Will you remember me?

Kaitlyn is having her favorite meal when her friend suddenly became unconscious. She does not know what to do, she panicked for a second then calmed herself to call their friends and Viel. While Dave hurriedly carried Jasmine on the way to his car and headed while Kaitlyn follows his car to the near hospital.

As her friend, Kaitlyn had already noticed how pale Jasmine has been these past few days however, they just ignored it as they believe Jasmine excuses saying it is just stress because of work.

As soon as they reached the hospital, they sent Jasmine to an emergency room and waited for the doctor's updates regarding her condition. While waiting, Kaitlyn nervously contacted their friends.

"Hello? Where are you? Mrs. Reyes is waiting for the two of you." Marilyn greeted when she answered Kaitlyn's call.

"Marilyn! I am here at the emergency room of the hospital near the press conference location. Kindly inform Mrs. Reyes that Jasmine passed out." Kaitlyn told her friend about what happened.

"Again? Okay, Hannah and I will go there in a minute." Marilyn replied and ended the call.

Marilyn quickly went into Mrs. Reyes's office to inform their boss of what happened.

"Mrs., I had contacted Kaitlyn and she wants me to inform you that Jasmine passed out and they are currently in an emergency room at Manila's Hospital." She said with a worried tone.

"Is that so? Give these two tasks to Salazar and Cortez then you and Lopez go to the hospital to check Tolentino's condition and inform me immediately." Mrs. Reyes told Marilyn and handed her two files.

"Yes, Ma'am."

"And feel free to use the company card to pay her hospital bills and your food." Mrs. Reyes continued as Marilyn left her office.

On the other hand. Viel is managing his new job as a manager at his friend's bar. He is quite busy, so he had ignored all the notifications on his phone.

"Have you served the food ordered by table twenty-nine?" Viel asked the waiter who is sitting at a table.

"No sir." The waiter answered and scratched his nape.

"What are you waiting for? The customers are waiting." He said and headed to table twenty-nine.

"Good Day, Madams." He greeted them politely.


"I hope you could wait more minutes for your orders. As you see, we would want to ensure that your food is hot and freshly cooked when served at your table." He excused.

"Is that so? Then we can wait." The lady answered and drink water.

"Let me just get you another glass of water." He said and took their glasses and filled them with cold water.

As soon as he filled the glasses with water, he served them to the table and headed to another table who has new occupants.

"Good Day Ladies and Gentlemen, what could I get for you?" He asked them politely.

"What is your special menu? Like best menu?" asked the customer.

Viel mentally bitten his lips as he still does not know what their best seller is for, he has been just started as a manager for three hours.

"Well based on my observation, most of our customers order our Sisig. I suggest you try that dish." He explained.

"Sure, we will order one of that then barbeque and three bottles of beer." The lady ordered and Viel quickly wrote it in his mini notebook.

He instantly gave the orders to the chef and instructed some waiters regarding their posture. While observing the surrounding a waiter called him saying someone is calling on his phone.

Viel checked his phone and he saw Jasmine's friend tons of missed calls. He called Jasmine as he grew nervous.

"Why is she not answering?" Viel muttered with stress as his call ended with no one answering.

He tried to call Jasmine again, but she is not answering hence, he decided to call Kaitlyn, Jasmine's friend.

"Hello? Why were you not answering my calls earlier?" Viel was greeted by Kaitlyn's questions.

"I was busy at work. What happened?" He asked.

"She passed out. We are at Manila's Hospital at the emergency room." Kaitlyn informed him and ended the call.

Viel quickly notified his friend and headed to the hospital to see Jasmine. When he arrived at the hospital, he saw Kaitlyn together with other friends and Dave who are waiting for the doctor.

"How is she?" Viel asked Kaitlyn however he was greeted by Dave's fists.

"What is your problem?" Asked by Viel to Dave and instantly grabbed his collar.

"You. Kaitlyn kept calling you, but you never answered. Do you even worry for Jasmine? Perhaps, you are busy flirting with that Abuelos fiancée of yours." Dave mocked him and Viel punched him because of annoyance.

