Chapter 12: Skylar

Cole called to inform me that he is picking me up a bit early than we decided. After last night I am a little bit shaken, but after Cole calmed me I fell asleep like a baby. Cole being a gentleman, slept on the couch and then left before I woke up. He had told me yesterday that he had an early meeting with a client.

I am glad he is coming over early. I get ready to meet him. I miss him a lot. Even though I saw him last night, I can not get enough of him.

Looking back I realize that I never missed Henry as much as I miss Cole. I think I should have taken it as a sign that time only that we were not meant to be.

I don't want to get ahead of myself and think that Cole and I are meant for each other, but the fact of the matter remains that I miss him whenever he is not around. I can not bring myself to believe that I like him so much. It's not just because he is hot and rich, but because he pulls certain strings of my heart which Henry was never even able to touch.

Being around Cole brings out butterflies, which I did not know existed in me. I have never felt this way around other guys. I wear a purple sweatshirt and black jeggings and put my hair into a high ponytail. I don't want that my hair gets in the way during all the activities I have planned for us.

I just finish putting a layer of baby lips when I hear a knock. I rush to the door to see Cole standing with a bunch of white orchids. He is wearing a blue suit with stripped matching tie. He looks hot as hell. I guess all his clothes are custom-made for him and that is why they fit him so well.

He looks freshly shaven and has an afternoon look on this face. Just the sight of him makes the butterflies in my stomach flutter.

"Cole, these flowers are beautiful, you remembered that I love orchids."

He leans down to kiss me. " You are most welcome. A beautiful woman like you deserves these beautiful orchids."

I take the orchids and put them in a vase next to my television. I turn to see Cole standing next to me. He pulls me into a tight hug. He leans into my neck and takes a whiff of my hair. He seems to do that a lot. When he does that he seems to relax. I am happy that I can help him relax.

He then leaves feather-light kisses across my jaw and finally reaches to kiss me on my lips. This kiss is full of passion as if his life depends on it. I lean into him and allow him access to explore my mouth. His kiss is slow and sensual and he gradually deepens it. His kisses are not like other guys. He takes his time.

His kiss makes me hot in every other place. Everything just fades away with his kiss. He is just kissing me, yet he seems to affect me so much. It's not just his kiss, it's everything about him. His strong, powerful hands, the way he holds me, his stature, his dominating presence, everything just makes me focus on him alone.

We finally separate to take a breathe and he backs away. His eyes pitch black. I feel as if his eyes change color when we are together. Is that even possible? He says "I wish that we can continue, but if we keep doing that I would want to take you to bed and do stuff with you. It's not that I don't want to, but I promised that we will take things slow."

I nod and go to pick my purse. I feel Cole behind me. He wraps his hands around my waist and kisses my neck. The hickey he left the other day, is still there. It has become a small mark. I am not complaining I like it. It shows that I am his. "I missed you the entire time I was not with you." He says.

"I missed you too," I say. I can feel the heat from his body and can smell his tempting smell. It is his fresh shaven smell and a slight hint of his cologne. His kiss makes me shiver.

I turn to him and he kisses me again. The kiss sends me into a frenzy. I want to drag him to my bed and give in to my urges with him. I have gotten all hot and bothered. The attraction I have for him is off the charts.

He has picked up my purse and has even put everything in my purse, all the while kissing me.

"How did you do that?" trying my best to get out of his haze.

He whispers into my ears "I am very good with my hands."

I blush at his double meaning and he laughs. I stare at him because his laugh is so boyish.

I lean into him again and he kisses me some more. He moves to kiss my neck where he had left the small mark. I feel wetness pool between my legs. He grazes his lips on the small mark and then kisses it. The gesture sends tremors of pleasure throughout my body. His grip on my waist tightens and his right-hand moves to my boobs. He squeezes my boobs gently and a moan escapes me. I feel him harden against me.

His left-hand goes to the jeggings and tugs at them. I feel his hand move into it and reach under my panties.

"Cole," I moan into the kiss. "Yes baby," he whispers, his breath making me wetter, his hands knowing where to go and moving towards their purpose.

I try to form a coherent sentence "I guess we should…." I was going to say stop for now, but the want within me doesn't allow me to complete the sentence.

"Do you want me to stop Skylar?" he asks in his husky sexy deep voice.

"No," I moan, unable to form any more words as I feel his hands enter my core sending waves of pleasure flooding through me. I tip my head back and feel him graze the mark again making me wetter, the sound of my wetness clearly audible.

I can feel his arousal against my legs and it gets me over the edge, I think that he would want us to continue on the couch or on the bed, but he has me trapped here and he is igniting all the feelings within me by playing with the sensitive bundle of nerves. He brings me over the edge and finally allows me to have an earth-shattering orgasm.

