Time for Goodbye.

Mr. and Mrs. Salvador watch their son weeping quietly while his girlfriend is still unconscious. The old couple might not accept his and her relationship, but they are still his parents, and it breaks their heart to see their son cry and sob.

Mrs. Salvador wipes her tears away and closed her eyes as she could not bear to see his son crying his eyes out. While Mr. Salvador tried to maintain his composure, as he tries not to notice his son's reddish eyes. He hated how his son cried his eyes out, he had the same eye color as his mother because of this. Mr. Salvador imagined his son as his wife crying and sobbing.

He regretted his decision. He should not have disowned his son because of some petty reason. He should have believed and supported his son's skills and not relied on the Abuelos shares. Maybe if he did the right, his son would not be in this hurtful situation.

For these past few days, Mr. Salvador thought about his actions deeply. He tried to stand in his son's shoes. He knew he will do the same if this happens to him and his wife. Nonetheless, Mr. Salvador is ashamed of how hypocritical his decisions were. He realized, that Viel has his own life, and raising him does not give them permission to decide and force him to marry someone he does not love.

Mrs. Salvador bravely approached her son and patted him in the back. She tried to comfort him and want him to feel her love as his mother.

"Viel, have you eaten already?" Mrs. Salvador softly asked her son. She looked at him, and they are both amber eyes met.

"She is still asleep. I do not know why." Viel answered sincerely and hold her mother is and for support.

"I think, Jasmine would be happy to wake up if you eat first." She told him.

"I do not have an appetite for dinner." Viel answered truthfully as he holds tightly Jasmine's hand.

Mrs. Salvador thinned her lips as she realized she could not make him eat as easily as before like he was still a baby. Clearly, her boy is now a man. A man who is in love and she is disappointed in herself that she has not seen this for she has been blinded by power and money.

"Eat first, Viel. You would not want to see your girlfriend mad when she wakes up." His father told him that made Viel shocked.

His father called Jasmine his girlfriend. Viel's heart flutter when he thought that his father is beginning to accept Jasmine as his woman.

Mr. Salvador calls one of his bodyguards and gave him money to buy food. After a minute, his bodyguard came while holding bags of food and fruits. Mrs. Salvador placed the fruits at Jasmine's table while Mr. Salvador gave his bodyguards each meal and ordered one of them to give meals to the nurses and doctors who are caring for his son's girlfriend.

Mrs. Salvador saves four meals for her and her husband and her son and his girlfriend.

"Viel, eat your dinner now. I am aware that you have been working hours since that day. Please eat until you are full." His father told him with authority in his voice.

"I will." Viel told his father and ate his meal at the corner.

Mrs. Salvador sighed in relief as she saw her son now eating. She had also given meals to Jasmine's friends and other people in the room. She had also given a meal to the guy who had just come back.

"I have paid the hospital bills." Dave informed the others as he threw a glare at Viel's side.

"You should have told us! Mrs. Reyes told us that we should use the company card because Jasmine is our employee!" Marilyn told Dave as she notices his attitude towards Viel.

Marilyn knew that Viel and Jasmine's financial problem and she knew that Jasmine would not like how Dave is treating Viel at the moment. So, as her friend, she is trying to keep the peace.

"Is that so? As my son's girlfriend. It would be best for her to move into a private room. The bills will be covered by our family since she will be going to be part of us soon." Mr. Salvador announced that made all of them shocked with his statement.

Mr. Salvador might still have some bad blood going on with his son, but he would never tolerate someone who will insult Salvador. He would not dare his son to get insulted by someone who has been rejected over his son.

"Drew! Inform the doctors that the patient at room three zero four will be moving to a private room." Mr. Salvador commanded, and his bodyguard immediately obeyed him.

In just a snapped of his fingers. Jasmine Tolentino is now resting in a private room with a private nurse and doctor checking her condition from time to time.

Viel together with his parents went outside to have their private talk. Viel bowed his head to his parents as a sign of his gratitude.

"What is her condition?" Mrs. Salvador asked him.

"She had developed anterograde amnesia. It is a condition where she would find it difficult to process new memories. She might not even remember what happens to start tomorrow." Viel answered truthfully.

"Will she get better?"

"She might if she received proper treatment." Viel answered.

"Do you have money for it?" His father asked him, and he could not look at him in the eye.

"I do not have."

"I am willing to handle the bills and payment. However, you must give me something in return." Mr. Salvador told his son truthfully.

"I will marry her." Viel said in defeat. Before he called his mother, he mentally prepared himself to marry Monica. If it is for Jasmine's safety, he would do it.

