or illusions, some out on the surface, for all the beasts to share. This mystery place was perfect for beasts and monsters to live together, not really in harmony, but close enough. But it was also paradise for the beast taming sects, so all the beasts in Foreta hate humans. Which bought Luna to a problem, she would rather not draw attention to herself when she was training, by appearing as a dragon, but she also didn't want to go in as a human, as the lower levelled beasts probably couldn't tell that she was a beast, and might attack her, which would also bring unwanted attention. She could use [Hide], but then the stronger beasts would notice her, and think she was sneaking in or trespassing, which she also didn't want.

She could try level up [Hide] to the next tier of skills, but she was only at level 6 with [Hide], and it was always a pain to level up her skills. Deciding to scroll through the skill shop, she looked for any skill that could help her go in. Finding a skill quickly, with her excellent protagonist luck, she looked at it's description. The skill was called [Disguise Aura]. It could basically disguise her body, shape, figures and most importantly, her aura into any sort of beast that she had seen before. It was only for 15 skill points, and since she had 20, she bought it.


Species: Twilight Dragon

Type: Rare

Bloodline: Moon Dragon Legacy (Moon Dance, Moon Cutter)

Level: 27

Experience: 823/5000



Hp: 800/800

Strength: 90

Agility: 110

Toughness: 90


Skills: Dragon's Fiery Breath (Level 1), Night Vision (Level 1), Skill Shop (Level Max), Moon Dance (Level 7), Hide (Level 6), Dash (Level 5), Scratch (Level 7), Greater Flight (Level 5), Tail Whack (Level 7), Humanisation (Level 3), Moon Cutter (Level 1), Disguise Aura (Level 1)

Stat Points: 0

Skill Points: 5


Quest: Form a Beast Core

Rewards: 7 levels, 20 stat points, 15 skill points

Difficulty: Hard


Beast Core Requirements:

[1/1] Become a Rare-grade beast

[1/1] Moon Crystal

[0/1] Ancient Moon Flower

[0/5] Beast Cores
