Chapter 11: Cole

Skylar's friend and neighbor is the girl I slept with a few weeks ago. She was the one who slept the night when she wasn't supposed to. What was her name again? "Marina," Blake growled.

Blake has been beside himself since the time Skylar brought me to her place. This was the same building outside which my father had killed that homeless man. Seeing this place after a long time brought all the memories back to me. The reason why I got angry that time was because Skylar was too close to the murdering grounds where we wolves used to murder those who broke the rules. I just want her to shift from here, but seeing her struggle for her family made me calm down.

I will remove her from this dump soon. Blake nods his head at the back of my mind in agreement. Now that we had tasted her so intimately, I knew that we were screwed bad and couldn't let her go. Blake had finally settled when Skylar introduced me to the associate. Blake was trying to gain control. This was just unacceptable. Plus, why was Lisa or Marina, whatever her name be, living here in this dump? Was she not getting paid well? I knew she was new, but all associates get paid huge chunks of money for their services. They can easily afford their own luxurious condos.

Blake growls in my head, knowing that the world we want to hide from Skylar is intervening itself with Skylar's life behind my back. Sometimes Blake gives me a headache. He just wants everything in control, and right now, we feel as if we are losing control trying to cover the situation.

Skylar's phone starts ringing, and she goes to attend the call leaving Lisa and me alone. Blake surfaces and says, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? WHY ARE YOU HERE?"

Lisa looks at me, and she says, "I could ask the same about you, and you better lower your voice or do you want Skylar to know about us? She is my very good friend, and I am not losing her because you are a jerk."

"You said that I was a gentleman, that I was different than others." I seethe.

"No, you are just like others. They all screw women because they feel that we are some kind of toys to be played with, but mind you, Skylar is very innocent and sweet. Do not drag her into that world just because you want to satisfy your sexual needs." She whispers shouts.

Blake does not like being disrespected, but since Lisa is human, I don't want to scare her. I say, "Listen, Lisa or Marina or whatever your name is, I love Skylar. Yes, I love her. I will never hurt her. She is made for me, and I plan on marrying her one day, so do not interfere between us. I understand your concern, but I am not using her for sex. I genuinely love her."

Lisa scoffs and says, "You, you can not love her. She is just too good for you. You are saying this so that you can gain my trust and be with her. But I will make her see your truth. In fact, you yourself will show your true colors to her. I will not allow you to ruin her life. I already ruined mine by entering your world knowing full well that there is no exit. But, I will not allow her to make the same mistake."

I know what she said was true. Skylar was too good for me, and by taking her into my world, I would definitely ruin her life and put her at risk, but I can not let her go now. I love her too much. I need her. She is my breath of fresh air. I hold her by her shoulder and say, "When you signed the contract with us, you should have read it carefully. If you even speak a peep about it, you will suffer. They can even end up killing you. Just warning you again. Remember who you are dealing with. Plus you need the money for your designer clothes, shoes and nails. So just take the money and shut up."

I did not want to say all this to her, but she irritated me, and Blake and Blake had to gain control over the situation again. She looks terrified and starts trembling.

We hear Skylar enter the room again, and she goes to hug Lisa. "Mom was asking about your dad. Knowing how it affects us, mom wants you to know that we are there for you. If you need help with your father's treatment, let me know." Skylar says and then looks at me.

I look at Lisa, and she is trying to avoid my eyes. So that's the reason for her to take up the job!! Her father is ill. Guilt fills me up. I just said all those mean things to her, whereas she wants money for her father's treatment.

"What happened to your father?" I ask Lisa, my tone changing to that of sympathy.

She doesn't look at me and, in a small voice, says, "He is in the last stage of cancer. We can't do anything. My entire money from my job goes towards his treatment and medication."

I see her trying to cover her wrists with her long sleeves as if trying to hide some kind of marks. I feel Blake resurfacing. I needed to know the reason for this action. Skylar seems oblivious to it. She comes to me and says, "I will see you soon. Call me when you are free." She kisses me, and I say, "Good Night, Skylar. Good Night Lisa."

With that, I leave her place. Before I can reach the stairs, I hear Lisa say, " Skylar, even I should leave. I need sleep. These past few days have been quite hectic. I'll see you tomorrow."

Blake says, "This is the opportunity to know what happened to her." I think about it and wait for her to come out.

