Found you, again.

To say she is excited is an understatement! Dave sighed as he looks at the lady with his bewildered expression. He bites his lips as his gaze went to the plastic bags, she had bought for their homecoming gifts. He swallowed in amazement as he wonders how she had bought all these chocolates and clothes. His mouth was left open as he thought that Jasmine bought everything at the market.

Jasmine smiled innocently at him to avoid being scolded by him. She sneakily tried to hide the other bags that she had bought. She thinned her lips as she thought that Dave is overacting. She meant; she just uses ten big bags. That was not even enough.

"How many did you spend?" Dave asked her.

"I do not know! I just used this card that you gave me. I did not even reach its limit." Jasmine told him and pouted while she waves the black card she is holding.

Dave closed his eyes and facepalm as she handed him the black card that Viel gave them to buy the necessities needed.

"Jasmine, you should really kiss a guy named Viel as soon as you see him. This was his card and you just spent thousands of dollars with it." Dave informed her and helped her to pack everything.

"You can kiss him for me." Jasmine commented and lifted the other bags and hurriedly went to her room leaving Dave shocked as he saw the other bags.

"I should have not let her shop." He said to himself and rested on the sofa.

Dave sighed and contacted her girlfriend Hannah to tell her what their friend had just done.

On the other hand, Viel was looking at the receipts he had received. It was the copy of transactions made between his card and a market. He chuckled as he read who was the benefactor. It was his Jasmine.

"She developed her love for chocolates I see." He mentally told himself.

He bites his lower lips and smirked as he realized that he could give her his entire fortune without regretting it. For three years that they have not to talk or see each other, he is still smitten and in love with her.

"Why are you laughing? What is funny?" His mother asked him she chooses clothes for her daughter-in-law.

"It was just some bank transactions." Viel told her.

"Oh yeah. I told her to buy me some clothes and chocolates." His mother confessed and continue to examine clothes.

"Jasmine and your mother cannot be separated anymore." His father whispered to him as he finished trying new suits.

"Should I need to be jealous?" Viel joked and chuckled.

"Not really but be ready because if you and Jasmine get into a fight. Your mother will be on her side." His father informed him and patted his back.

"How about you dad?"

"Of course, I am on my wife's side." His father told him and laughed at him.

Viel chuckled at his parent's confession. He smiled as he knew he would never fight her. He does not plan to hurt or make her cry.

Viel went to the fitting room and began to try the suits he had chosen, after buying some suits. He headed to a jewelry store and handed his order. An engagement ring and wedding rings.

With all the preparations of both sides, the day before the event. Dave and Jasmine boarded the plane at ten in the evening.

Jasmine was seated at the chair near the window while Dave was seated beside her. She continued reading her diary as she had already finished her newly bought book.

Their flight took approximately eleven hours. They have reached Manila at nine in the morning. Jasmine had slept for a few hours while Dave went to Hannah and had dated.

While Jasmine was resting, Viel is pacing back and forth at his office. He is nervous. He had his hair styled and have a facial spa. He wanted to make sure that he will be the most handsome man that Jasmine will notice at the event.

"Bro! Chill!" Fiero told him. Fiero was his former secretary when he was the CEO at Salvador Company. Now he is a friend who is the fiancé of his cousin Samantha.

"How could I relax? I will meet her in just a few hours! She is already in Manila!" Viel stressed as he posed to see his reflection on his mirror.

"You make me dizzy. Santhe would agree with me if he is in my shoes." Fiero complained.

Santhe and Herles could not make it to his office that is why it is just Fiero and him.

Viel stared at his friend in amusement. He could not believe that his former secretary who was been polite and afraid of him is now his friend who is sarcastic to him.

"You know what. Imagine yourself as Jasmine." Viel told him and kneeled in front of him.

"Dude." Fiero muttered as he was shocked when Viel hold his hand.

"Jasmine, will you- "Fiero cuts his friend's statement and takes his hand back.

"Viel do not practice with me. I honestly think it would be best if you do not practice and genuinely ask her hand." Fiero scolded his friend and took a sipped on his Ice Americano.

On the other hand, Mrs. Salvador is busy watching the workers arranging the event. She had also talked with the emcee regarding the program.

She had also sent the gown that Jasmine will wear at the event and in just a few hours the event will start.

Jasel Publishing Company is currently holding its anniversary since its founding date. The event is currently held at Salvador Hotel. The reporters and cameramen keep taking a shot at the event design. The design was marvelous. It felt as if they are in a big library that have a luxurious set of tables.

Each corner has an ancient bookshelf and beside it is plants and flowers, particularly jasmine flowers. The color palette used is very aesthetic and pleasing to the eye. It was a combination of hazel and amber.

