Chapter 13: Cole

"So. is it okay if we go to my place? And mind you, I have wifi TV, so think before you answer." I ask when we begin driving.

"Mmmmmm, Netflix and chill do sound tempting. Do I get to pick what we watch on Netflix?" She asks as if I have offered a child candy.

"Of course, baby, the TV and its owner are all yours," I say.

"My place is half an hour ride from your place Cole. You will have to drive me all the way back."

"That's no problem, baby. I love driving, but you need to decide fast. We need to take the next exit."

"Okay, let's go. I am excited to see your house."

"Please tell me that you are not taking her to the pack grounds. If anyone smells her, she will be dead the next minute." Blake says in my head.

"Don't worry. I am taking her to the loft we have in the human area for the business meetings."

"Oh, yeah!! then it is fine." He says

The drive to the loft is quiet. The atmosphere is thick with sexual tension due to the foreplay just before the date and also because of our conversation during the date.

"You realize that there will be sex involved, right? I will not be able to control myself from marking her. Once marked, there is no going back. Cole, think about it." Blake says.

"Blake, she wants it as much we want it. I know there will be no turning back once we sleep with her, but I really am finding it difficult to control myself around her."

We pull into the building where the loft is. The watchman lets me through. It's a human area, so I really have no trouble. When Skylar told me that she works in the shelter near the pack grounds, my heart rate increased, Blake also surfaced, and it was his anger towards the fact that she was too close to the pack grounds, plus the shelter is run by one of our pack member's mothers. If she smelled Blake and me on Skylar, she would tell the higher-ups about Skylar, and we just freaked out.

I regret removing Blake's pent-up anger on Skylar. It was wrong of me to try and control her. But then again, I was afraid for her.

When we reach the loft, the watchman knows me. He opens the gate that leads directly to the loft. I park my car, and then I go around and open Skylar's door. I put my hand around her waist. "Skylar, I am sorry for my behavior earlier. Just the thought of you being near the white fenced place made me angry."

She reaches and kisses me. "I do understand. It's just, all my life, my parents have controlled my life and then my ex-boyfriend, and I do not want to feel trapped with you too, Cole. I like you a lot. But, please trust me on this."

"I do, Skylar. I trust you completely. It's others whom I do not trust. You are a beautiful woman, and someone will take you away from me. I fear that."

"Cole, you are handsome and hot and sexy. I fear that I am not enough for you. That you will realize that you can have someone way better than me, and then you will leave me."

"Skylar, that is not possible. I have eyes only for you."

The elevator reaches the loft, and I put the security code, and we enter the loft. It takes up the entire floor. I need to have a huge loft to host business parties. Taking human associates and business partners, and clients to the pack ground can be dangerous.

I look at Skylar, and she literally has her jaw dropped to the floor. I smirk and push her mouth closed. She comes out of her trance and says, "Is this your home? Wow!"

I smile and say, "It's okay. It is just a loft, but if you want, we can make it our home." Damn Blake. He always surfaces and says such stuff, blowing everything out of proportion.

I see Skylar blushing and Blake melting inside me. I swear having such an overly romantic wolf gets very irritating. "I am so sorry, I just was…I was just, you know, trying to tell you that this is just a loft."

She laughs, seeing me uncomfortable, and says, "I love this place. It is so huge."

"Well, I am pretty big enough myself." The double innuendo making her blush again.

She ducks her head and walks to the kitchen. "I like the kitchen layout. It is so huge, and the platform is so pretty. It is everything that I have dreamt of having in my future house."

My loft has an open kitchen facing the living room. Then opposite the living room is a huge room which makes up the space for the conference. On the left side of the kitchen are stairs which lead to five bedrooms. One on the extreme is the master bedroom, and the rest are guest rooms. The master room faces forest, and the pack space,, which is visible only to a werewolf eye, and the door faces the lofloft entrance silver-coated bullets and a gun in case of a rogue attack. You can never be too cautious when you belong to the Royal Pack.

I walk to the refrigerator and ask Skylar, "Would you like a beer?"

"Sure, can we make popcorn and then watch something?"

"Absolutely beautiful." I remove the instant popcorn packet and place it in the oven. She opens the beers and goes to the couch. She switches on the television and opens Netflix. Something that we promised that we would do.

"I like watching her here. It makes my heart sing." Blake says.