None of the guys have ever had this kind of an effect on me and neither have they been able to bring me to an orgasm with just their hands, but Cole, he is different. I am still recovering from the most amazing foreplay when I feel him step away and smirk. He removes his hand and whispers in his husky voice, "Are you glad that I came over a bit early?"

I look at him and smile, "If I would have known that we would be doing any such thing today, I would have not allowed you to leave in the morning today."

He laughs and I see him taste me from his fingers, "I guess I know what my dinner is going to be today," he says with lust-filled eyes.

The one simple statement of his was enough to make me wet with anticipation again. I run my hands over his arousal and say, "Let's go to the bedroom."

"Skylar, we will definitely finish what we started, but right now let's go to the adventure you have planned for me."

"But, I did not get a chance to pleasure you Cole, and plus you did not get any enjoyment from this."

"Skylar, you can feel what you do to me, plus I want to get to know you."

"I guess you know me in a very intimate way now."

"Trust me, baby, I enjoyed myself, and as I said, I am good with my hands. I want you to anticipate how good will I be with my mouth and my junk. But, for now, let's go or else we will be late and I can not wait for my dessert." he winks at me and I lose my breath. COLE WEITZEL JUST WINKED AT ME!!!!!! I was not even aware he could do that.

I take a shaky breath and say, "Let me just fix myself up, and then we can leave."

"Go ahead, I'll wait here."

I go to my room and rush to the bathroom to calm myself down, I wash my face and apply light makeup. My body is still recovering from the waves of pleasure. That was bloody amazing. I have never felt anything like this before.

When I return, I see Cole watching TV. I like having him here. It feels like home. Before Cole, it was just an apartment, but watching him here today, it makes me feel like home.

"Cole, I am ready to go." I grab my purse and re-check on the keys. I do not wish to be locked out of the house.

He shuts off the TV and meets me at the door. He pulls me into him and kisses me, "You look beautiful."

"Thank you, you look handsome as usual. All dressed up." I laugh a bit.

"This? this is casual, if a tie has strips it is casual," he says.

I laugh, "A tie is always formal, but no worries, we will change this."

We reach his car and he holds the door for me. I sit inside and he too takes his place. He says "So, where to first?"

"Actually, everything is at one place only. We are going to a mall." I say.

He pales when I say this. His face looks as if the doctor has told him that he needs to get his kidney removed.

I can't help but laugh and I say "Do not worry Cole, you are going to love it."

"Where is the mall?"

I give him the name and he puts it in his car's GPS.

The drive there is silent. I can see that he is a bit tensed about going to the mall. I put my hand on his thigh to help him calm down. I have noticed that whenever I touch him he calms down. I like that I have this effect on him.

Within twenty minutes we reach the mall. Once inside the mall I lead him to Zara and take him to the men's section. I make him stand in front of the jeans and tell the salesperson to give me jeans that would look good on him.

Cole looks at me like a lost child and says, "I do not wear jeans Skylar, the fabric is very heavy and I do not feel uncomfortable. Plus, this is not an appropriate attire."

I look at him with my eyebrows raised and say, "So, you mean that I am always wearing inappropriate clothes?"

He flusters and says "No, no, no, no, no, I didn't mean it like that. What I meant was that it would look inappropriate on me, you…you look gorgeous in everything baby."

"Have you ever worn them, Cole? How can you decide without even trying that they will not look on you?"

"Skylar, all my clothes are tailored for being a perfect fit, how can I wear something off the rack? I am not used to it. They will definitely not fit right."

"Oh come on Cole, at least try, 95% of the population buys stuff off the rack and it still fits them perfectly, you will not be any different."

He eyes the jeans given by the salesperson with unease. I feel like I am standing in a shop with a five-year-old stubborn kid. I go to him and whisper in his ears "The very thought of you in jeans is turning me on, please wear them for me."

"You are a very cruel woman. But I will do anything for you, so give me those damn jeans."

He goes in and starts trying the jeans, he pops out after five minutes, and I just cant stop staring at him. He looks very very very hot. I mean he looks hot in suits but, in jeans, he looks his age and much hotter. He has a great ass on him and I can not help but stare at his butt.

"I like them on you, you should definitely buy this pair. Now go and try the others."

"I do not like the feel of denim, I am not used to it, Skylar. Can we just buy one and let me break into these first then you can buy me more once we get married."

I freeze. Did he just say when we get married? I see that even he has frozen at the realization of what he just said.

"I am so sorry Skylar, I should not have said that, we have just been going out for a few days. Do not take me wrong."

I go and hug him, "I like the thought of getting married to you, but it is kind of early. Can we revisit this thought once we know each other better? Now, let's get some T-shirts for you."

"Skylar, can we take these things slow? I mean, I like that you are excited to buy me clothes, but baby, I am still new to all this."

