Chapter 46

Bastian walked down the hallway to where the armoury was and unlocked the door.

Walking in he was thrown back to the wall by a powerful force. Before him stood Hadok, his dark eyes controlled.

"If you dare to threaten your Queen like that again-"

"You'll what?" Bastian shot back after recovering from the shock of Hadok actually speaking back to him, "Kill me? You wouldn't dare."

Hadok levelled his gaze with the young ruler, "My Sovereign, you must've realized by now that your Queen, though she may have intelligence she is young in the ways of the world. As her husband and as her Sovereign, it is your duty to protect her."

"I have realized this.. but I find it amusing." Bastian said as he surveyed the weapons.

"Your mother would be disappointed if she knew of this." Hadok said, his voice low.

"And what do you know of my mother's thoughts?! You can't possibly know-"

"My Sovereign, you must've forgotten that I served her majesty for more than twenty years. I believe that I know when she would find something… disappointing."

"You have no right to speak to me of such things." He said storming off behind the man and further into the small room. Bastian was frustrated because he knew Hadok was right.

"Maybe not, my Sovereign… but someone must."

The two men then spoke no words to each other as they amassed their weaponry.

Hadok chose two swords that were kept behind his back. Two clubs were at his side while two axes were on the opposite side. His boots were also filled with an assortment of knives.

Bastian merely grabbed extra daggers and knive, another two swords, a machete and a hatchet.

The men returned to the dining room where the women were with the packed necessities for their journey. Hopefully they would find more in Waxingville, but until then they would last on the provisions they had.

Hydrangea and Brigitte had packed extra pairs of clothing and shoes, along with soap. Hydrangea had to admit that she did not want to go back to using old soap made of sheep fat.

Going over their plan once more they got into their boat and headed toward the shores of Waxingville. Keeping a vigilant eye for enemies.


"My Queen, you will need this, as will you Brigitte." Hadok said handing both of them small, ornate daggers.

"Oh!" She exclaimed softly seeing the weapon, "I… I-I don't think I can use this." She said handing it back to Hadok.

Brigitte held her dagger carefully, "I will keep it."

The Sovereign laughed and Hydrangea turned to look at him, "What do you find funny?"

"The fact that the maid has a stronger stomach than you." He said as he drew the oar through the water.

Hydrangea clenched her fists, "That is of no matter, she can do what she wants to. I don't want the knife, she does. And there is nothing wrong with that."

"Ha, alright then." He scoffed.

She twisted her lips in annoyance but didn't continue the argument.

Near noon they reached an island and Bastian carefully steered around it.

"Is that…?" He heard the maid ask.

"Burial Island? Yes, it is." He answered.

They continued to move in silence, the only sound was the oars moving through the water.

Hydrangea clenched her fists and relaxed them, sighing she spoke, knowing she would regret it, "What's Burial Island?"

"Ha." He huffed softly, "Hadok, why don't you handle this one." He said with a smirking air.

Hadok sighed and cleared his throat, "It is where all of the previous Sovereigns and their Queens are buried, along with their children."

"So… Sovereign Esteban is there?" She ventured.

Bastian's grip on the oar tightened and he paused in his strokes momentarily but he continued, choosing to ignore her words.

"Yes." Hadok answered.

The sun was high in the afternoon sky and was beaming down on them with her scorching rays. Hydrangea bent over and splashed some of the cool, ocean water on her face.

"When did you come to the palace, Brigitte ?" She asked, her face still dripping from the water. She wiped it away with her hand.

"I… I came when I was in my fourteenth year, my father had no need of me around the house so I left and sought to serve in the Sovereign's Palace, somewhere." She replied.

Hydrangea's eyebrows rose a bit in surprise, "Hm, that was very brave of you."

She smiled abashedly and looked at her hands sitting in her lap.

"What about you, Hadok? How did you come to the palace?"

"During the last Mathuban-Cadaraman war." He paused, "I was in my twentieth year."

Hydrangea gasped lightly at the information, licking her lips she tried to find a reply, "You were a prisoner of war?"


She swallowed, "Were you angry at the Sovereign?"

"Sovereign Esteban was a kind man, and a just ruler."

Her eyes looked at him as if to say, 'Why isn't his son the same?'

"During that war, Sovereign Bastian was but a boy and lived with his mother."

Bastian squinted his eyes as to why they changed the subject to suddenly speak about him.

"To answer your question, yes. I was angry. But I soon grew to respect the Sovereign and his Queen, whom I served. They were both benevolent rulers."

Bastian couldn't help but feel as though Hadok's words were barbs towards him.

After a short while they reached the other side of the island and could see the shores of Waxingville, to their left were the shores and mountains of Bobian.

As they drew nearer Hydrangea spoke again, in a soft tone, "Did you have a family?"

Bastian halted once more in his strokes but just as quickly resumed, neither of the girls noticed it, but Hadok could tell.