The audience has also noticed the vintage chandeliers. The program started with a prayer and a welcome speech from Viel Salvador himself.

Viel Salvador is currently wearing a chocolate brown tuxedo that matches his brown shoes. He has his hair in a neat slick back hairstyle. His amber eyes look so enchanting, overall, the bachelor billionaire attracts thousands of human hearts.

As he is having his speech. His amber eyes continue to search for someone. Someone who could make his heart beat fast.

While Viel is searching for her. Jasmine is hiding in the bathroom stall. She is nervous. She does not know what to act when she sees him. Dave always tells that Viel is her boyfriend, but she forgets him, and she might offend him because of that. Hence, she is shy to bring herself in front of him.

Jasmine is currently wearing an off-shoulder red gown and has her hair in curls. She looks at her reflection in the mirror and asked herself; is she pretty enough for the billionaire?

She pulls out her diary from her purse and writes what she is feeling at the moment. She also tried to call Dave but sadly, he cannot be reached.

"Jasmine, calm yourself!" She mentally scolded herself.

Once she had claimed herself, she went outside the comfort room and seated near the corner. She grabbed a book beside her and covered her face with it. While doing that, her eyes followed Viel Salvador's movements.

She sighed in relief as Viel did not notice her completely as he went backstage.

After the owner's welcome speech. There has been an intermission number by a famous and award-winning dance troupe.

She grabbed some appetizers while trying to search for Dave. She pouted when she could not see him. Maybe he is with her girlfriend Hannah.

Jasmine sighed as she thought she could meet some of her friends tonight and have some chit-chats to catch things up. She even brought her diary to tell them everything without missing or forgetting a detail.

Her face lit up as she notices her favorite food, lasagna being served. She had asked a server for two plates saying it is for her and her friend but in fact, it was for her only.

When she had received her two plates of lasagna, she immediately takes a bite and smile as she loved the taste. While Jasmine is eating her lasagnas, she did not notice that a certain pair of amber eyes is secretly watching her every move.

While eating her lasagna, she heard that her favorite author will be reading her upcoming book. This has caught her attention and immediately look at the stage. Jasmine's hazel eyes widen as she saw Kaitlyn's face and gasped when she realized that Dave was not lying about her being friends with her as Kaitlyn smiled and waved in her direction.

Jasmine waved back and smiled. She was overwhelmed because her favorite author had just noticed her even from afar. She had listened to Kaitlyn's story-telling that she did not notice Dave approaching her.

"Hey." A man wearing a masquerade mask called her attention.

"Who are you?" Jasmine asked him and looked at his hands. He handed her a masquerade mask.

"This event includes a masquerade ball. You need to wear this." The man answered while Jasmine squinted her eyes as she is familiar with his voice.

"I tried calling you, but you were unavailable." Jasmine scolded the man, as she concluded that this was her friend, Dave.

"Sorry about that. You must wear this. It is made from jasmine petals. Mrs. Salvador informed me that this is specially made for you." Dave informed her and handed her the masquerade mask.

Jasmine examines the masquerade mask and wears it. It was color white just like jasmine flowers.

"Do I look okay?" She asked him consciously.

"It brings out your hazel eyes." He answered her.

"Thanks. But who will be my partner?" She asked but Dave disappeared.

"Where is he?" She mumbled.

When Kaitlyn finished reading. The lights were suddenly off, and the only light was the one on the dance floor. Suddenly the emcee took the center stage while wearing a masquerade mask also.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! The masquerade ball has begun! Grab your partners and danced under these chandeliers. Embrace this time of the program to be romantic and stay in love! Shall we? "The emcee announces and grabbed his partner and begins dancing.

The couples have started dancing and unfortunately for Jasmine; she was pushed and trapped in the middle of the stage with no partner. She sighed in defeat as she tried to exit the stage however as she tried to leave, a rough and delicate arm grabbed her waist.

She gasped as she put her hands on his shoulder while she stares at his amber eyes. As her hazel eyes met his amber eyes, her heart beats fast as she feels the sudden feeling of familiarity, by just seeing his eyes.

His amber eyes give her a sense of longingness and love. His touch made her feel at home and his scent comforts her.

"I miss you, my Jasmine." The man with a baritone voice said.

She felt her cheeks blush as she heard his voice. She is curious about who he is. She wants to see his face.

"You feel familiar." She confessed without breaking her gaze at him. She smiled as she saw him chuckle.

"You always notice my eyes first. But I am sure, what am I going to do next will make you remember me." He said and gazes at her lips and slowly approaches it.

As for Jasmine, she knew it coming. She knew he is going to kiss her lips, but she did not hesitate to move away instead she closed her eyes and waited for his lips to touch hers. And as their lips touched, hundreds of cameras flashed.