
Jasmine is not a fool. She might have lost all her memories, but she is not easy to be deceived. As she is now completely aware of Monica's motives, she started to doubt Monica's statement regarding El. Jasmine spent her weeks guarding Viel, making sure he would not think of Monica. She also avoids replying to Monica's texts and calls, she is always excused that she is busy with work and her therapy.

Jasmine wanted Monica to believe that she still does not know about her fiancée's identity. Monica tried to play her innocence and Jasmine would be glad to make Monica taste her own medicine.

As for the investigation regarding the email sender, Viel has not uttered a word about it, every time she asks about it, he would reply that his friend still investigating it. Jasmine knew that is a lie, yet she could not confront him for she does not have any evidence.

She also tried hard to send signals to Viel to make him confess but he did not. He always changes the topic every time Jasmine opens the topic regarding his fiancée or Viel would answer that she is his fiancée.

Jasmine is in deep thought while hanging out with her friend Kaitlyn. She told Kaitlyn everything about the situation she is in, and as Jasmine's friend, Kaitlyn is fuming mad. She stirs her tea as she listened to her friend's rage.

"I do not like her." Kaitlyn commented as she sliced her chocolate cake while looking like Jasmine in disbelief.

"Me either." Jasmine replied and sipped her tea.

"What about Viel? Honestly, I am now annoyed by him. I mean he should tell you about it!" Kaitlyn whispered to her friend.

"I am trying to make him confess and yet he did not; I plan to confront him once I had evidence." Jasmine said and twirled her fork at her pasta.

"The pictures are enough." Kaitlyn told her friend; she is annoyed by this as she is fresh from breakup.

"No, I am still waiting for the email sender." Jasmine whispered to her friend and sighed.

"Why?" Kaitlyn curiously asked her. Jasmine searched her surroundings before answering her friend.

"I have this gut feeling that the sender was her." Jasmine told her; she thought Viel keep the investigation from her so that she would not know about Monica and him.

"I do not understand.' Kaitlyn commented and touched her chin, while Jasmine looks at her confused.

"If she would want you guys to break up, would it be nice for her if you would choose El over Viel?" Kaitlyn muttered and this made Jasmine stop.

Kaitlyn's comment makes sense; if she would choose El, meaning she would let go of Viel. However, Monica keeps ruining El's identity to her. Is Monica telling the truth about El or not?

"Either she is telling the truth or not about El, she is stupid." Kaitlyn mumbled and sipped her juice.

Jasmine closed her eyes as she realized that she is still missing an important piece in this puzzle; Monica is not stupid; Jasmine is sure that she knows what she is playing. However, she could not understand why would Monica tell the truth or lie about El's characteristics? Ruining El's image to Jasmine is a big disadvantage for Monica.

"I need to know who El is." Jasmine told her friend as she reached her conclusion.

"Maybe Dave could help you? I mean you guys are friends, right?" Kaitlyn suggested.

"I've known Dave for like two years only. I do not think he knew who El is." Jasmine replied. Dave and she are friends, but they did not grow up together.

"That's not what I meant. Try asking him if he knew some articles regarding a car accident that happen on December 18, 2016." Kaitlyn told her friend.

She is right, Dave for sure is acquainted with many reporters and anchors. Surely, they had an article or news report regarding the accident.

"You are a genius, Kaitlyn!" Exclaimed Jasmine.

"I know that very well sissy!" Kaitlyn replied to Jasmine's compliment towards her.

When they finished their food, they hailed a cab and head to the Halili network, where Dave is currently working. They gaped in awe as they went inside the network. They met various celebrities who are currently having their photoshoots, interviews, and shootings.

They asked for Dave's office at the security guard and headed to the given location. As they took the elevator, they had met Channel Garcia, a famous actress. Kaitlyn holds her breath as she could not believe that the number one actress is just beside her.

Once they exited the elevator, they headed to Dave's office and saw him having a chat with one of his coworkers.

"Yes, I will just send you the edited version." Dave told his colleague as he noticed Jasmine and an unknown lady in front of his office.

Jasmine and Kaitlyn went inside the office as soon as Dave's colleague went out. The two ladies sat in the vacant seats beside Dave's table.

"Hey, Jasmine! Do you guys plan to change companies now?" Dave jokingly said to the two ladies.