Once Lisa comes out and starts to open her apartment door, I come up behind her and drag her into the apartment. She looks at me, still terrified, and says, "What are you doing? I knew it. You were just lying about loving Skylar. You just want to have sex, and since Skylar did not agree, you want to do it with me. Disgusting."


She starts whimpering like a scared little girl, and I fight to take control from Blake. Once I get the control, I tell her, "Look, Lisa, I am sorry for shouting at you, but you really think so less of me? I love your friend, and that is one truth that will not change. I was just worried about you and thought about asking you. But, if you want, I can go back. I don't want to intrude."

I turn to leave when I feel her hand on my wrists. She says, "Look, I know you are way better than those other guys, but think about things practically. Skylar will be miserable. She does not fit in your world. If you take her there, she will lose her light. I already lost mine, and I can not bear to see the same happen to her. She is a sweetheart and the only person in this damned place to give two fucks about me. She takes care of me like her own sister. So, yes, I am worried about her being with you, but then I see how happy you make her. Hence, I am giving you one chance. If you screw it up, mind you, I have seen your balls, and I would not mind crushing them.

As for my wrists, I was with one of the guys. He tied me up and hence the marks. It is nothing serious. He liked it rough."

I look at her, and then Blake reminds me that she was gone an entire week, so I ask her, "You do a day shift as well? You mentioned some conference you were at, then how come you have this? Were you with the same guy for an entire week?" Blake is starting to get annoyed again. Does this girl not understand the risk of being with one of us for such a long time. It can go against her. The pack member will not be harmed, but she will definitely be murdered.

"Wait, you said he tied you up. Did this person keep you against your will? Were you raped, Lisa? While on the job?" Blake surfaces and asks.

She looks down, ashamed, and nods her head. "FUCK" Blake says in my mind. "She was raped when she was with a pack member, and we were accusing her of things. I just want to find the guy and kill him." I have never heard Blake being so protective about any of the girls. I guess she is Skylar's friend, and hence he is being extra protective. He feels that she is one of his people he needs to protect.

"Did you try to leave?" I ask her calmly. She nods her head again and says, "I did. As soon as we were done the first time, I got up and got dressed, but he told me to give him a head once more because he was not done, and I obliged, afraid that he might complain if I don't do as he says. But when I got closer to him, he pushed me on the bed and handcuffed me. For the entire week, he raped me whenever he felt like it. Today, also, he left for some work, and fortunately, some maid came home. She freed me, and I was able to come home. Now I have lost my day job as well because of this reason. How will I pay for my father's illness?"

She started crying, and I stood there shocked. Every pack member knows the rules. That particular person can get severely punished if the higher-ups find out about all this. But then again, if he was brave enough to break the rules, then that means he knows the higher-ups won't harm him. That means he knows something that they would not want people to know, and he is using it as blackmail.

It also means that the maid might be dead by now for freeing Lisa, and Lisa's contract might end, or she might be murdered. I need to find out. Soon.

" Lisa, listen to me, I will help you with the finances, but for now, I want you to go underground for some time. Your life may be at risk. You can not be here. If you want Skylar's safety, then leave from here saying that you got some urgent work and leave for at least two weeks. I will get you a day job as well. Don't worry. Just leave as soon as possible. Also, give me the person's name. He needs to be punished."

She shakes her head and says, "I am scared that he will come and take me from here. I am willing to go MIA for some time, but I don't intend on giving his name. He would know that I told you, and then you will also be in trouble, and my contract will get canceled. Cole, please, I appreciate you helping me, but by just helping me get a new day job and with my father, I would be in your debt. I do not wish to ask for more than this. I should get packing."

With that, I know she has dismissed me, but Blake is wanting an out for blood. I can not see her like this. I understand him. I start to leave when I hear her say, "Oh and Cole, you are genuinely a nice guy. Just treat Skylar well, and I meant the threat when I said that I would crush your balls if you crush my girl's heart. Bye, thank you, and good night."

I smile at her approval and leave. I try to forget everything she said to me, but I cannot. I know she is right. I will be doing a great unjust to Skylar by bringing her into my world, but after almost marking her, I don't want to go back. I want her as mine now, with my mark on her neck.

If I could have my way, I would just cut all ties with my pack and take Skylar to another pack where they allow us to be with our mates. Maybe Kevin can help me with this. Deep down, both Blake and I know it is just wishful thinking. I just know this much that Blake wants his mate. Once he got the taste of his mate, he does not want any other woman touching me. Even when Lisa held my hand just to stop me, he did not like it.

