I dream about someone.

She has a smile that draws everyone's attention. Her mindset is mature as she only wants to stay by my side. I can't remember her face that much, but I can remember how I treated her.

It was a story where we didn't end up with each other. I loved her, but I couldn't just pick her in the end because I had confessed to someone else. Although I betrayed that woman, she simply gave me a smile. Unfortunately, she ended up tragically just to protect me. That was the first time that I regret my decisions.

I should've chosen her in the first place, but I couldn't rewind the time. As a result, I severed all ties with everyone and ended up with no one. It was too detailed that I felt like it wasn't a dream at all.

"Your Majesty?" I came back to my senses as I take a glance to Camilla who's looking at me with such worried expression in her eyes. But how can I ever think of someone when my fiancé is already right in front of my eyes?

Is she the woman who appeared in my dreams? Is it a sign that I'm not destined to marry her? Then, if she's not the one I needed, then who did I pick? "Your birthday will be held later on, aren't you excited?" Right. It's probably best if I don't think about some ridiculous fortune I witnessed in my dreams.

What I should think about right now, is my future with her. And my plan on how to run this Empire. "It's simply a mere birthday celebration yet you seem more enthusiastic than I am. You know the only thing they have to look forward in this occasion, is my presence. I'm the one who's celebrating so they need to wait for me." I never thought that I wasted too many second, hours, days, and months of my life, trying to keep an eye to the knights and signing a mountain of papers.

While Lithia and Vien, as much as I wanted to bully my sister, but her obnoxious knight kept getting in the way. I didn't pay Vien to ruin my fun. I pay her to assist me in establishing my communication and to train those knights who seem to have improved in months of training. I'm impressed.

"Your Majesty, the bath is ready." I look at Serina's direction, bowing her head while I decided to get up already. "Please assist the Lady to prepare also. Make sure she'll stand among the rest of the women." Except for me, as I'm the celebrant on this day.

"Make her worthy of standing by my side." It may appear that I am putting pressure on them, but I am. After all, don't forget that I have a high standard that they need to exceed. And when it's not reached, of course, they have to leave. Serina strolled alongside me as I walked out of the room, giggling.

"I'm not forgetting what I said before; I'm going to give you three weeks to recuperate and travel wherever you want." She smiles as I could see her joyful expression.

"You look happy. Did you set a destination already?" She looks at me while forming a smile on her lips. "Not yet, Your Majesty. But I will make sure to bring you some souvenir when I come back." Look at her, still thinking of me when it's supposed to be her rest.

"Enjoy yourself and be selfish for a while. I still have 7 maids to serve me, and you've worked so hard to train them just to match my expectations." As she should. Otherwise, I'm going to kick those women for being an annoyance in my sight.

"I appreciate the compliment, Your Majesty." The fact that the weather wasn't gloomy was unusual. It used to rain whenever my birthday comes, but it was pleasant that the sun is shining as if Apollo is bestowing his favors. I shouldn't waste the opportunity to have fun for a while.

I might as well look at the faces of the criminals waiting for me. I'm looking forward to see what kind of amusement they have in store for me. Will the criminals be put in a cage? That sounded good in my hearings. Will they be confined to a large box where they won't be able to breathe?

But it's no fun if they're not alive as they will be useful for me from now on. But chopping a person's hand wasn't a bad idea either. It's an appetizer for me if that happens.

We stopped as we reach my room, the water smells like a rose as I get into the bathtub. Petals were strewn across the water, and the floor was covered in bubbles. My bath must have taken her far too long to prepare. I immediately feel sorry for Serina, but it's also rather amusing.

It didn't take me hours to take a bath as the water's getting cold already. I decided to cover myself with a robe as I exited the bathroom, only to witness my maid getting excited by adorning my gown with jewels.

"Why are you feeling so anxious? It's not like you'll be the celebrant." I said as I take off my robe. It was only natural for her to see my physique on a daily basis. But why isn't she used to it?

"I'm getting cold, Serina." It looks like she came back to her senses as she fetches the towel to dry my skin. I saw my white gown with red gradient starting from the hips as if the red ombre was a substitute for blood. It might've been fun if it was a real blood tho.

I'm wondering what expression will they make in front of me. It must be the word: "TERRIFIED"

She began to dress me as soon as she finished drying my body, starting with my top as I just stand straightly. The jewelry she chose definitely matches the outfit. The stone isn't too dark, but it is light enough to make the garment look more inviting.

"I'm done, Your Majesty." She said as she adjusted my white thin gloves, which matches the color of my gown. "You've done well." I stroke her hair gently as I smile.

Her cheeks flushed as she bows. "Thank you, Your Highness." I decided to look at the other room as I'm quite fond of what Camilla will wear. And indeed, she's pretty wearing her golden yellow gown. My adorable yellow.

"Isn't this too much revealing?" I offer my hand as she takes it. "The one who needed to adjust is them and not you. You're my fiancé and they're just a mere guest in this palace."

In fact, they should've brought tons of entertainment. I'm afraid that I get bored too easily.