
A year after their engagement. Jasmine holds her chest as she tried to feel her heartbeat. She stares at her reflection in the mirror; she smiles as she examines the makeup on her face. She looks so beautiful with her hair tied up in a top knot hairstyle. She could not help but shed a tear as a tear of joy because finally, after all the years that passed. She is going to be Mrs. Salvador.

Today is her wedding day. She could not believe that they have passed all the obstacles they went through in their relationship. She touches her white ball gown, it is beautiful and made by Monica Abuelos, herself. Yes, Monica Abuelos the lady who became her rival for Viel's heart. Even she is suffering from anterograde amnesia, she cannot seem to forget when Monica approached her and offered to make her a wedding gown. The two had reconciled a few months ago; Monica had learned to move on and accept everything. Jasmine felt relieved knowing that because Monica was her first friend, and it was such a relief that they are now okay before her wedding.

"You look so beautiful. The gown looks so pretty because of you." Monica complimented her friend while she fixes her wedding gown.

"Thank you." Jasmine told her and caressed her friend's cheeks. Monica came back to the Monica she used to know, the sweet and carefree Monica.

"I found her crown!" Marilyn exclaimed as she handed Jasmine's crown to Hannah who is currently fixing her hair.

"Put it at the table. I am not done yet." Hannah informed her friend.

"Hannah, can you brush aside her bangs? I need to fix her eyeshadow." Kaitlyn requested Hannah while she is testing the pigment of the eyeshadow she planned to use.

"Sure," Hannah said and brush aside Jasmine's bangs.

"We need to finish dolling her up in a few minutes so that we can have time for taking pictures and putting her veil," Monica told them as she prepares Jasmine's veil.

"Noted, Monica!" Kaitlyn assured her and began blending the eyeshadow.

While the ladies are dolling up the bride, the gentlemen are busy informing the groom of do's and don'ts during the honeymoon and after it.

"Make sure that your honeymoon is romantic. I suggest you lit scented candles and pour rose petals on your bathtub and bedroom." Herles suggested to his friend, Viel, the groom and patted his back.

"That is true! Also, for plus romantic points, carry her in a bridal style on your way to your bedroom." Fiero joined the conversation while scrolling up on his phone and taking selfies.

"My tip is to make sure that she will feel loved and important every second of your husband-and-wife journey." Santhe told him genuinely, Herles, Viel, and Fiero suddenly chuckled at him regarding his behavior.

"Why? What is funny?" Santhe frowned in confusion.

"It's just that we never expected you to say that I mean you are the womanizer of our group but when you say that it felt like you are the most loyal among us." Fiero sarcastically told him and chuckled.

"Fiero just stated the facts." Herles joked and fist-bumped with Fiero.

"I am a changed man, guys! Besides checking the groom. He just became pale." Santhe said and teased Viel who is currently pale.

Just like Jasmine, he could not contain his excitement and nervousness. He is excited because starting today, Jasmine will be officially his while he will be officially hers. He is nervous for he might mess up his vows later because he might be completely captivated by her beauty.

He bites his lips as he imagined after the wedding, their honeymoon night, and because of his imagination, he started to blush which leads his friends to continue teasing him.

"Bro, the honeymoon is later. Don't be so excited!" Herles told him and laughed together with Santhe and Fiero.

"I am just imagining that we will be having a big family, many children." Viel reasoned and tried to calm himself.

"Speaking of children; I need to see if Liane is ready. You know my daughter is a flower girl." Santhe excused himself and exited the groom's waiting room and searched for his daughter.

"Right! I need to check Channel and our baby boy!" Herles exclaimed and patted Viel at the back, leaving Viel and Fiero alone together.

"Fathers," Fiero commented and sipped his mineral water.

"Yeah, I am excited to be one." Viel commented and start tying his necktie.

"Viel, I will check Samantha for a minute." Fiero excused himself and search for his girlfriend.

As Fiero left him, his parents came inside his room and smiled at him. He smiled back as he saw how proud and happy his parents are through their eyes.

"Congratulations Son." Mr. Salvador told his son and hugged him.