Skylar is like a firefly in my dark and gloomy life. Call me selfish, but I want to follow this firefly till the end of the world. I have used sex and alcohol long enough to numb everything that I have done to date. Skylar makes me see a different part of myself, and surprisingly I like that part. It feels more like me. It makes me happy.

I decided to ditch my car at the entrance to my apartment and go for a run. I open the mind link between Adam and myself and tell him to keep my car in the garage. Blake feels really happy to be let out. He loves running. We reach the gym, and we start working out. We were enjoying our workout when we hear the sirens go out. "Rogues," Blake and I say together. I give complete control to Blake, and he runs towards the pack borders.

We see the blood bath going on. The rogues keep entering our pack grounds. Suddenly Blake gets a very bad feeling. "Mate!! Go to Mate. Mate in danger." I don't give a second thought and run towards Skylar's place. I see one of the rogues in his human form trying to get close to Skylar. "What is mate doing down at this time of the hour?"

I shift back with Blake still in control and run towards the rogue. He must have felt me because he turns around, giving me a sinister smile that makes me feel as if he knows something. Something about Skylar and me: before he is able to say something, I walk up to him and hold him by the neck. I look at Skylar and say, "GO INSIDE TO YOUR APARTMENT NOW." I see a terrified look on her face. I will make her feel better once I have dealt with this rogue.

Once I see her enter the building, I drag the rogue into the woods, and when I am about to snap his head, he says, "You got yourself a pretty little mate. I would definitely tap that or maybe get someone else to rape her? What will your higher-ups say about her? She is a human, after all." He was unable to say any other word because I snapped his neck in half and then shredded his body. I feel a presence behind me and turn to see Kevin's wolf. "She is your mate?" He says once he shifts back. I give him a silent nod. "WHY THE FUCK DID YOU NOT TELL ME? YOU REALIZE THAT YOU WILL HAVE TO REJECT HER. WHAT WERE YOU THINKING, COLE? A HUMAN? THE HIGHER-UPS WILL NOT FORGIVE YOU FOR THIS. THE POOR GIRLS LIFE IS IN DANGER. THIS WAS A PLANNED ATTACK. DON'T YOU GET IT. WE HAVE A MOLE AMONG US. IF THAT PERSON KNOWS ABOUT YOUR MATE, DO YOU THINK THE HIGHER-UPS WON'T KNOW ABOUT HER? YOU ARE A FOOL. I TOLD YOU TO BREAK THE RULES WHICH COULD BE BROKEN, NOT THIS ONE."

Hearing that Skylar's life is in danger, Blake could not control his growl and gives out a loud raged growl at Kevin. Kevin looks at me with pity and says, "Cole. I am your mentor. I realize that she is your mate and that you love her. But do you really think she is worth doing all this? Breaking the rule that has been going on for centuries? Look, we all have rejected our mates. It hurts like hell, but this is the rule. Please re-think on this."

With that, he turns and leaves. What he said keeps ringing in my mind. I have put Skylar's life in danger just because I was selfish. I need to reject her today. With that in mind, I walk to her apartment. I see her peeping through the window. I climb her stairs. Each step feeling heavier than the last. The dread of rejecting her looming and pushing through my heart. Blake has fallen silent and is waiting for the blow of rejection. Before I knock at her door, she opens up and hugs me tight. Her scent calming me down. I hug her back. Needing her scent to break away the gloom.

She looks at me and says, "Who was that? Why did you hold him like that? I know he was making me feel uncomfortable, but it seemed like you knew each other." I take her hand and say, "Yes, we know each other. He is one of my business rivals employees. He came here to threaten you to betray me by becoming an agent for his company because we are going out. I am so sorry that you got caught in the middle of all this. Please forgive me."

She leans over and rests her head on my shoulder, and tries to calm me down. She doesn't realize that being with her is what makes me calm. She asks me in her angelic voice, "So, what do we do now? Will he be coming over again?" she shivers when she asks that. I put my hand over her shoulder, pulling her close, and say, "No one will be harassing you again because of me. Do not worry."

