Deal for a lifetime.

Viel and Jasmine broke their kiss as they feel all eyes on them. Suddenly, the lights turned on and Viel grabbed a mic. Jasmine's eyes look at him in confusion as she tried to hide her blushing face. She likes it no, she loves it. She loves their kiss and she wanted more of it.

"You are El." Jasmine told him, forgetting the real name of Viel.

"That's what you used to call me, love." Viel whispered.

She gasped mentally when Viel took off his masquerade ball. She blushed harder when she realized that the Viel Salvador who Dave was talking about was the man she just kissed.

"Everyone! Meet Jasmine Tolentino, soon to be Salvador." Viel announced and helped Jasmine take off her masquerade mask.

As she took off her masquerade mask, Viel suddenly claimed her lips once again and she gladly kisses back. They kissed as the audience clapped their hands to express their happiness towards the loving couple.

When their kiss stopped, she smiled at him and hugged him. She hugged him tightly as she felt sorry for all the times that she ignored his calls.

Honestly, she planned to break up with him since she could not even remember him but when she saw him, when she felt his touch, when she heard his voice, and when he kisses her. A sudden new emotion creeps into her heart. It feels that her heart remembers this man and it beat for him.

"Your heart remembered me." He whispered to her and hugged her back.

"Yeah, it looks like that is what happened." She said and continue to blush.

"Yeah." Jasmine nodded.

"The lasagna, that was my recipe. My cooking is not bland anymore." He told her and guided her to their table together with Dave and his parents.

The night ended with Jasmine in Viel's arms. Finally, after three years, the couple had shared the same bed once again.

Jasmine woke up with someone beside her, she forgets what happened. She was about to confront the man beside her but was taken back by his angelic sleeping face. She just could not help but smile and search for her diary.

She blushed as she reads everything in her diary and slowly remember what happened. She closed her diary and observed the man's face.

"So, you are my boyfriend. Viel Salvador." She said and gently touches his face as she does not want to wake him up.

She continued to caress his face until she was satisfied. She lay down beside him and continue to watch him sleep with a smile on her lips.

Viel frowned as he feels someone is watching him. He opened his eyes and the lady in his dreams is in front of him.

"Jasmine?" He mumbled and poked her cheeks, making sure that the lady in front of him is real and not just his imagination.

"Good Morning." Jasmine greeted him and he smiled back.

He moves closer to her and tightly hugged her. Jasmine rested her head on his bare chest while he caresses her revealed shoulder.

"I thought I was dreaming." Viel confessed and plant kisses on the top of her head.

"You are not. I am sorry to keep you waiting. " Jasmine mumbled and hugged him back.

"It is okay. My patience for you has no limits." Viel assured her and pinched her cheeks.

"I always declined your calls because I do not remember you but when I saw you. I felt it, you are someone who is important to me." Jasmine confessed and got up to cup his cheeks.

"Your amber eyes are so familiar." She said and stare deeply into his amber eyes.

"I think you fell in love with me because of my eyes." Viel teased and winked at her.

Jasmine blushed as she knew that it is possible. She felt attracted to his eyes. As if she was a magnet.

"I was only teasing you, but seeing you blushed perhaps what I said is true." Viel told her and hugged her from behind. He continues to plant kisses on her nape down to her shoulders.

Jasmine giggled as she felt the tickle when he kisses her nape and shoulders. They continue to cuddle for a minute and turned on the television in front of them to watch some news.

Jasmine's eyes widen as she saw the headline news for today. She grabbed her phone and saw the viral pictures and video of them. It was the video taken last night when Viel and her kissed in the middle of the stage.

"We are viral." She muttered as she scrolls her phone to see every article about them.


"Yes!" Jasmine exclaimed; however, she did not feel like it was the first time.

"But it feels like this is not the first time though." She told him about her gut feeling.

Viel cough as he remembered what happened the night after the Salvador Hotel 80th anniversary. Their situation is exactly what happened that night.

"You are right about that." Viel confessed as he peaks into her phone.

"What do you mean?" Jasmine asked her as she is confused.

"Our meeting last night was the start of the third part of our love story. We also went viral at the beginning of the second part." He exclaimed and Jasmine nodded.

"Mrs. Lee told me that I should not force myself to remember everything so I would not ask any more questions and let the memories flow naturally." Jasmine told him and grabbed her diary and continued writing their current situation.

Viel noticed her thick dairy. He is not a fan of reading, but he wanted to read her diary.

"Can I read your diary?" Viel asked her and peeked into her diary.

"You should read my first diary. It contains my first year in the US." Jasmine told him and grabbed another thick diary and handed it to him.

"It is thick."

"Well, it contains, four hundred plus pages."