Brigitte and Hydrangea watched him with kind eyes.

Brigitte had never known the eunuch well, but the few times she'd met him he reminded her of her father, before her mother had died and he'd taken to drink.

Hydrangea had never had a father, nor a father-figure. Hadok was that first older man she had met that was kind to her and would give her advice. She liked to think that if she had had a father, he would've been like him.

He sighed, "Yes, I did have a family." He paused before he continued, looking up at the horizon that the sun was gradually reaching, "My mother was the village elder and my father the physician. I had two sisters who were happily married and a younger brother who had just begun to woo a young maiden."

He paused again and the occupants of the boat could all feel the weight in his words, "They are all either grown or were killed. Our leader, Sultan Badis went through our villages and recruited all of the young men, me and my brother were taken."

The boat was silent as it made it's way through the water.

"I'm sorry." Hydrangea said in a quiet voice.

"There is no reason for you to be sorry, my Queen. It is in the past."

They spoke no more on the subject as they made their way to their destination.

Waxingville was a warm part of Cadarama, being close to the Sovereign's Island they shared the same climate.

It was a low lying state with sparse trees and little buildings along the port. Most were centralized around the capital city, Waxingville City.

Bastian steered towards a less busy dock with a very quiet atmosphere and the boat soon came to a stop near one of the piers.

Tying the boat securely they grabbed their belongings and quietly went from there.

There was no one in sight and he couldn't see any other boats. There were a few small houses and buildings scattered around.

As they reached the dike Bastian turned to look over his shoulder, his hand on his sword. Their boat was still there.

Turning back he saw a group of men climb from another boat just come to rest on the shore. He watched as they began to look along the beach, he soon recognized them as Mathuban soldiers.

He stopped in his tracks but it was too late.

"There they are!" They yelled in Mathuban.

Bastian pulled his sword ready for the fight.

"Stay back." He heard Hadok say to the women.

Bastian had fought in many skirmishes with Mathuba along their shared border and knew how to fight them with their stone spears and curved knives.

The first of the enemies reached them and Bastian began to cut them down.

Hadok using his axes by throwing them at the men then moving to his clubs, smashing it into the enemies' heads.

One by one they continued to fall but there were only two of them against what seemed like a small army.

Knowing that they would be overwhelmed soon he made eye contact with Hadok and the man nodded.

Bastian hit his current foe with the hilt of his sword effectively knocking him out and then he ran to the side of the dike, seeing the few cottages dispersed throughout the area he began to search for a means of transport.

Finding a coach with two horses already hitched to it he ran for it and, jumping onto the seat, whipped them into action.

Arriving at the beach he saw Hadok taking on three men at once. Jumping down from the seat he pulled the maid from where she stood next to the flower, "Get on!" He yelled and she ran for the coach.

"Be ready to drive!" He told her and she jumped into the seat, her hands finding the reigns.

Hearing a scream he turned and saw the flower being dragged away by two men.

He moved to reach her but saw Hadok move in that direction instead. Seeing a group of Mathubans coming in his direction he threw one knife from his boot and fought the others with his sword.

Panting from the battle of just defeating his foes he turned and saw the flower kneeling on the ground near a thin line of sea grass.

The sky was an orange, red hue as the sun set below the mountains.

'Was she wounded?' He asked himself as he moved towards her. The sand was shining and impeding his speed.

Nearing her he placed his hand on her shoulder with the intent to drag her away, 'Where's Hadok?'

As he touched her shoulder he drew his hand back, his mouth parting open in shock.

Before her on the white sand was the body of Hadok. A stone spear driven into his chest.

Bastian's nostrils flared as he beheld the image. Hearing war cries and footsteps he snapped out of his stupor, grabbed her shoulder harshly and brought her to her feet, "Hydrangea, we need to go."

Her eyes were wide, her face was frozen in shock and her already pale skin was as white as a sheet.

"H-hadok." She breathed. Huffing a sigh seeing that she was in shock he grabbed her arms and nearly dragged her to the coach.

"Drive!" He yelled to the maid and it lurched into motion. The voices of the enemy died into the background until they silenced completely.

He looked at the flower who was sitting across from him shivering, no shaking, her wide eyes shined with tears that threatened to spill over.

Blinking he could feel his own eyes burn.

Moving over to where she sat so that she would not see his tears he sighed once more, "It's alright Hydrangea, you can cry."

She shook her head but he could hear the sniffling noises that came from her as she fought the tears. He closed his eyes and swallowed hard as his eyes became moist and his throat was beginning to close. He felt Hydrangea rest her head on his shoulder and he froze in shock.

Her sobs filled the small place and he felt the lump in his throat enlarge as he fought tears.

Slowly he moved and wrapped his arm around her small, shaking frame and rested his head upon hers. He'd known Hadok all his life. After his own father had passed, though he did not want to admit it, He had been like a second father to him

Silently a tear slid down his cheek as he offered a small comfort to the flower.