I will not allow anyone to hurt Skylar. No werewolf will ever come near her. "You realize she will be surrounded by werewolves once we mate, don't you?" Blake says. "I know, that's what is worrying me. Father will tell her purposely, and then we will lose her. What should we do, Blake?" I ask him in my head. "We will figure something out. First, let's make sure she is safe. Also, please do not reject mate. I will not be able to survive it." with that, he vanishes somewhere at the back of my mind.

I make sure that Skylar is asleep, and I lock the doors tightly. I sleep on the couch even though it is uncomfortable because leaving her in a situation like this alone is not what I am comfortable with. Sleep consumes me, and I wake up the next day with a stiff back. I get ready and kiss Skylar. I leave before she wakes up, thinking about having a word with Kevin.

Today we have a meeting with the higher-ups to discuss yesterday's massive attack. Even though we did not lose any wolf from our end, but the higher-ups are shaken with the attack planned. Rogues don't move in packs, and yet the rogues yesterday were moving as one, which is a thing to be worried about. The higher-ups must be feeling a huge threat coming up. But, right now, I am only worried that the higher-ups will know about Skylar.

As I walk into the mansion of one of our pack members, I see Ashton Hertz. His family owns the Hertz pharmaceuticals. They are the ones that provide the rarest medications by taking chemicals from Kevin's company. Everyone has a drink in their hands, even if it's just 11:00 AM. We all do not drink because we enjoy it. We drink so that we can forget our evil side. It's like a coping mechanism.

"Weitzel," Ashton says. He gets up and gets a scotch for me as well. "Hello Ashton," I say. To an outsider, we would look like two professionals maybe, because of the way we greet each other. But I have known Ashton since I was one. Like me, he was born into this hell, but, unlike me, he actually loves it. We went to Oxford together. We were roommates there. I never really like him, but since our families are friends, even we have to be friends. In my world, it is necessary to befriend someone who has such a great hold over the pack.

His family has its business internationally spread, but the medications that we get as a pack are not available to other packs spread across the world, and neither are they available to humans for certain diseases like Cancer or Covid. But, certain medications are also lethal. We use them on our enemies or even humans and make them look like an accident. Some of these medicines can induce heart attacks, aneurysms in humans. For werewolves, the drugs contain higher doses of moon seeds and wolfsbane.

The fact that the Hertz's enjoy making these even though they are actually forced to make these makes me skeptical of them. I prefer my distance from Ashton. I know all the things that he had done and has it covered. I know that I am at no place to judge him or his family, but I do. They are like my father. They enjoy this life. They enjoy the control. But there is one thing I like about Ashton. He also enjoys breaking the rules. He is, however, far more of a risk-taker than I ever would be. I know that because he met his human mate at Oxford. He has already marked her. He has a mansion near Oxford where his mate lives, and he lives here. He visits her often. He does not care that he is cheating on her. He has her as his toy. He does this all the time and still has it a secret from the higher-ups and his family.

He also openly talks about giving up his CEO position to his younger brother as he is more interested in ruling over the humans as their President. Noah is Ashton's brother. Hence when their father decides about the CEO, it will be Noah. Andrew is a great father who has allowed his sons to choose their own path, unlike my father, who has forced me to take over the company.

Even the higher-ups are happy with the decision as Ashton has the qualities of being a great president. He knows how to lie, cover things up, debates, interviews. So, currently, the higher-ups are training him to become a senator. He is working alongside the human senator as of now.

"Cole, you have become a stranger. It's been too long that we have had a game of golf and gone on a race together with our wolves. Let's meet soon for that, but right now, take your drink." I take the drink because I need it to calm my nerves. These meetings always make me and Blake uncomfortable because they are unpredictable.

"So, how are things going on in your life? Any lady you are seeing?" he asks casually. I instantly stiffen and feel Blake going on high alert. "I hope he does not know anything about Skylar. We can not trust him."

"No, you know my working hours. I barely have time for myself, let alone remove time to have a lady by my side. Plus, the higher-ups take care of our other needs." I say.

He starts laughing and says, "I don't know how you do it? I would never be able to sit still in the office, let alone get up early. I am a lazy bone. How many hours do you work? 10?"

"16 hours actually, Ashton," I give him my fake smile. He just laughs and slaps my shoulders. He says, "Dude. You need to get a life outside of work. Come on. You need to loosen up a bit. You do not have to be so uptight always."

I look at him and say, "Once you start campaigning for senator, you will be working more hours than me. That time, I will say the same thing to you."