"I am Dave by the way." He told Kaitlyn.

"I am Kaitlyn, and we are not here to change companies." Kaitlyn bluntly replied.

"Is that so? What can I help?" He asked Jasmine and a smile form on his lips.

"Does your company had recorded or saved an article regarding a car accident that happened on December 18, 2016?" Jasmine asked him as she clutched in her bag, hoping there is some leads she could use.

"I'll see, a good thing I am friends with the leader of the news team." Dave boasted. He called someone and happily greeted the other line.

"Hey bro! I need some help from you." He greeted his friend.

"Could you check if there are articles or news reports regarding a car accident that happened on December 18, 2016?" Dave asked while he is looking at Jasmine.

Jasmine and Kaitlyn shared a glance as they both hope there is something. Jasmine clutched her bag as she waited for Dave's answer.

"Is that so?" Dave commented as he looked surprised at the information he just gained.

"Thanks, bro." He said and ended the call. Jasmine nervously looked at Dave as she waits for the information his friend told him.

"There were articles and news reports about it, however" Dave hesitantly said and sighed.

"However, what?" Jasmine asked him impatiently.

"They were taken down by two powerful companies." Dave continued as he began to wonder what it has to do with Jasmine.

"By what companies?" Kaitlyn eagerly asked him. Kaitlyn was quiet since they arrived at his office, she was in deep thought as she thinks for a reason why would Monica ruin El from Jasmine.

"Abuelos and Salvador Companies." Dave answered the same as the two he is also confused about what the two companies had to do with the car accident.

However, with his answer, Kaitlyn had proved her guess while Jasmine swallowed nervously as she felt her instincts telling her something.

"And I am sorry, but the articles and news report could not be disclosed to anyone." Dave continued.

"Thanks." Jasmine said and left the office with Kaitlyn.

Since today is their day off, Jasmine invited Kaitlyn to their mansion. Kaitlyn gaped in awe when she arrived at Viel's mansion, as expected he is a billionaire.

Kaitlyn was seated on the sofa while Jasmine served her juices and cakes. They watched some movies together; it is just a pity that two of their friends are still at work. As they are watching movies, the two could not help but think about the two companies that took down the articles. It was Monica and Viel's family.

"Jasmine, does Viel have a brother?" Kaitlyn asked her friend as she tried to reason her conclusion.

"He never told me about having a sibling." Jasmine answered and grabbed her phone and began searching Viel's family background.

"I mean if he has a dead brother who died in a car accident, maybe he was El? That is why Monica tried to ruin him in your eyes?" Kaitlyn reasoned while Jasmine read every article regarding the Salvador Family.

"Viel is an only child." She spoke.

"Maybe cousins?" Kaitlyn added.

"Four of his cousins are married, while two are single and three are still studying." She replied.

"How old the two singles?"

"Samantha 24, staying in Italy while Crimson, 26 staying in Austria." Jasmine told her.

The two became silent as they reached a conclusion but were not brave enough to accept it. Jasmine sighed in defeat and went to their room and began searching for photo albums of Viel. Kaitlyn followed her friend and opened her laptop to investigate the email account that send the picture of the car accident to Jasmine.

Jasmine gave up as she could not open the locked cabinets she went downstairs and found Kaitlyn.

"What are you doing?"

"I am trying to view the account."

"This is the user's phone number, try calling it Jasmine." Kaitlyn told her friend.

Jasmine dialed the number and clenched her jaws when she saw Monica's name.

"Can you join me, Kaitlyn? I want to talk to her." Jasmine said and grabbed her purse while Kaitlyn followed Jasmine on the way to Monica's boutique.

Jasmine and Kaitlyn barged into Monica's office. They caught Monica who was about to send another email to Jasmine. Overpowering by her emotions, Jasmine slapped Monica while Kaitlyn covered the cams and locked the door.

"How dare you! You are the one who sent me that email." Jasmine told Monica.

Kaitlyn felt shivers in her spine as she watches how Monica's expression changed from a sweet innocent girl to someone who can star as an antagonist in a drama series.

"So what? You should have just died in there!" Monica answered back and laughed creepily.

"I was your friend." Jasmine softly said.

"You were my one and only friend, but you stole him from me. Viel is my fiancé! He was supposed to be mine and then you came into the picture! You are a snake!" Monica burst and tears began to fall in her emerald eyes.