"Congratulation Viel. I am excited to become a grandmother!" Mrs. Salvador exclaimed and kissed his son's cheeks.

"Let us go to the church." Mr. Salvador told his son and leave with his wife. Viel smiled and sighed in relief because, in just a minute, the wedding ceremony will begin.

Viel felt like there are thousands of butterflies in his stomach as he waited beside the aisle for his Jasmine. He could not help but cry because of happiness as he heard the choir singing romantic music. He shed a tear and look up at the ceiling as he could not contain his excitement, yet when he saw the doors opened and found her in a white gown holding her favorite bouquet of Jasmine flowers and roses, his tears became like a faucet as they started to fall down from his amber eyes.

Jasmine smiled with her eyes as she walks down the aisle near to him. Beside her is her friend Dave, who she sees as her older brother, and Mrs. Lee who helped her to get better. She sobbed softly as she gets nearer to him. She chuckled softly when her hazel eyes met his amber eyes. She shed a tear when he holds her hand and guide her to the altar.

Viel holds her hand tightly as his heart beats fast. He is captivated by her. He could not stop his tears as he feels gratitude because Jasmine loves him. He could not believe how blessed he is, because the woman he continues to love for his whole life will be his wife after the ceremony.

"Thank you." Viel whispered as he looked up.

When the bride and groom have reached the altar. The priest smiled at them and started the ceremony.

"Welcome everyone, we have gathered today to witness Viel and Jasmine becoming one in marriage. This does not mark an ending to their relationship instead it marks a new chapter of their story as they will spend their lives together." The priest stated.

The audiences, their friends, and Viel's parents could not also contain the happiness they feel for the couple. They all shed a tear of joy as they witness and listened carefully to the ceremony.

The bride and groom keep stealing glances at each other and smile. Both are excited and happy about this day.

"Do you Jasmine accepts Viel as your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad times, for richer or poorer, and be with him for the rest of your life?" The priest asked the bride.

"I do." Jasmine answered and smiled.

"Do you Viel accepts Jasmine as your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad times, for richer or poorer, and be with her for the rest of your life?" The priest asked the groom.

"I do." Viel answered while staring at the bride's hazel eyes.

The audiences especially their friends and relatives giggled happily as they heard the 'I do' of the couple. Mrs. Salvador burst into tears as she witnesses her son, who she raised for years, getting married to the love of his life.

"My son is getting married." Mrs. Salvador told her husband and shed a tear.

"Yes, he is." Mr. Salvador agreed and shed a tear.

The audience went quiet as the groom and bride getting ready for their ring exchange and to hear their vows.

"Viel, I give you this ring as a symbol of my undying love and promises to love you today, tomorrow, and future. I promise to be a good wife to you and mother to our kids. I promise to be with you in the ups and downs of our life together. I will continue to love you until the end of time." Jasmine promised as she placed the ring on Viel's finger.

"Jasmine, I give you this ring as a symbol of my undying love and promises to love you today, tomorrow, and future. I promise to be a good husband to you and a father to our kids. I promise to be with you in the ups and downs of our life together. I will always love you until my last breath." Viel promised as he placed the ring on Jasmine's finger.

"By the grace that the Lord has given to me; I now pronounced you as husband and wife. I ask you to seal the promises you have made with each other with a kiss. You may now kiss the bride." The priest announced and permitted Viel to kiss his wife.

Viel carefully take off Jasmine's veil and smiled at her. He caressed her cheeks and stare at her for a second and say,

"I love you, my wife." He confessed again.

"I love you too, my husband." She said and smiled at him. Then Viel slowly closes the gap between their faces until his lips touch her red lips.

Once again, he claimed her lips in front of the crowd. The audiences clapped as they witnessed the husband-and-wife kiss deepen. After their kiss, they signed documents have taken photoshoots with their friends and relatives. On the way to their honeymoon, Viel carried his wife in a bridal style and that night is history.