"I like it too, my man," I answer and smile.

I hear the oven ding and remove the packet. I empty it into a bowl and take it to her. She has started F.R.I.E.N.D.S. "Let's have a marathon." She says excitedly. I laugh at her enthusiasm.

We cozy up on the couch and binge-watch season 1 till 5 episodes, and then I get up to get more beers for us. This is the life I want. So calm and rested. It is almost morning by the time we are done with season 2, and we have had more than six beers. I am a werewolf; hence alcohol does not affect me much, but Skylar is a bit drunk. During the entire time, while watching the series, we have touched and kissed a lot. Now the sexual tension is more than ever.

Our eyes meet, and the sparks fly. The sexual tension is stronger than I have ever felt before, and Blake is surfacing, trying to get control. I pull her closer to me and pull her to my lap. We start kissing, and the bubble of sexual tension bursts on us.

She yanks my T-shirt, and I take off her sweatshirt. We start kissing each other again, and I see her boobs overflowing, and Blake just pushes me at the back of my mind. He is in full control now.

Blake feels her working on our belt, and he takes off her lacy bra. Blake places her back on the couch and goes to remove her jeggings. Her lacy panties are removed along with the jeggings. He opens the jeans and boxers.

We are left staring at her naked body. She is beautiful. No woman I have been with is as sexy as Skylar. Blake spreads her legs reaches over to her mid-thighs. He explores her folds, gathers her wetness on his fingertips, and then circles her clit. Skylar is whimpering, and she reaches over to kiss us. Blake returns it with a lot of passion.

"You are dripping wet, baby," he purrs, and she gets a lot wetter. Blakes brings his fingers, and we get a taste of her sweet juices. We look at her, and lust is dripping from her eyes.

Blake returns to teasing her clit, and he enters two of our fingers in her warm tunnel. She arches her back with pleasure. Her boob rises and falls with each of her heavy breaths. Blake reaches over and starts to lick her pink nipples. Skylar gets closer to the orgasm, and Blake reaches and starts licking her folds. "Cum for me, baby, cum in my mouth." He demands.

Skylar moans and spasms around Blake, her eyes roll back, and her orgasm hits her. Blake licks up all her juices. She is still reeling from her aftershocks, and Blake positions himself at her entrance.

He pushes inside her, and fuck, she feels incredible, like a perfect damn fit. She must feel it, too because she is moaning even more than before. Blake has lost all control, and he starts to build a faster momentum. She starts matching Blake's movements, and he thrusts harder and faster into her. He is about to cum, but he holds it for her to last longer. Blake feels her cum around us, and we cum deep into her, planting our seed.

We stay like that for a few minutes, and then Blake reaches over to kiss his half mark on her neck, and I want to stop him, but he is blocking me, and then he does it. He marks her. Completing the mating process. He feels her blood and licks it off her. He looks over to her, and she is sound asleep. He finally gives me control, and I can feel all her emotions rolling off her. Now we are connected. We are mated. There is no going back.

Shit, this can't be good. What will I tell her? How will I explain the mark to her? I slowly drift off to sleep. My alarm blares at 8:00 AM, and I feel Skylar move and go to the bathroom.

"Did I wake you up?" She asks. She has my T-shirt on her, and she looks sexy as hell. I can feel myself hardening. She comes to me and leans down to kiss me. I move my hands to her boobs, and before I am able to proceed, she says, "Cole, how did I get this tattoo? I thought I went off to sleep after the best sex ever."

"Well, Skylar, after going to sleep, you got up again, and well, you dragged me out of the apartment and demanded me to drive to a tattoo place. You wanted this tattoo, and we got it for you."

She looks at me as if not buying the reason and says, "OMG, I finally got the guts to get a tattoo. Phew, you were with me, or I would. I chickened out again." Blake and I relax at the fact that she bought our lie.

We start what we did last night, and damn, she still feels just as good. Once we have both climaxed, I ask her, "Is it too soon to ask you to be my girlfriend?"

"I thought you would never ask." She says. Smiling ear to ear. "So, what would my boyfriend like for breakfast," she asks.

"How about some scrambled eggs?" I say. I kiss her and say, "You get the breakfast ready. I will get ready for my work. I will drop you at your place."

She goes down to prepare breakfast, and I go to take a shower. Now all that is left is for me to find a way to get Skylar at home and in my life forever.