"I will read this to catch up with you." Viel told her and this made Jasmine stop writing.

"What about me? Can I read your diary? Oh! I bet you do not have one. How can I catch up? " Jasmine expressed her worriedness.

"I can tell you everything." Viel told her and start telling everything since year one.

Viel rested his back on the headboard and asked Jasmine to join him, then he began his story.

"Three years ago, you suddenly become unconscious while I was at work. Your friend, Kaitlyn called me, but I did not answer because I was busy at work. Then I just found out about your condition after a few hours. Luckily, Dave and your friends are there to care for you while I am not there. I owe them a lot." He said and Jasmine nodded as she listened carefully.

She knew this scenario; Dave had explained this to her.

While listening to him. She had known that she was the one who inspired him to build a publishing company. She had been aware that she was a journalist together with Kaitlyn, Marilyn, and Hannah.

She had known that Viel had suffered hardships in negotiating by himself, with authors to have their stories published by them. Viel did not use the name of Salvador to have an easy journey in building the company.

Her friend Kaitlyn was the first author that signed with him. She smiled as she thought that Kaitlyn was such a good friend.

"The Company became famous and had been offered by filmmakers for a partnership to have our books turn into movies. For the past two years, I have worked nights and days, so that I could keep myself busy. I also reflected on my past actions and my mistakes. I make sure that I am ready once we met again." Viel told her while he plays with her hair.

"There are times that I get unmotivated, but I hold on to your promise. I am glad because everything is worth it. You are worth it." He said and kissed her lips.

"Then yesterday, you came back home from the US. I was very nervous that is why I requested a masquerade ball. When I mustered the courage to approach you and then you noticed me. I felt as if I am in heaven especially when you stare me in the eye then we had our first kiss after three years." He whispered and kissed her ear.

When Viel finished telling her his story. They get up from the bed and cooked breakfast together. After having their breakfast, the couple went to their amusement park date.

They ride roller coasters and are currently lining up for Ferris wheel. When they had ride one cabin of Ferris wheel. Viel holds his breath while waiting for the cabin to stop at the peak.

"Did you know the saying regarding the Ferris wheel?" Jasmine asked him once again.

Viel nodded as he swallowed nervously. The last time they rode a Ferris wheel, their cabin did not stop at the peak.

"Do you believe in it?" She asked him again.

"I do not care about its result. I am going to marry and grow old with you." He spoke.

"I love that about you." Jasmine confessed and Viel stared at him. As he stares at her, their cabin stopped at the peak of the Ferris wheel.

Viel kissed her lips making them not notice that their cabin had stopped at the peak. After their amusement park date, they headed to a museum and spent their time appreciating different masterpieces from various artists.

"This art looks so beautiful." Jasmine commented.

"Yeah, so beautiful." Viel agreed while staring at her lovingly.

Jasmine notice this and blushed. She slightly slapped his biceps as she could not contain her emotions.

"Cheesy." She teased him.

After their trip to the museum, they went to their favorite restaurant and Jasmine immediately ordered lasagna and steak for Viel.

"You have always loved their lasagna, that is why I spent my time in the kitchen learning how to cook so when we meet again. I could present you a lasagna made by me that is much delicious than their lasagna." Viel told her.

"You told me about that, you said that the lasagna at the event last night was based on your recipe." Jasmine boasted as she remembers what he had told her.

"You are right." He said and took a picture of her using his phone while she is eating.

As they were having their lunch, Jasmine noticed that the other customers were Viel's parents together with their friends. Jasmine swallowed when she heard a piece of romantic music starts to play.

Jasmine mentally gasped when Viel's parents and their friends suddenly approached her individually and handed her a single jasmine flower. After them, the servers of the restaurant had also handed her individually the same flower.

"What is happening?" She asked him but she found Viel not in his seat anymore.

She felt tears wanting to fall down in her eyes when she found Viel kneeling in front of her while holding her hand.

"My dear Jasmine, you teach me how to be patient. You are my first and last." Viel told her and pull out a diamond ring from his pocket.

"Viel." She mumbled as she knew where this is going.

"We met again because of a deal and today, I would want to ask you; if you are on for another deal?" He stated and bit his lips.

Viel sighed nervously and stare at her hazel eyes. This is the moment of truth for him. He had waited three years and he want to make her his wife officially. He inhaled and exhaled before continuing.

"A deal for a lifetime?" He said softly as his voice break and tears fall down from his amber eyes to his cheeks.

"Will you grow old with me? Will you help me to build a family?" He asked her and continued,

"Will you marry me?"

"Yes, I would." Jasmine answered and Viel put the engagement ring on her ring finger then kisses her.