His Nightmare

It was a stressful day for Viel. His parents keep pressuring him to leave Jasmine, but he would never do that. He could not even imagine Jasmine being with other guys. He knew he broke his promise to them but as they say, the heart wants what it wants, and his heart wants his Jasmine.

He stared at his and Jasmine's first picture. It was the time when he asked Jasmine to take a picture with him. He could still remember that he had given her a copy of it with his letter on the back on their first anniversary. They were nineteen and naïve at that time, but their love was real. He is El, and he could not muster the courage to confess that to Jasmine.

Jasmine almost died because of him; It is still fresh in the back of his mind how the truck crushed in his car; he remembers how blood rushed down to Jasmine's face. He would never forget that moment, every night he dreams of it. He remembers how he begged and kneel in front of his parents to pay Jasmine's hospital bills.

He wanted to visit Jasmine every second in the hospital but cannot. He prevents himself from seeing her for years until that moment where his security caught a private investigator spying on him. He is not going to lie, he felt his heartbeat fast when the investigator told him who hired him, it was his Jasmine.

At first, he thought, she remembers everything but then after his investigations he had known that she forgets everything about him and the days they spent together. He was selfish and wanted her more than anything. He planned to blackmail her once he caught him but that did not go as planned when he saw her dancing with another guy named Dave. He was jealous that time and unknowingly rushed towards them and grabbed Jasmine.

The next day, they were viral on the internet however this saddened him as he read all the comments saying Jasmine was a cheater, and then Jasmine went to his office and slapped him. It hurts but Viel likes how Jasmine's palm is crushed in his cheeks. That moment he offered her a deal, saying he wanted her fiancée back. Well, that is true, because for Viel, Jasmine was his fiancée and not Monica.

The deal went smooth and according to his planned however his parents and Monica had been aware by their relationship and he resist them. In terms of love, Viel can be stubborn as heck. He was incredibly happy when their relationship became real. He had proven that Jasmine loves him. They were happy until they found out about Jasmine's condition.

Jasmine had amnesia and because of Viel's selfishness, her condition might be worsened. No matter how Viel wanted Jasmine to forget everything he cannot stand her crying in pain, that is why he prepared himself for the worst, and then Monica came, his planned shattered into pieces. Viel knew Monica will do everything to break them up again, just like what she did last time.

Viel sighed as he massaged his head while thinking about his explanations when Jasmine remembers everything.

"Sir? Here is the coffee you asked." His secretary, Fiero told him and placed the black coffee in his desk.

"Thank you Fiero and also kindly send this to Santhe's secretary." He thanked and handed Fiero the files.

"Sure Sir." Fiero answered and exited his boss's office.

As Viel sipped his coffee, he began to think whether to disclose the information of the email sender to Jasmine or not. Based on his friend, Herles, investigation the sender was Monica. He knew that if Jasmine would know who the sender was, there will be a big probability for her to remember everything and he knows he is still not ready for that to happen.

He checked his phone to see if there are any messages from Jasmine sadly, there was nothing. He looks at his wall clock and waited for the time when he could leave his office and go home. Viel is not only exhausted from work but also from his love life problems.

His gaze changed to his phone when he saw Monica's father calling him. He clenched his jaw as he saw his name.

"What?" Viel rudely greeted him.

"Watch your tone young man." The other line warned him using his baritone voice.

"What do you want?"

"I am not liking your attitude, but my daughter loves you and you better marry her. I still could not forget how you humiliated us by running away with your mistress!" The other line yelled and ended the call.

Viel ran his fingers to his hair because of stress and clutched his phone. He hated how they tried to dictate him regarding his heart decisions. He was irritated at how ignorant they are thinking he could learn to love her when his heart is already in Jasmine's hand.

He loathes how he used the word mistress for Jasmine; Jasmine is his queen and not his mistress. Viel swallowed his bitter coffee and rushed on the way to the parking lot to go home. He wanted to see Jasmine. He needed to see her now.

As he arrived at their mansion, he saw the food from a fast-food chain in his kitchen, he noticed the note pasted on the paper bag and picked it up.

"Jasmine, I bought this food for you to eat when you wake up. Call me if you need someone to lean on. I will listen. Love, Kaitlyn."

Viel smiled as he read the note, he loved how Jasmine's friend care for her. On the other side, he was worried about Jasmine, did she pass out again?

Viel paled on his thoughts and ran upstairs to see Jasmine who is awake and emotionless staring into the wall.

"Love?" He called her.

"She told me everything." Jasmine whispered enough for him to hear. Viel frowned in confusion on what is Jasmine is talking about.

"What? I saw food in the kitchen from Kaitlyn." He said as he tried to change the topic.

"Do not change the topic, El." Jasmine said trying to maintain her tone. While Viel paled when he heard what Jasmine called him. It was the nickname he named himself while courting her secretly.

"What do you mean?" He asked in disbelief.

"Stop acting innocent. I already know everything." Jasmine mumbled as she tried hard not to cry.

"I-I could e-explain." Viel stuttered as he tried to hold Jasmine hand but failed. Jasmine shut her mouth and waited for his explanations.

"I was afraid that is why I did not tell you everything. I am scared you will leave me again." Viel reasoned, he had prepared mental excuses but he cannot say it. All he can do is beg her not to leave him.

"I love you, Jasmine." He said and cupped her face and kisses him, but Jasmine did not respond.

"You kept everything a secret. You even lied to me." She said as tears falls from her hazel eyes.

"Why?" Jasmine asked as she broke down into tears. Viel felt as if he was stabbed when he heard how her tone breaks.

"I do not want to lose you Jasmine, please do not leave." He begged and wiped her tears.

Their room was filled with sobs and silence. No one dared to utter a word. Viel holds her hand tightly and pulls her closed to him. He knew he is at fault.

"I planned to tell you everything when I am ready, but I am still not." He confessed.

"I love you Jasmine." He whispered but she did not respond, and this broke his heart.

Jasmine let go of his hold and stand away from their bed to their cabinet. She opened it and grabbed her bag. Viel looked at her in fear and immediately tried to stop her from leaving.

"If you love me, you would not lie to me." Jasmine told him.

"Don't please." Viel begged as he hugged her tightly.

"I need space, for now, Viel." Jasmine mumbled softly.

"Please. I love you."

Jasmine let go of his hug and face him. She cupped his cheeks and stare at his amber eyes.

"I love you too and I would not leave you, but I need time to process everything." Jasmine explained while looking at him.

"I would stay at Kaitlyn's house in the meantime and when I am ready, I will come back to you." She spoke.

"Please, Jasmine." Viel pleaded but Jasmine shakes her head.

"Please Viel, I need this." Jasmine said and kissed him then she left him devastated.

Viel watch as his Jasmine exit their room and left their mansion. He cannot stop her for he knew it was his fault, he is afraid, but he had no choice but to hold on to her promise that she will be back, and she just needed time to process everything.

That night, Viel had sleep once again alone in his room with no Jasmine beside him and cuddling him.