Jasmine shut her mouth as she waited for the time when Monica starts to reveal the missing piece in her puzzle.

"Viel almost died because of you and yet he still chooses you!" Monica revealed and this made Jasmine and Kaitlyn gasped.

"You promised me on November 15, my birthday that you will let go of him for me. I begged you." She continued while Jasmine start to remember memories about the promise.

"Jasmine, you are my best friend. I do not want to lose you either. Please let go of him as my birthday gift." Jasmine felt her heartbreak as she saw her fragile friend break down and beg her.

"You know how I love him. Give him to me please besides, you would not want him to be disowned right?" Monica pleaded as she kneels down in front of Jasmine.

"I love him." Jasmine whispered enough for Monica to hear. Monica shakes her head as she keeps crying.

"No! You do not! Yours is just infatuation!" Monica yelled and started throwing herself at Jasmine's feet.

"I love El."

"He is Viel, not El! El is just your imagination please, Jasmine!" Monica begged and yelled.

"Viel is El, you know that." Jasmine softly answered.

"Why are you so selfish? Viel could lose everything just because of your relationship with him! He could learn to love me! He can forget you! Just leave him and give him to me! I am begging you." Monica yelled and threw tantrums.

Jasmine was shocked at her friend's attitude; she has never seen her like this.

"You knew no one chooses me. Can you let me have him please?" Monica begged.

"You could just move on. Jasmine if you will continue this relationship, he would be disowned by his parents. Can you handle that? With me, he will have a future. Think of it." Monica convinced Jasmine and she knew she is right.

Jasmine swallowed and nodded her head in defeat as tears falls from her cheeks. She knew she could not offer anything to Viel. She would never want to ruin his future.

"You told me, you've done it but then in that December night, his parents and my father planned to announce our engagement and yet, the both of you humiliated me." Monica told Jasmine softly while clutching her hair.


Jasmine was hiding behind a tree while watching the party of two families. It was the day where their families will announce their engagement. Tears ran from her eyes to her cheeks as she saw how lifeless and emotionless Viel's amber eyes were.

When Monica went to the stage followed by Viel, his amber eyes and hazel eyes suddenly met. Suddenly, Viel came down the stage and started running in her direction, and grabbed her hand.

"Viel!" Monica yelled and Jasmine saw the expression of Monica. She felt betrayed and tears fall from her emerald eyes.

As Viel is running away with Jasmine, Monica follows while holding her gorgeous white dress.

"Jasmine, please!" Monica yelled when she tripped in front of the crowd. Before Jasmine notices her, she is already inside Viel's car.


"Then the both of you run away and drove extremely fast until you crushed with a big truck. That is what you call Karma!" Monica told her as she pushed Jasmine.

Kaitlyn went in front of Jasmine to protect her friend while Jasmine was staring in nowhere while tears fell down from her eyes. She was shocked by all the memories that rushed into her mind.

"You should have died there, but he begged his parents to save you and promised that he would not see you again. So, they did, you spent two years and six months in comatose. It was going good for me then you wake up! Then years later, the both of you are viral as a lovely couple." Monica revealed.

"I loathe you, Jasmine! And you deserve it! Get out of my life!" She yelled and Kaitlyn grabbed her friend on their way out of Monica's boutique leaving the owner devastated.

Kaitlyn left Jasmine sleeping in Viel's mansion. Kaitlyn bites her lips as she waited for her food order for Jasmine when she wakes up. Kaitlyn was not surprised that Viel is El for when they arrived at Dave's office, she already thought of it but choose to ignore it. However, when she had been informed that Abuelos Company and Salvador Company cover the articles that were a piece of huge evidence on her guess.

And now, she understands why Monica tried hard to ruin El image on Jasmine's eyes because Viel is El. However, for Kaitlyn, there is no need for Monica to do that because Viel kept everything from Jasmine, and for her, as Jasmine's friend, that was an awfully bad move. Considering Jasmine amnesia, for Kaitlyn it looks like Viel wanted Jasmine to forget everything which is bad for her.

Kaitlyn looked at her sleeping friend and she knew judging on her friend expression earlier, Jasmine too knows that Viel has also a fault in their situation. She sighed as she realized how hard and difficult the situation her friend is in.