In their first month as a husband and wife, Jasmine suddenly faints and Viel immediately called their family doctor to check his wife's condition. He was worried; however, it turns into happiness in a matter of seconds when the doctor informed them the reason why Jasmine had fainted.

"Congratulation Mr. Salvador! Your wife is two weeks pregnant!" The doctor informed him. Viel could still not forget that day and Jasmine feels the same.

However, Viel could not help but to scratch his nape and stare at his wife with wide eyes when she requests extraordinary food combinations. He could not forget the day when his wife craved pasta with a peanut butter sauce.

"I want pasta." Jasmine requested while holding her stomach.

"Want me to cook for you?" Viel asked her that day.

"Yeah, I want pasta with a peanut butter sauce." She said and smiled at her husband innocently.

Viel chuckled as he remembers his expression that day. He is trying his best not to overthink and panic while his wife is in labor. He pressed his palm with his other hand while waiting for the obstetrician-gynecologist.

"Mr. Salvador, your wife is ready to give birth to your daughter." The obstetrician-gynecologist informed him.

Viel wore the protective personal equipment before entering the room. He holds his wife's hand to give her support in delivering their baby.

"You can do it, love. I am here." He assured his wife who is sweating from pushing the baby.

"Ah! Viel! We will only have two kids, not four or five! Ah!" Jasmine screamed at him.

"Noted, Love. I understand." He agreed as he hold her tightly, he knew that this is the only thing he can do to support her.

"I am here to support you. I am proud of you." Viel continues to shower his wife with compliments and support while she is trying to give birth.

After an hour, Jasmine successfully delivered their daughter and Viel stayed beside her. Viel kissed her forehead as he notices that she is exhausted.

"I am proud of you." He complimented her again.

"Thank you for being with me." Jasmine said.

When Jasmine has rested, Viel headed to the nursery room and watches his daughter. He smiled as he saw how beautiful his daughter is. Jasmine and he have an exceptionally beautiful mixture of genes.

When his wife woke up. Jasmine asked for her daughter and the obstetrician-gynecologist gladly presented their baby to his wife. Viel smiled as he witnesses the two girls in his life. His queen and his princess.

"What is her name?" The obstetrician-gynecologist asked the couple.

"Veronica Jasel Salvador." Jasmine answered and lovingly stared at her daughter as she notices that their daughter inherits his father's amber eyes.

"She has your eyes." She informed her husband.

"Yeah, and she has your nose and lips." Viel agreed and plant a kiss on his wife's forehead.

"She is beautiful." Jasmine was awed as she stares at her daughter's face.

"Just like you." Viel told her and caresses her cheeks.

Two years later, Jasmine gave birth to a baby boy and named him, Viel Salvador Jr., the Salvador family have spent their lives together, they supported one another through ups and downs in their lives. Jasmine and Viel's relationship grew stronger and stronger as years passed by, they also became a good parent to their children. Nonetheless, Jasmine and Viel continue to love each other and care for one another, they never broke their wedding vows instead they applied them into their daily lives.

An old couple is watching the sunset while holding each other hands. They are seated on a bench at their mansion. They had been married for fifteen years but for them, it always feels like they have been married just yesterday.

The couple smiled at each other as they knew that they successfully passed through all the hardships and obstacles that were thrown into their relationship. It was hard but their love survived it all.

Even though the old lady memories are not that sharp compares to everyone, even if she forgets her husband's name from time to time, her heart remembers him through his touch, his voice, his eye color, and his love for her.

The old man is a billionaire, who have everything in his life since he was born. He never regretted fighting for her. He never regretted waiting for her until the day she is ready to marry him. He is proud that he was not blinded by power or money, he will always be proud that he has chosen her over everything because he knows, deep inside his heart that she is worth it.

"I love you, my Jasmine." Confessed by a man named Viel Salvador who is already in his 50's and plants kisses on her hands like he always does in the past.

"I love you too, Viel." His wife, Jasmine Tolentino- Salvador, answered back, who is also now in her 50's then smiled at him and rested her head on his chest like what she has always done.

Their love story began at an incredibly young age and they are proud to share that until they became old, their love for each other never fades.