Viel's loyalty.

Jasmine is having a tough time at work. She has been tasked to interview at the press conference regarding an actress scandal. She is currently riding a cab together with her friend, Kaitlyn. She continues to write possible questions that she may be asked at the conference. While writing, Jasmine tried to ignore her hair and the severe headache that she has been experiencing for days.

She also ignores all the buzz coming from her phone. It was mainly messaging from her therapist, telling her that she had already missed weeks in their therapy. Jasmine did now know if she should still prioritize her therapy because she had already remembered everything and yes, it might not be the proper way to remember all of it but still. Also, she chose to end her therapy for it might just add weight to their financial problems.

Jasmine is aware that her decision is not right, for she still suffers from severe headaches and migraines from time to time however she relies on ointment and pain killers to endure them. Besides, ointments and pain killers are much cheaper than therapy.

"You look pale." Kaitlyn commented while driving her car.

"No need to worry. This is just because of stress; we have tons of articles to work on." Jasmine replied and put lip balm on her lips.

"You are right. There are too many happenings in our society now. I still could not believe that the actress we have seen in the elevator at Halili Network is facing a scandal." Kaitlyn said and sighed.

"You are right. Well, since she was a child actress there have been rumors that she has an attitude." Jasmine told her and continue to search other articles and rumors to ask the actress.

"Yeah, it's such a waste. She is so good at acting." Kaitlyn pouted and parked her car in the parking lot.

The two friends immediately went to the conference room and found Dave who has reserved a sit beside him. Dave waved his right hand and made Jasmine sit beside him while Kaitlyn takes the other vacant seat.

"Jasmine, how are you?" Dave asked her and secretly flashed his expensive newly bought watch.

"I am fine." Jasmine answered ignoring his watch.

"You look tired. Is Viel not treating you right?" He asked as he tried to lead their conversation.

"He is treating me right. He never failed to do that." Jasmine answered sincerely and smile as she remembers how he chose her and work hard for their future.

"Is that so?" Dave asked bitterly and sighed in defeat.

While watching how Dave was rejected by Jasmine, Kaitlyn tried to contain her laugh but failed miserably hence she had received glares from Dave. Kaitlyn hated this guy's attitude, she might not like Viel completely for Jasmine, because he lied. She prefers Viel over this guy for her friend.

"I am so excited about your wedding." Kaitlyn added to tease more Dave. She wanted to let this guy know that her friend is off-limits and is now in love with someone better.

"Did he propose already?" Dave asked Jasmine and his eyes lost their twinkle.

"Not yet but he promises already." Jasmine said and looked at her hand lovingly where Viel planted his kisses.

"If he proposes; what will be your answer?" Kaitlyn asked as she is curious.

"I will say yes. I would love to be the mother of his kids." Jasmine answered lovingly and smiled at her friend.

When Dave heard her answer, he sighed. This was his realization that he is already late. He would not win Jasmine over even if he offers her billions. He knew that Viel Salvador is now her man and he regretted that he was too scared to confess when she was still available.

"If that's it. Congratulations. Viel is lucky to have you." He said in defeat.

At first, he thought, he still had a chance, but it looks like he never had one. So, there is no choice for him but to move on.

"Thanks, Dave. You are such a nice friend." Jasmine told him and smiled sweetly at him.

"Yeah." Dave said and smiled back. He is a friend and not a stranger and for him, that is already enough.

"But if he hurt you, I am here to punch him." He said and opened his laptop.

He chuckled mentally as he deleted all his plans to break them up. It was selfish for him and he knew that. He always thought he could break them up, but he did not. Maybe, Jasmine is not really for him isn't it?

While Jasmine is at the conference, Viel is on his way for his major client. His client has ordered twenty boxes of different silk. Delia also informed him, that his client is the one who endorse him to her. That is why Viel really tried to impress this client for he owes this client his job.

He drives his delivery car carefully but fast to deliver all the orders in time. Once he had arrived at the storage building, he started to move out the boxes and placed them on the ground.

While he was doing his job, he did not notice a certain lady with emerald eyes who is currently watching him as she approaches him closely.

"You have the perfect muscles to do that kind of work." The lady said to him.

Viel immediately stopped in his tracks as he is familiar with the tone of voice of the lady. He knew it was her.

"Monica." He greeted her while he clenched his fist.

"Leave us alone." Monica told her assistant. The assistant followed her orders and left the two alone.

"You were disowned because of her." Monica began to say to him trying to make him realize what he had lost because of his unsmart decisions.

"If you are going to scold me, I suggest you stop." Viel warned her and continue his work.

"I am the one who gave you that work. I am the one who helps you to earn money." Monica reasoned at him.

"Do not worry, as soon I finish this; I will resign." He said and continue moving the boxes.

"My gosh Viel! Are you stupid? If you have just chosen me, you are still a billionaire. Can't you see? I am the one who is better for you!" Monica explained to him and this made Viel stop.

"I know what you mean, but I do not love you." Viel answered at her and try to make her understand.

"You could have learned to love me!" Monica reasoned, "But you never tried to! It's always her! Am I not enough?" She asked him.

"I could try to be her. If you want, I could change myself more like her. Just left her and chose me." She pleaded as she tried to hold.

"Jasmine is Jasmine, you cannot copy her!" Viel irately yelled at her.

"I could I have the money and if you chose me, you could get the company back. I know how much you cared for the company. I could help you get it back." Monica said and held his hand but Viel avoided her touch.

"I do not care if you could get me the company. I will always choose Jasmine over anything else even the company." Viel told her truthfully as he looks at her in disbelief.

Tears flows from her emerald eyes as she could not understand why would Viel give up the company just for her?

"You have changed." Monica muttered.

"I did not; You are the one who changed. You are no longer the Monica that I used to be friends with. The one that I treated as my sister. You became someone so desperate to the point you manipulate other people's emotions, and it is annoying." Viel said and move the last box.

"Your order is now complete." Viel said and left her devastated. He headed back to the factory and went to Delia and immediately gave his resignation letter.

"You cannot resign!" Delia told him.

"I could."

"I cannot fire you without her permission." She confessed.

"I told you, I resign! You do not need to fire me; you just need to accept that!" Viel told her and left the factory.

Viel headed back to their condo unit and change into a suit, to search for jobs. Fortunately, he had received a job offer from his friend Herles, as he needs a new manager for the bar since he is going to be busy at his new case. Viel gladly accepted the job and headed to the bar.

Back to Jasmine, they had just finished the press conference and is now with Kaitlyn and Dave to restaurant to have their lunch. She secretly spread ointment in her temple in the comfort room before ordering.

She had ordered a rice meal to gain energy and hoping this will soothe her headache. However, while eating her headache becomes worse until she became unconscious leaving Dave and Kaitlyn in panic.