"Were your butthurt?" Dave asked him, "If you could not give her the best then give up because others are more capable than you." He continued to have mocked him.

"Are you telling me that you are more capable than me?" Viel asked him in annoyance as he clenched his fist.

"Yes. I do not rely on my parent's money and am not like you. You do not have any single penny." Dave stated the facts.

Viel seated at the vacant sit without looking at the other eyes. He was embarrassed because what Dave had said is true. All this time, he relied on his parents' money, and now that he was disowned, he does not have a single penny. He does not even know where he could get money to pay the bills.

They were all silent until the doctor came.

"Who is the relative of the patient?" The doctor asked them.

"I am his boyfriend. Her parents were no longer here in this world." Viel answered.

"Okay, well she is okay now. However, I suggest you take a brain scan. Does she have any brain injuries or something?" The doctor asked him.

"She is suffering retrograde amnesia." He answered and this made Dave walk closer to them.

"Is she being undergoing therapy?" The doctor asked him once again.


"I suggest you call the therapist so that we would know exactly her condition." The doctor told him and left them.

Viel immediately contacted the therapist and was informed that Jasmine has not been attending the therapy for a couple of weeks now. After having her brain scan. Viel has been informed that her amnesia become worse while Jasmine is still sleeping.

Kaitlyn and the others are in Jasmine's room while Viel is talking with the doctor.

"Her amnesia becomes worse. She had developed anterograde amnesia where she would find it difficult to process new learning." The doctor told him truthfully.

"What do you mean?"

"It means she would find it challenging to create new memories. Her memory will not be sharp like before."

"Do you mean, there is a possibility that she will forget everything and everyone?" Viel asked as he pale in fear.

"If not treated right, she might." The doctor told him.

"Is there any treatment that you could suggest for her?" Viel asked him.

"Therapy and memory training, however, that cost much." The doctor said to him.

"It's okay," Viel told him and went to a near payphone.

He sighed as he continues to dial his mother's phone number.

"Who is this?" His mother asked on the other line.

"M-mom." Viel broke his voice and cried. On the other line, his mother felt as if her heart broke when she heard her son on his weakness.

"Viel, why are you crying?" His mom asked him in pity.

"I-I ruined her l-life. I ruined her m-memory." He confessed and continue to sob. He wipes his face as he tried to tell everything.

"What do you mean?" His mom asked him with a full of worriedness in her tone.

"That night when I grabbed her to run away with me. I did not see the truck because I was mad that why we were in a car accident. Because of that accident, she is now suffering from amnesia. Mom, I do not know what to do. She might forget all her memories because of me." He told his mother as guilt crept on him.

"It's my fault. Because of me, she might forget her memories with her parents before they die. I cannot contain my guilt. He added and sat devastatingly while holding the phone.

"Viel calm down, baby." His mother tried to comfort him.

"Help me, please. I love her mom. You know how much I love her. Please, I am begging you. I do not want to see her suffer. It pains me knowing that she would not process new memories like before. If you want I will pay back twice my debt." He pleaded and kneeled before the payphone as if his mother is in front of him.

"Viel." His mother called him.

"Please, help her. I cannot do anything. How could she remember our wedding if she would suffer from amnesia? How could she remember? Mother help me. It's like I am being stabbed in my heart. I will pay back every interest I owe." Viel pleaded as his tears continue to flow from his eyes.

"I will okay. Wait for me in the hospital. Send me the address. Do not cry please." His mother said and ended the call.

Mr. and Mrs. Salvador, the parents of Viel headed to the hospital and found their only beloved son crying while holding his girlfriend's hand who is currently sleeping.

"You might not remember and the future, but I hope you will remember me by your heart." Viel whispered while kissing her hand.

"I hope your heart remembers how I kiss your hand every day and night." He continued.

"Because I will. I will remember you even if you might completely forget about me." He said without knowing his parents is watching.

"But, at the same time, I would not mind if you forget about me because I do not know any other way to pay my debt to my parents other than marrying Monica. I would accept it, if you have totally forgotten about me, I am willing to hurt in silence because I love you so." He said as he sobs.