
It is already four in the mourning yet Viel could not sleep. As he watches Jasmine who is currently sleeping peacefully, he began to overthink, after knowing Jasmine has experienced headaches from time to time. He is afraid of what might happen next. He hopes he could stop the time where he and Jasmine are the only ones who could move but even money cannot do that.

He remembers what Jasmine had told him about the Ferris Wheel superstitious beliefs. He did not want to believe it yet a part of him is worried about it because it already happens twice. Their weeks have gone so calm then yesterday he was bombarded with complaints and threats. It felt those days were just the calm before the storm and Viel is afraid of it.

He scrolls through his parent's messages to him; he had ignored all their texts while he is with Jasmine yesterday at the amusement park. He closed his eyes as he felt irritated and caged. They wanted him to marry Monica. Monica is the daughter of his father's best friend. Monica is his fiancée in his parent's eyes but for Viel, he never sees Monica as his partner or wife. Monica was just another person in front of Viel. Viel never treated her as his fiancée. His fiancée will always be Jasmine no matter if she had forgotten about him or not. Whenever does Jasmine asks him about his fiancée that he told her about, if he still loves her, of course, he does because how can he stop if they are the person? He knows that Jasmine feels insecure because she does not know a thing, he wanted to tell her about everything, about their past but at the same time he is afraid for his selfishness is the sole reason why she forgets.

He stares longingly at Jasmine, examining her features memorizing every detail, every inch is memorized by his heart and mind.

"I am sorry but I just can't let you go." He whispered and kisses Jasmine's forehead and rest his head against hers then he finally sleeps.

The next morning, Jasmine wakes up with a severe headache. She felt as if someone is stabbing her mind. She yelled in pain as her headache is at its worst. Viel had suddenly woken up because of Jasmine's screamed. He found her holding her head in pain while tears fall from her closed eyes. Viel paled as witnessed Jasmine's pain, his heartthrob as his palm began to sweat due to nervousness.

"Love?" He muttered in panic and massages her head.

"It hurts so much. I cannot handle it anymore." Jasmine mumbled softly to him. Viel felt as if his heart had been stabbed seeing her so pale and weak.

"Let us go to a hospital," Viel told her and mentally prepared horror what that is coming next. He would rather suffer the consequences than see her in pain. They went to a nearby hospital and had her CT scan. While waiting Viel started to worry for her and their relationship. Is this the beginning of the storm? Viel asked himself.

After finishing the scanned, the couple waited a minute to get the result. Viel looks at Jasmine with a worried look while Jasmine has a scared expression on her face. She tightly holds the mineral bottle that Viel had bought for her. In just a few seconds the result is ready, and they went inside the doctor's office to find out about their findings.

"Please sit." The doctor welcomed them. The couple had taken the vacant seats in the corner of the doctor's office.

"How is it?" Jasmine muttered trying to ready herself whatever the result might be.

"Have you been into a car accident, any accident where you may have hurt your head?" The doctor asked her while presenting the scan of Jasmine's brain. Viel who has heard the doctor but acted nothing remains to stare at the floor avoiding seeing the result.

"I do not know," Jasmine answers truthfully.

"These past few days have you been experiencing that something looks so familiar, but it is your first time seeing it?" The doctor asked her once again. Jasmine remembers the first time Viel took her to the restaurant, the path, and the restaurant itself looks so familiar, and the scene at the ferry's wheel.

"Yes," Jasmine answered truthfully.

"It looks like you are suffering from Temporarily Retrograde Amnesia." The doctor told her.


"It might result from a traumatic brain injury, a serious illness, or a seizure. More likely in your case, it is caused by a brain injury." The doctor informed her. "You are lucky that you went to the hospital earlier before it gets worse." The doctor continued.

"Before it gets worse? What do you mean?" Viel suddenly asks.

"Well, if it's not treated then her amnesia might be permanent and there is a high risk it will affect her memory capacity in the future." The doctor informed him.

"How is it treated?" Jasmine asked the doctor.

"Well, there are not currently medications for her amnesia, for its treatment, we need to determine what causes the amnesia." The doctor replied to Jasmine.

"Is there any chance I could remember everything?" Jasmine said when she had processed the situation.

"There is, it is only temporary as I said but it is not that detailed. If you go under treatment your amnesia will be cured but if not, it might become worse." The doctor said. Hearing this information, Viel started feeling guilty, he becomes selfish. He had hoped the past not to be revealed yet with their situation he has no choice but face everything.

"We will do the treatment. No matter how expensive it is." Viel told the doctor.

"I will set an appointment of Jasmine and the Psychiatrist here in the hospital for her treatment." The doctor told them. The couple left the hospital devastated. Jasmine is confused and scared of what may happen to her, what are the things she has forgotten worse who are they?

While driving, Viel is sneaking few glances at her, he is contemplating if he must say it or not, after a few minutes of thinking he decided to keep it to himself. His eyes tried to focus on the road despite being worried.

"I would just inform your boss about your situation," Viel told her as he parks his car.

"I am going to work." Jasmine declared as she remembers the suspicious email that was sent to her last month from an unknown user. She thought that person knows something she does not.

"You are just going to get stress there; It will be best for you to stay home." Viel scolded her.

"At least with that, I could avoid stressing myself regarding my condition." Jasmine answer back.

"Love, I worried for you. What if you just faint while doing your work? What if you experience a severe headache again?" Viel talkback expressing his worries.

"I am not; besides, you have a business meeting, today, didn't you?" Jasmine reminded him. Viel clutches his car's steering wheel as he was reminded by that meeting that he was forced to attend.

"I could cancel it for you," Viel told her.

Jasmine appreciates that he is worried and prioritizes her condition, yet she would not let him abandon his responsibilities like a boss and leader to his employees.

"Don't." Jasmine pleaded. Viel sighed in defeat and hold her hand and kisses it. Once they arrived back home, Jasmine and Viel immediately prepare for their respective work. Viel sends Jasmine to her work and kept reminding her to call him once she felt dizzy.

While Viel on the other hand headed to his office and found his parents seating on the sofa in his office with her, Monica.

"Break up with her." His father stated and handed annoyingly handed a compilation of his and Jasmine's pictures during their dates for the past week.

"I do not want to," Viel told them bravely.

"Monica is your fiancée. She will be your wife, not her." His father scolded him and pointed to Monica.

"She is the one I love not that!" Viel shouted. He does not understand why they cannot just let him be.

"You can learn to love me Viel just like I learned to love you." The lady in her white dress said to him pleadingly.

"Monica is right beside Viel, this marriage will benefit the company. Monica is the heiress to Abuelos Company. Once our company and her family company had merged, both families will become more influential and powerful." His mother reasoned and this made Viel clenched his jaw.

Viel loves their company, he grew up preparing and dreaming for it to become the number one, but he also loves Jasmine with all his heart.

"We do not need their wealth to achieve that, trust my skills." He pleaded and this made the lady together with his parents rolls her emerald eyes.

"Viel Salvador! Monica will be a part of our family whether you like it or not; you will marry her not that filthy woman!" His father scolded him and angrily left Viel's office, his mother stares at her son disappointingly and followed her husband.

Viel massaged his nose bridge as Monica is still in his office.

"You break up once and that could happen again. Do you think she will continue to love you after what happened?" Monica mocked him.

"Should I tell her everything? Help her regain her memories back so that she will finally learn her place again? Do not provoke me, Viel." She warned him then left him alone.

Viel clutched the cup of coffee and smashed it once he was left alone. Viel knew the consequences of Jasmine gaining her memories back, she might leave him just like what she had done before. His nightmare is slowly becoming his reality, once again.