Chapter 47

I watched as the Sovereign ran from the battlefield and Hadok continued to fight.

Swallowing, me and Brigitte stood together, hidden slightly by a small boulder coming up out of the sand. The brittle wind sent a gust against our skin. It was warm but my skin felt chilled. Looking up at the sky I could see that it was sunset.

"Get on!" The Sovereign's voice sounded and he pulled Brigitte away. I watched with a surge of annoyance at his behaviour making her drive.

I took a step forward to get on the coach and drive in her place when I felt two arms grab me.

My heart lurched in my chest from fear and a scream escaped my lips.

"Ahhh! Hadok!" They were carrying me to the boat. I squirmed in their strong grip and my lungs constricted in fear.

I soon felt one pair of hands removed from my arm and then another. I heard screams and a guttural sound following.

I didn't look at where I knew the dead bodies were and instead looked up at Hadok, "Thank you." I breathed, my breath short from the struggle and fear.

He smiled, "Come, my Queen." He waved his hand to the coach and I turned to go there, but as I did I heard a horrifying impact sound and a gasp. I spun to see Hadok with a spear in his stomach.

My eyes went wide as I felt my body go cold. He fell to the ground and my knees collapsed. I watched him with pleading eyes, holding his hand.

He looked up at me, a bit of blood leaking from his mouth, "My Queen…" He said in a hoarse voice, "You… must sa…ve…"

His eyes went dead and I couldn't function. My mind went blank as I stared at the dead body.

I felt something turn me forcefully and bring me to my feet, "Hydrangea, we need to go." The Sovereign was before me.

"H-hadok." I said, trying to tell him that he was gone.

The Sovereign sighed and dragged me forcibly into the coach.

"Drive!" He said and I felt the coach begin to move quickly.

I sat across from him, my bottom lip trembling as I looked out the window at the passing scenery.

'Hadok was…' I swallowed, 'Dead.'

My body began to shake as my throat closed painfully and my eyes burned.

The Sovereign suddenly moved and sat next to me, "It's alright Hydrangea, you can cry." He said.

I shook my head, I would not cry in front of this man. Why would he even say that? Was he trying to comfort me?

I began to suck in quick breaths as tears slipped from beneath my lids and I gave into my sobs.

Feeling weak I rested my head on the Sovereign's shoulder. Soon I felt him wrap an arm around me.

It felt… strangely warm.


Bastian squinted his eyes open as he felt the coach jolt from a bump in the road.

Yawning he opened them fully and surveyed the small cabin.

Feeling something warm stir next to him his eyes widened in shock as he looked down to see the flower resting her head on his chest, his arms wrapped around her.

He opened his mouth to wake her but he paused when he noticed the tear stains on her cheeks and the red rims around her eyes. Her cheeks were flushed and her mouth was parted slightly with her hands curled slightly on his chest.

Swallowing he felt his chest tug the same way it had that morning after the Union.

Blinking he shook his head and moved from the seat to the next.

A whimpering sound came from her as she was forced awake. He swallowed again hearing that, his heart tugged once more and he didn't understand why it would do that.

Scoffing, annoyed with what he was feeling from the flower he opened the door and told the maid to stop.

It was still night, the sun had not yet appeared from beyond the horizon. Looking up he could see the moon and stars.

Once the coach came to a stop the maid looked at him, her eyes looked tired and her hands held the reins tightly.

"We'll make camp here." He said as he hopped from the coach.

"B-but what about the Mathubans?" He looked up at her squinting his eyes in confusion at how she knew they were Mathuban, then he returned to his casual demeanour.

"They are far behind, you drove for nearly all night."

She nodded and stepped down from the coach with unsteady legs from sitting so long.

He moved and, with a hand on his sword, began to search the area.


"Your majesty?" Brigitte asked as she looked inside the coach. Her Queen was sitting looking at the other side of the coach with hollow eyes.

"Your majesty, are you alright?" She asked sitting next to the woman, a hand on her shoulder.

The Queen turned to look at Brigitte, her eyes sad and tired.

"Come, let's wash you up." Brigitte said grabbing her hand and leading the younger woman out like a small child.

Splashing the water on her face helped to bring some clarity to her foggy brain but she was still feeling lost.

Brigitte led her to where the Sovereign had said they would stay and sat her down on the soft grass.

Patting her hand she smiled and said in a gentle voice, "I'll be right back, I just have to find some firewood."

She headed into the trees to collect some wood so she could start a fire. Walking a short distance she sat at the base of a tree and rested her head against the bark. Closing her eyes she opened them and blinked several times looking up at the moon.

She was afraid. Hadok had been the only one of them who knew what to do. And now he was dead.

She'd driven the horses all night glad for the privacy because she could let her emotions show on her face.

She was left alone, on the run with her Queen who was now struggling with the death of Hadok, and with her Sovereign, a man who she could now see was an immature and rude man. She didn't feel right thinking those things but they were sadly true.

Closing her eyes once more she stood and dusted off her skirt then moved on in search of firewood.