Arriving In Foreta

After flying for quite a while, she finally reached Foreta. Now all she had to do was pick a suitable forest and sneak in, while not getting spotted. However, there were two forests that she couldn't choose, which were the elven forest, as the elves were highly territorial, and did not welcome guests kindly, and the other forest that wasn't suitable for her was the poisonous forest. For one, it barely had any beasts, as it was taken over by the poisonous plants. The second thing was, the poisonous gas emitted from various holes from the ground didn't help with staying alive, and unless she was a high levelled poisonous beast, she won't be able to last more than a few days in that forest. The fairy forest was a suitable area, as the fairies only live in the safest areas, with none of the beasts passing common-grade. But there were areas farther away from the fairy area, areas where hidden beasts live. There was even a rumour of a Legendary-grade beast living in one of the darkest, most dangerous areas of the fairy forest.

Since she needed some beast cores, and most of the rare-grade beasts were like herself, still in the developing process of a beast core, there were plenty of beasts that she could beat. Looking for the fairy forest on the map, she found out that she actually needed to pass another forest to get there, the forest that contained multiple myriads of beasts, like the snake myriad, the deer myriad and the fox myriad. It should be quite safe though, as the stronger beasts of each myriad did not normally leave the myriad, and instead sent a weaker beast to run errands outside of the myriad. Sitting on one of the higher trees just outside Foreta, she gazed down at the lake just outside the myriad forest. It was still early in the morning, so there wasn't much sound coming out from the forest, except for the occasional bird sound. But, she still didn't know what beast to mimic, so she continued looking around for large quantities of beasts of the same type.

'SWREECH' There was a sudden sound behind her, and Luna whipped around to look, before widening her eyes and ducking down. Just a millisecond after she ducked, a massive swarm of purple crows, numbering more than a thousand fluttered above her, their razor sharp feathers barely scrapping her scales. The whole murder of crows were all flying in the general direction of the fairy forest, so she activated the [Disguise Aura] skill, and changed into a Electro-Infused Crow. Joining the murder, none of the crows glanced her way, and so she continued flying in peace, now disguised within a murder of crows. After flying for a short while, she spotted the fairy forest, and quickly left the other crows. Once again, none of the crows looked at her, or even reacted to being bumped against, their purple pupils shining with a mysterious light. Landing on a nearby tree, she turned into her human form and took out the map from her spatial ring.

There were several danger areas labeled on the map, which were all the places were rare-grade beasts made their home. She went to one of the weaker areas that was governed by an ice-sparrow, and was also the closest to the fairy's home. Arriving there, she noticed the whole place incased with ice, with lots of ice-based beasts roaming about. Deciding to pick on some weaker rare-grade beasts first, to test how strong she was in front of other rare-grade beasts that also didn't have their beast core formed yet, she decided on a random snow wolf that seemed to have strayed from its pack. She turned back into a dragon and quietly stalked towards the lone wolf standing in a clearing. The wolfs fur was made out of snow, and seemed easily to melt, but just to make sure, she apprised the wolf first.


System Appraisal: Brittle Snow Wolf

Type: Rare

Level: 1

Titles: Member of the pack, Lone Wolf



Hp: 150/150

Strength: 15

Agility: 20

Toughness: 5

Skills: Packs Call (Level Max), Born From The Snow (Level 4), Ice Shards (Level 6)


The wolf seemed very weak even for a level one rare-grade beast, but then it was probably because the wolves normally hunted in packs. The one interesting skill name was the [Born From The Snow] skill, but when she apprised it, she found out that it was just to turn their whole body into snow, and nullify all physical damage. It was useful, but not if someone took you off guard, and so, seeing that she could probably win against the wolf in close combat, she didn't hesitate any longer and blew a puff of flame towards the wolf. The wolf heard its natural instincts scream danger, and turned around, but it was too late, and he died before getting a chance to see what killed it. Hearing the familiar notification that she had killed something, she knew that the snow wolf had truly died, but when she turned around to see if she could eat it, the wolf had already melted back into the snow, once again becoming part of nature.

The first kill was easy, and that was also another reason for why she choose this area, seeing she was a dragon, she could use fire and breath fire, and normally, ice/snow was weak against flames, so she figured that she could kill the beasts here pretty easily, which was proved right by the first battle. All of a sudden, when she just took out a bit of gorilla meat to eat instead, she heard a sound behind her, and alarmed, she jumped to the conclusion that the wolfs pack had found her and similarly to the gorilla accident, she figured that the wolves wanted revenge for killing a pack member, but when she turned around, that wasn't the case. Instead, an ice sparrow guard was looming over a small shivering figure on one of the rocks and looked like it was going to kill the trembling figure. On closer look, it appeared to be a fairy.