"Oh Cole, that is years from now, plus I have people to do the stuff for me. I just need to be in front of the camera and smile. Imagine the number of ladies throwing themselves at me." He winks.

"I guess you have your fair share now as well, don't you?" I look at him and say, he sees the look I am giving him and drags me to a quiet place, "You will not threaten me, Cole. I can be a good friend but your worst enemy, and I am very sure your father, Zach, would not want us to be enemies now that I am going to be a senator one day."

I shrug off his hold and say, "What I am trying to tell you is, do not get caught. Once you are famous, you will have reporters flocking and watching you like a hawk. You do not want to get caught with her, and plus, you do not want to put the pack in danger of getting caught, now do you?" I smirk at him, knowing I have just won the conversation.

He looks at me and leans into my ears, and says, "Knowing that I can get caught is the thrill. It's like an adrenaline rush. I like to think of it like that. Now, if you would excuse me, I need to get going and hosting other people, and let's meet for golf once. It has been a long time since you lost to me." saying that, he leaves.

"I wonder if he was the one who raped Lisa," Blake says, "What makes you think that Blake?" I ask him. "I don't know, just a feeling. We should get this checked out, Cole."

I see Kevin and go towards him. "Cole, how are you this morning?" He asks me once he spots me.

"Hello Kevin, I am well. What about you? Kevin, I was wondering if I could have a word with you in private?"

"Let me take my drink, and then let's head out for a smoke." He says.

He gets his drink, and we walk to a private smoking zone. I look around to check if no one is there, and I say, "Kevin, it's about one of the assistants."

"What about her? I thought you have your mate to satisfy you." He smirks. Blake has the feeling of ripping his head off, but I say, "This is one of the assistants who I slept with, and she turned out to be my mate's friend Kevin. She was raped by one of our pack members for an entire week. It is against the rules. That wolf needs to be punished."

"Listen, young man, keep your snout out of other people's business. That girl signed up for this. All assistants are told that they can have rough encounters. They are mentally prepared for that, then why is she coming and complaining to you?"

"Kevin, I thought you could help me. You have two daughters. I thought you would understand the pain. Please help me find the wolf. She was seriously hurt. Plus, this girl was not aware of the rules. I guess the recruitment team is not telling them the rules."

"That can be the case. The team has been having some difficulties in recruiting girls for the past few months. Hence it is no surprise that they are hiding the rules."

"If they stop killing the girls who break even small rules because they were not informed, I guess we would not be in this trouble. We need to talk to the higher-ups about this in today's meeting."

"Do you not understand? Do you not want to see your mate again?"

"What do you mean, Kevin?"

"They will start tracking your every move Cole, your car will be bugged, your house will be bugged, plus they will have eyes on you the entire time. You need to understand Cole, you are already going to break one of their biggest rules, and yet you want all this trouble? Is this assistant worth that trouble?"


"Then keep your snout shut. Now, let's go. The meeting will be starting soon."

Blake is on a high alert the entire time during the meeting, but it revolves mostly around finding the master mind behind the planned attack and killing him. The rest of the meeting is all about the updates, and my father stands up proudly and says, "We have invented the car that can work as a boat as well as open five parachutes while in the sky, in case someone wants to land on four wheels."

The meeting is then adjourned, and we all stand up to leave. My father comes up to me and says, "Where have you been going off to this entire week? I have noticed you leave early."

"I have been going for golf practice, Ashton has challenged me, and I need to win," I say without blinking an eye.

My father seems to be pleased with my answer and says, "Good, I do not want to be embarrassed with your loss again. Anyways, we all are going for lunch. Would you want to join us?"

"I am sorry, father, but I have a lot of pending work at the office which I aim to complete."

He seems pleased with my answer and leaves. I know he likes control, and right now, he feels as if I am trying to walk on his path. I want him to be delusional till I do not marry Skylar. With that, I leave the Hertz residence. Blake and I hate these meetings. They get us all wound up.

I go to my place, change my clothes and burn them. You can never be too careful. They can plant small bugs on you without you realising. That's how they control you. I quickly take another of my car's and send the current one for services, knowing well that there can be bugs in my car too.

The only thing keeping me and Blake sane right now is the fact that I am going to see Skylar and that she is going to take us for an adventure today. Never once in my life did I think that I can be reprimanded for hugging.