I show him my puppy eyes and say, "Please Cole, just one. I will not push you to buy more than one. I want to see you in jeans and a T-shirt today."

"As you say, my lady." He bows down and takes me to the T-shirt section.

I sift through a lot of racks finally finding something that will look good on him. I hand him the T-shirt to try and I swear he looks like a Greek god in that. I can see his taut muscles and the broad chest which I want to lick.

Damn Skylar, get your mind out of the gutter. I go up to him and say, "Cole, do not change we'll just pay and leave. You can carry your suit in the bags."

Once we finish shopping I drag into the bowling zone and tell the receptionist to give us our size of shoes. Cole looks at me scandalized.

"Skylar, how can we wear shoes that have the possibility of being worn by someone else?"

"Cole, that is how these things work. Come on, do not tell me that you have never been to a bowling alley before?"

"Skylar, we play sports like golf, horse riding, and pool, this is not one of them."

"Cole, you will enjoy, I assure you. Please."

We take our shoes and move towards our alley. The receptionist gave me the coupons for a pepperoni pizza and beers. They give these as complementary.

We sit in our alley and I teach Cole what has to be done and how the scoreboard works. I beat his ass in the first round and by the fifth round he comes close to beating me, but I still win. He looks as if he has lost some award. I take him to the table in our alley and get our pizza and beers.

"This is dinner?" He asks. "No, Cole, this comes complementary. Plus we did play five games, so they have given us a large pizza, plus I don't want you filling up on these, we will be having nachos and beers during our movie."

"We are watching a movie after this?"

"You don't want to? We can go home now if you want." I say.

"Skylar, I love spending time with you baby, but I want to be alone with you and a movie is not the way I imagined us being alone. Can we go to your place instead?"

"Sure, we can. I guess I went a little overboard planning today."

He takes my hand and threads our fingers together. I like it. We walk towards the exit when he pulls me into Swaroski shop and tells the attendant there to show the best bracelet.

"Cole, what are you doing? This is too expensive. I can not take this."

"Skylar, I want to show you how serious I am about us. Marriage is in the future for us, but right now I want to show you how important you are to me."

I hug him and the attendant gives me a very pretty rose gold bracelet. It looks as if it is made for me.

Cole pays for the bracelet and then we leave.

We are walking toward the car when I ask Cole, "So, how was your meeting today?"

He looks at me and says, "Same old, same old, a bunch of businessmen trying to make more money than they already have."

I laugh at this and then he asks me, "So, what did you do?"

"Well, I volunteer at a shelter close to home. I teach people reading there."


"Uhhh, yes Cole, but I don't go towards the fence, I remain inside the shelter."


I feel my temper rising. I already have a controlling mother, I do not wish to have a controlling boyfriend as well. I rip my hand from his and say "WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT? COLE, I HAVE WORKED THERE FOR OVER A YEAR. I LIKE CHANGING PEOPLES LIVES."


"If you did not like the clothes I bought for you, you could have easily said so. You do not have to mean about it. I am a grown-up woman. I can take of myself. I need to get away from you. I do not want to talk to you right now."

I walk away from Cole still fuming. I hear Cole shouting "Skylar wait!!"

This is the only reason I do not rush into relationships, for the first few days you think the person is normal and then they show their crazy, controlling and over possessive side.

"Skylar," Cole reaches me, and says, "Look, Skylar I am sorry, I am new to this relationship thing. I have a tendency to get controlling. I did not mean it as an order, I was just worried about your safety. You have no idea how dangerous it is beyond the white fence and just the idea of you being so close to it made me hyper and I removed it on you. I am so sorry. And also, I like the clothes that you made me buy. Genuinely, even though I probably look like a clown, but this attire was chosen by you. It is special to me. Please, please do not be angry."

When I don't say anything he says, "You need to understand, today was a bit overwhelming for me. I have never done these things in my life and plus the very thought that I am at such a place without any bodyguards was making me very nervous as well."

I had to smile at that, "You have bodyguards taking you to such places? I thought I was the only one who was taking you out to have fun. I am sorry I went overboard. I should have thought about you as well. I was just excited to make you have a good time. Next time I will remember to take it slow."

"So, there is going to be a next time?" He says.

"Yes, why? Are you having second thoughts about us?"

"No, Skylar, the way you stormed away made me think that you would be having second thoughts about us."

"Cole, I am not good at arguments. I hate it when we argue. I like to distance myself from an argument to calm down."

"And, I like to sort things out immediately Skylar."

"That will make some interesting fights in the future. Me running away and you talking to yourself."

He smiles and says, "How about we try to find a common ground instead of fighting?"

"I like that idea." I kiss him and I am glad that the fight is over.

I know that it's late, but I also know that the night is still young and we have dessert to finish once we get home. My body reacts to the realization of what happened before leaving and anticipates that to continue.

This time, I will make sure that we both get off.