
The fairy appeared to be wearing blackish purple, and had swirly particles of the same colour emitting from her small body, which surprised her, as she'd thought that fairies would be wearing more colourful colours. The ice sparrow guard appeared to have not noticed Luna yet, and was still glaring daggers at the fairy, and as she watched, the ice sparrow gathered the surrounding ice into a condensed ball and got ready to fire it at the fairy on the rock. Startled, she instinctually flew forwards and shot a [Moon Cutter] towards the guard. The guard didn't expect the sudden attack and didn't react in time, the [Moon Cutter] cutting into the sparrows side and leaving a deep cut, before rebounding off and dissolving into small particles. The ice sparrow squeaked in outrage as it watched it's blood squirt out of the cut and tried to fly away. But Luna wasn't just going to let the guard fly away, she could clearly see the faint aura that indicated that the sparrow guard actually had a beast core in it, though it looked like it was only recently formed.

She scratched at the wings of the sparrow, leaving two semi-deep lines before using her fire to burn it. When the fire stopped, she could see that the bird was actually not burnt into a crisp at all, in fact, it had formed an ice shield and had used that to block most of the fire, leaving only some shallow burns on its tail. Before Luna could continue attacking the sparrow, it then flapped higher into the air, and formed a magic circle above its head, and as she watched, ice spikes started raining down from the magic circle. She quickly grabbed the unconscious fairy, and stuffed it into her spatial ring, before blowing upwards with her fire and forming a fire dome around her, melting any ice that tried to hit her, getting a notification for a new skill for the fire dome. When the ice sparrow stopped the attack, it was enraged to see that not only had she survived, she wasn't even hit once, and got ready to prepare another attack at her. It seemed that although the sparrow was strong physically, it was quite good with magic attacks.

But she wasn't just going to stand still and let the sparrow shoot one attack after the other at her, so she launched another fire attack at the sparrow, this time flying behind it when it was busy making the ice shield, slashing one of her talons into its back, making it screech out in pain once more. And just to make sure she actually killed him, and didn't just heavily wound him like last time, she also sent another moon cutter at him, making the already deep wound reach up to its beast core. The sparrow fell down from the sky, now dead, and Luna happily harvested the beast core from the cut she'd made, now having one of the five beast cores she needed to form a beast core herself, putting it into her spatial. Remembering the whole reason she got into this fight in the first place, she took out the fairy from her spatial ring and set it on the rock that it was originally on, waiting for the fairy to wake up.

After a few minutes, the fairy seemed to be stirring, and so, she poked the fairy with a black theme, black hair, black eyes, and a purplish black dress with a talon and the fairy instantly sat up, looking around in a hurry, before landing her eyes on Luna stuffing the body of the ice sparrow into her spatial ring, as a potential snack once she got bored of gorilla meat. Something seemed to have clicked with the fairy, and she stared thankfully up at her, detecting no hostile intent from her, reducing the chance that she was an enemy. Besides, fairies are peaceful creatures, and not many of them know how to fight, so even if she was an enemy, the fairy wouldn't be able to do much, even if she was a little frightened at the dragon in front of her. Before this day, she didn't even believe that dragons existed! None of the other 'lesser' species had ever seen a real dragon before, even if some of the elders has contacted dragons before.

Also, being friendly and thanking a potential saviour was better than being suspicious and possibly making the potential saviour mad at it, as she had saved it and it was suspicious of her. "Hello? Did you save me? Thank you!" The fairies cheerful voice rang through the air, and Luna was astonished at how trusting she was, like didn't she know anything about the outside world?

"Er, hello. Why was that ice sparrow guard attacking you?"

"Oh! Right, that ice sparrow! The other beasts that live in this forest all hate fairies for some reason, and so all the rare-grade beasts would order their guards or children to kill any fairy that they see."

"Why were you so far away from the other fairies?"

"Ah." The fairy seemed to hesitate for a moment before answering, "Well, you might have noticed that I wear black, unlike the other colourful colours the other fairies wear, you see, I'm a Void Fairy, a very rare type of fairy that is more dark-ish and makes the other fairies think that I'm c-cursed. Even if I wear different coloured clothes, they'll slowly turn to black. The other fairies aren't very welcome to V-void Fairies, and Li-linasa she pushed m-me off into the ice sparrow's territory." She fairies voice got quieter as she continued, no longer cheerful, and started to speak with some hesitation.

"So she tried to kill you."


"Hmm, do you want to come and travel with me? Right now I'm wiping out a couple of the rare-grade beasts, and since you have no where to go, we could go together." She didn't really trust the fairy, seeing that she sensed a lie about why Linasa pushed her off, it wasn't to say she was completely lying, as the cursed part had probably been true, but she sensed a little hesitation when she told her that she was a Void Fairy, and not the type of hesitation that you have when you think people will judge you, but more like the type of hesitation as if being a Void Fairy was more than it seems. But she didn't want the fairy to die again after she just saved it, and besides, they just met, so it was normal for the fairy to hid some stuff, and she was slightly lonely travelling alone, a fairy outcast without any allegiance seemed like a suitable companion.

"Really?? Th-thank you!"