The main hall door swung open. The crowd began to stay quiet while greeting us by bowing. The corner of every palace starting from the ground was amusing to see. Their dresses, jewelries, and their smiles are all pleasing in my eyes. And for the first time, the term ETHEREAL fit the castle perfectly. THIS IS EXACTLY HOW IT SHOULD BE.

"Greetings, Princess Helvetica." They all hail in chorus. AVERAGE. It should be YOUR HIGHNESS for them, but since I'm feeling good today, I'll spare their lives.

I went to the center along with Camilla as I roam my eyes around the hall. I gathered enough air in my lungs as I started to speak. "I appreciate your efforts for coming into the palace and greeted me with such vigour. However, I haven't even given you the permission to raise your head yet." They all bow once more.

THESE MORONS are obedient.

"Raise your heads." Camilla looks at me with a smile as she takes my hand. "Before the party begins, I would like to raise a toast for this special occasion." They all raised their glasses as the maids continued to serve the wine.

"Apollo has bestowed his favor on this day so I would like to take this opportunity and might as well introduce my fiancé in this crowd. The second child of the Rosenblitz family, Lady Camilla." Who needs more men in the harem when I only need one person who can stand by my side?

"Camilla Rosenblitz. I'm delighted to meet the crowd." She curtsied with a smile. I could only assist this much to keep the nobles from stumbling over their family's name. "We bow to the Princess' other half."

"With that being said, please relax and enjoy the rest of the celebration." I ended the introduction as I went straight to father, who is sitting on his throne along with mother while looking at me with such soft stares.

He now acts as if he's a proud father, despite the fact that he has never attended any of my former occasions. How dare him to show his face in front of my party I feel like getting sick all of a sudden. "Happy 20th birthday, Helvetica."

"If I'm being honest, It might've been fun if you weren't around. But I appreciate your attendance for the first time, Emperor Lucius. I guess you have some keys in your hands as a present, right?" He merely chuckles as he looks at me.

"Can you wait at the end of the party?" I grin as I curtsied. "Of course, father." Make sure it'll be worth waiting.

Camilla clings to my arms as she stands with confidence. Being aware of the noble's attitude, I see. "Happy Birthday, Hel." Lithia said while giving me a diamond-encrusted box. She seemed pleased as she signed me to open it.

"A ring." She nods as she looks at Camilla. "For two. It might've been ideal if you will wear it on your wedding, but you're also free to wear it any time." I slid it shut and handed it to Serina, who'd been standing at our side for a while.

"Bring it to my room." I commanded. "You're not going to wear it?" Fortunately, the ring fits my taste. I might use it at the right time. "I'll just keep it for the time being. Aren't you supposed to prioritize your marriage over mine?" I looked at Vien while she simply looks down while giggling.

"We're not a couple yet, sister."

"It'll come in that day soon. As I previously stated, I would like to watch you walk down the aisle first. Does your brain lose some screws that you forgot it already?" She chuckles as if she has recalled my remarks back then.

"And Vien," I called, shifting my gaze to her as she straightens up. "Take care of my sister and meet me after 2 days. We have something to discuss." As our conversation ended, I went straight to the Grand Duke, leaving Camilla to entertain the other nobles. "You seemed to be having a good day, Princess." How can I call it a good day when his face was around?

"Pretty Average, Grand Duke." I cast a glance behind him as his daughter curtsied.

"Greetings to Her Majesty." A warm voice speaks forth.

"How have you been?" I asked. It's been a while since our last encounter and I hope she forgot what happened back in the Whitehouse manor.

"Thank you for your concern, Your Highness. I'm still alive and doing well."

"I see. Then please enjoy yourself for today. I barely have a few minutes to entertain you, but I wish you a pleasant day." I didn't notice the passing of time as I was entertaining both commoners and nobles. It was an exhausting talk so I decided to rest for a moment in the garden. I thought I'll be able to close my eyes peacefully, until I heard some unsavory mutterings behind my back.

"Did you see Princess Lithia? Her Highness stated that the princess was engaged to that female knight. Can you believe that? A knight and a princess relationship how unusual is that?"

"The Imperial is falling into crumbs and instead of marrying a man, the arrogant Princess chooses a wife instead. How are they going to have a child?" I heard their little chuckles as I continue to eavesdrop.

"If I were in their shoes, I'd marry a prince who is capable of standing beside me. I'm more qualified to be a candidate than that Duke's daughter. Unfortunately, I'm not fond of women as a spouse." I snickered as I found her statement ridiculous. I get a cup of tea and dump it over her head after deciding to interrupt their tweety talks.

"I was wondering who was bothering me in my rest, but it appears that some bees have infiltrated my den. If you're going to be an insect, make sure it won't damage their reputations. They're supposed to make sweet honeys not buzz unnecessary things around." I signaled some knights as they approached my direction.

"YOUR MAJESTY—" I cut them off.

"Dare to utter a letter and I'll not hesitate to take your life," I lift her chin as I shift it from right to left.

"You don't have the rights to talk about my sister. An ugly duckling like you doesn't even fit the standard of being a princess." I cupped her cheeks and look at her with a straight expression.

"I was going to ignore it because this was supposed to be my day. But you dare to mention my fiancé with that filthy mouth of yours, and it is something I will never forgive you for. Better watch what you'll say in the future—" I chuckle.

"Oh, RIGHT— You won't have another chance. What a PI. TI. FUL. CREATURE you are." I let go of her cheeks as she falls into the ground. "Cut their tongue and make sure they can't even speak a word. Remove them from my sight. I despise pests who can't even bring good fortune to the Empire."

Their shrill shouts couldn't even reach my ears as I walked out. Their name is not Camilla so why should I care? I bumped into some maids and told them to disinfect the garden. I can't bear the sight of it.

"Are you all right?" Camilla asked as she looks at my back. "Can you tell me who they are?" I grab her shoulders as I turned it back.

"The garden is filled with chemicals right now. They're harmful for your health. Shall we go inside and dance?" Camilla pauses for a moment. She looks at me once again, as if she's waiting for an honest response.

"Can you just pretend you haven't seen anything?" I massage my forehead in an attempt to please her because I don't want to talk about it. "I thought we're going to celebrate peacefully."

"It depends on the people whether they'll join the fun or not. But those women decided to talk about nonsense so it's only natural for me to order the knights to cut off their tongue." The orchestra began to play as the people started to bow to one another. We're still outside, but the wind is pleasant and the majority of the people are here so it wasn't that bad if I look at it.

"Camilla, will you still accept this hand if it's covered with people's blood? Will you still stay by my side, even if I'm filled with screams and beg of people?" She gives it a quick glance before deciding to take it.

"I'm happy when I'm with Her Majesty, how can I refuse to take your hands? Even if you're covered with too many flaws, I will still choose you until the end." Right. The woman in my dreams... How can I forget about her smile that radiates throughout the whole Imperial?

Even if it's just a dream, In this time, I will make sure to choose you, Camilla.