"Of course, you are going to marry her but first I want you to have your own company." His father stated and sent glares at the hospital.

"I hate that guy attitude towards you. I could feel how he looks down on you. That is why before marrying Jasmine. You must have your own company first." His father continued.

"I thought-"

"I am sorry Viel. I should have understood your feeling and should not have tried to dictate to you who to love." His father apologized and embraced him.

"Wait- "

Viel looked at his father with wide eyes. He was relieved for a moment as he realized that his father and mother have learned to accept Jasmine. However, they still have consequences for him before marrying her.

"I can marry her. Once I had my own company?" Viel asked his parents.

"Yes, and once, she is already in a good condition." His mother told him.

Viel loves it, he loves their idea, but he is afraid. He could not stop overthinking; What if she forgets him completely? What if she will love someone else? What if there is someone better for her? Because clearly, someone like Dave also deserves a Jasmine in their life and that is Viel's greatest fear for now which is Dave having Jasmine in his arms and not his.

"What if she would meet someone else? I like your idea, but I am afraid." Viel voices out his opinions.

Yes, he had considered marrying Monica for Jasmine but now that he has the permission to marry her, and they could still receive support from his parents. He just could not understand why he still need to let go of her.

"Viel, let me be honest with you. We do not own the company anymore. You need to have a proper income that could handle the hospital bills and treatment she might be needing." Mrs. Salvador told his son.

"I know, but I think I could pull it off, without the need for us to be separated from one another." Viel told his parents. However, as they finished talking. Jasmine's friend, Kaitlyn, suddenly called him and told him to go back to Jasmine's room immediately.

When the Salvador family arrived at the room. Viel witnesses his fear, that is Jasmine resting in Dave's arms and not his. His heartbreak into pieces as he witnesses Jasmine scream because of pain while holding her head and blood rushing from her nose.

"Jasmine." He whispered as he felt his guilt when he saw how her tears falls from her hazel eyes down to her cheeks.

Viel was stopped in his tracks as he waited for the doctor to come in. He let Jasmine be held by Dave while he clenched his fist as he continues to feel insecure and incompetent.

How dare he? How dare he even look at her without shame? He is the reason for her suffering and yet he still thinks that he is worthy of her. Viel is slowly being beaten up by his guilt and insecurities.

"It hurts." He heard his Jasmine cry.

Dave bites his lower lips as he felt Jasmine pushing him away. He loves her but she loves someone else. He might be selfish and arrogant, but he knows letting her go is the best way to make her happy.

Dave lets go of his hold on Jasmine and his eyes search for Viel who is quietly standing at the corner. He approached him and whispered.

"She needs you. Be there for her." Then he patted Viel's back.

"Thank you." He heard him speak and watches, how he holds Jasmine carefully. Dave smiled mentally as he knew that Jasmine is in a good hand. He might not be able to love her as someone to be his wife, but he will continue to love her as a friend.

As for Kaitlyn, Marilyn, and Hannah. They felt as if their heart has been pulled away. This scene was the least they expected. It was too sudden and unexpected. They never expected their friend who was full of energy back then to be lying in a hospital bed because of an illness. They were not ready for this sight.

When Jasmine felt his touch, she rested her head over his shoulders and take a good look at his beautiful amber eyes. She loves him and she hated how she could see the pang of guilt in his eyes.

She holds his face while observing his features carefully. She lets her skin touches his facial features trying to memorize all of it. She is aware of her illness. She heard him. She heard him when he says, he will remember her, even if she might forget him completely.

"El" She called him by the nickname he used as her secret admirer.

Viel smiled at her as she uses his admirer's name.

"Yes, my jasmine?" He asked her while holding her carefully.

"I will always love you, no matter what. Remember that." She said and kissed his lips.

Viel kisses her lips and Jasmine has been unconscious again.

"I am afraid. She will be needing to receive treatments abroad for better results." The doctor told them as he examines Jasmine.

"Do she have any relatives to care for her during her treatment?" The doctor asked.

"I will." Dave answered and clenched Viel's back.

Dave swallowed nervously as he made his decisions. He will not use this chance to win her. He knew Jasmine sees him as a friend only or maybe a brother, therefore he will act like one.

As for Viel, he holds Jasmine's hand tightly as he holds on to her promise.

"I will always love you, no matter what."

He needs to let go of her for now. Like what his parents told him, they will shoulder the bills and while they do. He needs to be better for her. He needs to heal himself from his guilt and insecurities.

"Please remember me, my jasmine." Viel mentally told her as he squeezed her hand. With that is their goodbyes.