Chapter 31

"Good morning flower." The Sovereign announced as he joined in my footsteps.

I sighed nervously and looked straight ahead.

"Nervous are we?" He asked as he turned a corner and I followed.

"No." I replied calmly.

"And how'd we sleep last night?"

'Why does he talk like that?' But despite myself I blushed at his words.

I cleared my throat, "Very well, and you?"

"Oh, very well as well." He replied.

We walked the rest of the way in silence.

When we reached a pair of grand doors and stopped I could guess that we had arrived at our destination.

My servants and ladies-in-waiting slowly disbanded, "Good luck." Daphne whispered.

I managed a small smile.

The Sovereign and I assumed the position that we had kept most of yesterday, my arm in his.

He patted my hand and it caused me to feel revolted.

"Now, I'm sure Alessia has been through this with you," He asked.

I was about to reply when he continued, "You don't speak, you just nod. If you are asked a question, I will answer for you. You may smile but you cannot laugh, and you definitely may not speak. Is that understood?"

I rolled my eyes, "Yes."

"Yes what?" He asked.

I smiled, a thought playing in my mind, "Yes, Bastian." I looked up at him and saw the gawking expression on his face, my smile grew.


Bastian was shocked at her using his name. He swallowed and was about to reply when the doors opened.

He moved to face the room and then began walking. Meanwhile, the girl next to him had never seen something so incredible.

She was having trouble not gawking. They were now entering the Throne Room.

Before them was a long, elaborate red and purple mosaic that shaped a pathway with delicate details. Along the walls were rows of seats and grand pillars. At the far end of the pathway was the throne, next to it sat a smaller throne with less ornateness.

The room was lit by the natural light streaming in from the large windows above, in the domed ceiling.

Bastian continued walking at a usual pace. The Throne Room was nothing new or spectacular to him, he'd seen the beautiful place almost since the day he'd been born, and nothing had changed since to make it more spectacular or less.

All the Lords were standing with their heads bowed as the Sovereign and his Queen made their way down the long stretch.

The pair turned and faced the room then with a nod they sat down on their respective seats, and the room did also with a loud clamour of shuffling.

A man stood wearing an elaborate dress of a red and black tunic with a black cap embroidered with gold. Hydrangea then noticed that all that were present were dressed in a similar fashion.

The man unrolled a scroll and began speaking, "We welcome our new queen with the highest honour. I, Emon the seneschal of this palace pledge my service to thee, our Persevering Queen, Hydrangea of Cadarama."

The man bowed low and nearly lost his cap, Bastian held in a laugh at the old man nearly showing his bald head, while Hydrangea only grimaced slightly, feeling sorry for the man's predicament.

Another man stood and the crier announced his name and title, "The court recognizes the Lord of Mining and Masonry, Lord Hayden Stone."

Hydrangea recognized the name but couldn't remember from where.

A middle aged man stood and said "I, Lord Stone, pledge my service to my Queen."

Another man stood, his head adorned with a tall black cap.

The crier announced with a loud voice, "The court recognizes the Lord of Agriculture and Livestock, Lord Olivier Damien."

The Lord bowed, "I welcome our Queen to the court and promise to serve her in any way she so asks."

Hydrangea nodded and the man sat.

A third man stood and the crier announced, "The court recognizes the Lord of Trade and Transport, Lord Mercer Gaul."

The man stood and smiled, Hydrangea immediately got a bad feeling about the man. Meanwhile, Bastian was feeling extremely bored as the Lords he knew well introduced themselves to his 'queen'.

"I, Mercer Gaul, swear to do my duty for the Sovereign and his Queen." He bowed and sat.

Yet another man stood and the crier's voice sounded once more, "The court recognizes the Lord of Economy and of the People, Lord Dennis Darkson."

He smiled kindly, "Welcome my queen to the court, I promise to serve you well."

Hydrangea nodded with a smile and he sat. She looked around, she could now distinguish which were Lords, and which were not. The Lords sat on larger seats and had more grand clothing than the others in the seats surrounding them.

A fifth man stood and Hydrangea knew that there was only one left now.

The man stood and Bastian fought the temptation to roll his eyes at the crier speaking once more.

"The court recognizes the Lord of Finance, Lord Henry Fischer."

The man smiled as all the others had, "I swear to serve my Queen to the best of my abilities." He sat and another stood.

"The court recognizes the Lord of Temples, Lord Cohen Hoffman."

The Lord bowed, "I pray that the Primals bless the Queen, and that her reign may be persevering."

Hydrangea felt perplexed at his words, they felt different from all the rest but she smiled nonetheless.

Bastian seeing that the Lords had finished with their introductions, stood and said in a loud voice, "Thank you all for your pledges and promises, I will now escort my queen so she can rest. We will continue the court later."

Hydrangea watched as there was a slight murmur that spread throughout the court at his words, she saw two of the Lords exchange eye contact and one shook his head. Her brows drew together in confusion at the scene.

One of the men stood and Bastian looked down feeling annoyed by the delay.

The man spoke, "My apologies, My Sovereign." He bowed his head.

Bastian sighed subtly then spoke in a voice loud enough to be heard by the court members, "Lord Fischer." Bastian sat and waved his hand for the man to speak.

"There is still the matter pertaining to the young women still in the old palace."

Hydrangea pondered his words and then her eyes snapped to the Lord with awareness. 'Did he mean the women that the Sovereign was supposed to send back?'

"I do believe the matter has been decided upon." Bastian said, confused as to why the topic had to be brought up, "I had decreed that the girls that had not been touched would be sent back to their respective states."

Hydrangea watched once again as there was a discreet murmur that took place amongst the people present in the court.

Her own blood was boiling with the fact that he had still not sent those poor girls home. 'Were they homesick?' She wondered. She hoped that they had been told of the fact that there was no hope for them being chosen now.

She had been chosen, the weight of the crown on her head reminded her of it.