
Jasmine is in her work; she is currently typing a letter to the unknown user who sent her a message about promises. She feels guilty as she might have broken her promise to someone. She started to overthink that she might have hurt that person badly. She typed and deleted her message repeatedly not knowing the right words to say.

"What do you mean?" She asked in reply to the sender. She waited and waited until the sender reply to her question but sadly, the person did not reply.

She decided to go to her condo unit to find some pictures or documents that may help her to retrieve the memory that she had forgotten. She still experiences light headaches from time to time. When she arrived at her place. She began searching for pictures until she finds a box.

She opened the box, and it was filled with dried jasmine flowers. Beneath all the flowers she saw an old picture of her teenage self and a boy with the same age as her. The boy has a chubby appearance, he looks cute with his chubby cheeks and his eyes are covered with his thick glasses while holding a bouquet while Jasmine, her teenage self, has a bright smile on her face. She flipped the picture and found a letter behind it.

Dear Jasmine,

You are more beautiful than a jasmine flower. You caught my attention since I first met your hazel eyes. I hope you will like all the gifts and flowers that I placed in your locker. We had taken this picture at the school's intramurals; I do not know if you remember me among the guy who also asked to take a picture with you. With this letter, I have made a vow to you and myself that I will love you till my last breath. I hope you can notice me.

Sincerely yours,

Secret Admirer "El"

After reading the letter, she began searching for other letters. Then she found another box that is full of letters of El. She concluded that she and "El" might have been in a relationship and contact each other through letters. It was the old school she thought.

Dear Jasmine,

I am glad that you liked the flowers and gifts that I placed in your locker. If you only know how glad I am seeing your reply as I put another flower in your locker. Thank you for appreciating my efforts. You made my heart flutter and my day complete.

Sincerely yours,


She opened another letter that was written in the year 2007.

Dear Jasmine,

I could not stop laughing as I read your letter about what happened in your club preparation. It was hilarious. I did not know that you are the type of person to pull pranks. Well, in our club just the usual, too serious. I hope you will enjoy your holiday."

Sincerely yours,


Suddenly her head started to ache again. She immediately grabbed her phone and was about to call Viel, but she hesitated because he might still be in his business meeting so instead of calling Viel she called her friend Kaitlyn.

"Hello, Kaitlyn?" She greeted her trying not to scream as her headache becomes worse.

"Hey, sis! Where are you? Mrs. Reyes was finding you earlier, I think Viel is asking her about you." Her friend Kaitlin replied.

"Can you fetch me up at my condo unit? I am not feeling well." She weakly informed her friend.

"Eh? Okay! Wait for me!" Kaitlyn said panicking.

Tears flow from Jasmine's eyes as her headaches become worse and slowly remembering a scenario from her teenage years. She screamed and massaged her head trying to ease the pain until she laid down on her bed unconsciously.

Viel on the other hand starts pacing back and forth as he could not contact Jasmine through her phone nor her boss. When his phone rang, he immediately picked up the call hoping it is Jasmine, but it is not her.

"Jasmine?" He worriedly asked the caller.

"I am not Jasmine. This is her friend Kaitlyn, and I am on my way to her condo unit. She called me to fetch her up because she is not feeling well, and I asked your number from our boss to inform you about Jasmine." Kaitlyn said in a second with a hint of panic in her voice. After hearing this Viel immediately left his office and rushed his way to the parking lot.

He started his car and drive his fastest to Jasmine's condo unit. There he met Kaitlyn on her way to Jasmine condo unit.

"Did you try to contact her again?" He asked her worriedly.

"Yeah, but she is not answering," Kaitlyn answered to him. Viel paled as he started thinking that something bad happened to her.

When they arrived at Jasmine's front door, Viel hurriedly knocks at the door but when no one is answering them he tried his best to forcefully open the door. When the door open, Viel lost his sanity when he saw Jasmine unconscious.

"Jasmine? Please wake up love." Viel pleaded as his tears flow from his amber eyes. He carried Jasmine down the condo unit while Kaitlyn followed him after closing her friend's condo unit.

Kaitlyn joined Viel as they went to the hospital to wake up Jasmine and have a doctor examine her. As they waited for Jasmine to wake up. Kaitlyn noticed how Viel worriedly waiting for the doctor to come. As soon as the doctor came, Viel faced her and began asking questions.

"What happened? Why she passed out?" Viel asked the doctor.

"She passed out because she forced herself to remember her memories." The doctor answered him. Viel sighed and run his fingers to his hair. Kaitlyn did not dare to ask what is going on as she could see how stress her friend's boyfriend is.

The doctor left after informing Jasmine's condition. Viel sighed in relief as he was told that Jasmine will wake up in just a minute.

"Hey, just tell Jasmine that I was here. Thank you." Kaitlyn shyly told Viel, she wanted to give the couple privacy to talk as soon as her friends woke up.

"Yeah, thanks for informing me about her," Viel told her and nodded to her as she left him. Minutes passed but Jasmine is still not awake. Viel tightly holds her hand as he waited to see her hazel eyes again.

"Please wake up, Love." He whispered and kissed her hand as he tried not to cry.

It was already lunchtime when Jasmine woke up, she found herself in a hospital room while Viel is by her side holding her hand. She felt as if her heart broke when she saw his worried expression and tears forming in his beautiful amber eyes.

"How are you? Is your head still hurt?" Viel worriedly asks her.

"No." She answered as she thinks about the memory that she regained.

"Don't force yourself to remember things, let it come naturally please?" Viel begged her and she nodded as a response. She felt guilty for making him worried also because before making a promise to him she did not know that she had already made a promise to another person that she had forgotten.

"Why are you here? I thought Kaitlyn is the one who I called?" She asked him.

"She called me, she was here earlier, and we met on your condo," Viel explained to her.

"Good thing, I told her because if it's you. You would not know my address." Jasmine jokingly said not wanting Viel asked her why she did not call him.

"Yeah," Viel answered and thought that is a good thing that her friend already leaves to avoid questions. Silence eloped the space in the hospital room, both of them lost in their thoughts.

Jasmine is contemplating if she should inform him about "El" who she thinks is the one responsible for the message about broken promises for she had forgotten about him. While Viel is hesitating if he should confess everything to Jasmine. In the end, both decided to keep their thoughts to themselves. When the doctor permitted Jasmine to be discharged, the couple went home, and Jasmine rested while Viel prepares their lunch.

After Viel finished cooking their lunch, he put their food on a tray and carefully move upstairs to their room. He found Jasmine sleeping peacefully when he arrived in their room, he had placed their food on the table near their bed. Viel woke her up and eaten their lunch together.

"It is bland again." Jasmine teased him as she tries to ease the atmosphere between them.

"Is that it? You almost finish your plate though." Viel teased back at her. Jasmine giggled and hugged him and rested her head in his chest while Viel hugged her back.

"Even though your cooking skills are awful, I still love you," Jasmine told him and this made Viel chuckled.

"Same here. I will always love you." Viel whispered to her.

The day had passed, and the couple spent their night together side by side. They were silent but not awkward. It was a comfortable silence. Jasmine looked at his sleeping face and there she had decided. If she needed to choose between "El" and Viel, she will choose him. She will choose her present and that is Viel Salvador. On the other hand, Viel who is faking his sleep has only one thing in his mind. He would marry the girl he loves no matter what the consequences might be.