Chapter 30

Author's Note: Gonna try something new for Part 3, tell me if it works or not in the comments please :)


Bastian woke at his usual time, dawn, and stretched.

It had been a long day yesterday but he'd finally gotten it over with. Now he did not have to worry about that meddlesome flower.

He stood and nearly jumped out of his skin when he noticed the flower sleeping in his bed.

Her black hair was strewn across the pillows and her mouth was parted slightly. Her small, delicate hands were curled next to her face as she slept.

He tilted his head slightly at the picture. A strange feeling tugged at his chest, she looked kind of… adorable.

He threw the feelings as far away from his mind as possible but the notion still lingered.

He moved and hastily left the room to prepare for the day ahead of him.


Hydrangea shifted in the bed and slowly moved her arm to find the blanket.

Once found she pulled it over her head, it was absurdly cold.

With a muffled shriek she sat bolt upright and looked around the room. He wasn't there.

Her shoulders relaxed as she stood from the bed.

She wrapped her arms around herself, it was freezing. She looked out the window and saw that the sun had not even risen yet.

Her mouth gaped, 'What? Why am I awake so early?'

She shook her head and moved to open the door that led to her private chamber her cold feet walking along the cold tiles.

"Ah! I didn't expect to see you up so early." She heard the Sovereign's voice call.

Biting her lip and closing her eyes for a moment while she regained some sort of composure.

He watched as her back remained turned, 'Did I shock her so much so that she's unable to function?' He scoffed and waited.

Turning to face him, she realized that he was wearing nothing but a robe and that his hair was damp.

"Good morning, my Sovereign." She said stiffly.

He chuckled, "You may leave and retreat to your own chambers but you will have to join me for going to the court for your greeting."

Her face brightened and then fell, she quickly regained her solemn composure, "Very well then." And she turned on her heel and left through her private chamber door.

He shook his head, 'It's going to look like she's sneaking out of my chambers but at least she stayed the whole night. Now I won't have to deal with any bloodsucking Lords.'

An amused smile played on his lips as he recalled her stealing one of his pillows to first sleep on the couch, then to sleep in the floor. She was very queer.


I rushed out of that room as fast as I could and was about to rush out of the private chambers when I remembered I was only wearing a nightgown.

I opened the wardrobe and found only nightgowns.

I looked through drawers and found nothing still.

Staring at the door I steeled my nerves and opened it.

The passage was silent as I made my way to what I knew the main hallway was, where the Sovereign's grand doors were, I would love to take a look at them again but once I'm properly clothed.

My hair was still a mess as I moved a strand out of my face.

A guard walked by and bowed to me, "Good morning your majesty."

I froze, but quickly cleared my throat, "Uh, um, eh-uh, g-good morning. Thank you." I walked away my face burning with embarrassment.

"Do you need any help your majesty?" He called after me.

"No, no, thank you." I said as I walked as quickly as I thought was deemed appropriate.

I neared the wide crossroads where his chambers met my chambers and I looked both ways.

The carpets turned into the soft golden yellow that I had come to find to be one of the most comfortable colours.

"Your majesty?" I heard a voice say.

I closed my eyes and spun to see Clara looking at me perplexed.

I winced and smiled, "Uh…"

"I was just coming with your…" she held up a bright coloured fabric in her arms that I assumed was a dress.

"Oh, oh… I see. Yes. Well, now I can get dressed in clothes in a familiar location." I said as I nearly ran to my room.

Clara entered soon after me. I was lying face first on my bed.

"Your high-your majesty, are you feeling well?" She asked.

"Just great." I said into the bedding.

"If you're feeling unwell I can draw a bath for you, if her majesty so pleases, it will help to soothe your body." She said calmly.

I raised my head and sat up, 'I don't usually have a bath in the morning, though I suppose yesterday was pretty stressful, wait a minute… does she think that the Sovereign and me…?' My stomach turned with a mess of emotions and I stood shocked at the realization.

"I-I…" I probably shouldn't tell her. Would I be punished for not fulfilling all of the oaths that I'd sworn yesterday, "I-I would love a bath, thank you Clara."

I decided on not saying anything, I didn't want anyone to know and I doubted that he did too.

After a nice warm bath Brigitte patted my hair dry while Clara and I had fun choosing jewelry for the court today.

A knock came from the door and we all turned.

Brigitte let my hair down and placed the towel on the table as she walked to where the door was, "My Lady." I heard and in the next instant I saw Daphne come from the other side of the screen.

She smiled, "Good morning, your majesty."

"Good morning." I replied smiling, "Is Alisha coming today?" I asked.

"Yes, I believe that she is just getting ready now." She replied.

Alisha and Daphne were the only two ladies-in-waiting I had, Alessia told me to choose nine or ten, or even twelve but none of them had appealed to me. They were very… they tried too hard. I liked Daphne because she had been humble, and I liked Alisha because she had made me laugh.

"Here I am." Alisha's voice came from behind the screen, "Sorry that I'm late your majesty, oh! And good morning."

I smiled at the both of them, "Good morning."

While Clara and Brigitte were still working on getting my hair dry and choosing out accessories, Alisha and Clara talked about how beautiful the Union had been. The flowers, the fountains, Alisha said that the Matriarchal Ceremony had been her favourite. I smiled as Clara now helped me into my gown.

It was a purple gown with a long scarf that was to be draped over my shoulder.

My hair was pinned up in an elegant braided bun and Daphne carefully placed the crown on my head. It was a beautiful crown I admit but it definitely wasn't mine. It barely even fit.

After stepping into the hard, firm shoes I stepped out followed by Daphne, Alisha and Brigitte.