Chapter 14: Kevin

Ever since the attack of the rogues, my wolf Rex has been on edge. I have been trying to reach out to him, but he has blocked me out.

Finally, after three days of the attack, I feel Rex surfacing.

"Where have you been?" I ask Rex.

"I have been trying to connect with the sorcerer side of ours, Kevin. It is crucial that we start training."

I freeze. As soon as he says we need to bring out that side of ours. "You told me that we would have to train when you feel the lycan princess. Did you feel her, Rex? Is she here in the pack?"

"Kevin, she is not in the pack, and yes, I felt her. I was able to smell her. She had the royal scent."

"We have to protect her, Rex, you know the promise we made to the moon goddess. Please tell me who she is, and we will do everything in our power to help her get ready to fight for her lineage, which these Royal Pack people have claimed as their own."

" You need to relax Kevin, remember what the moon goddess had told us. She will not know that she is a lycan. She will be born human, and when the time is right, she will get her lycan."

"You are right Rex, let's find her and protect her till the right time. But, where should we start looking for her? Rex, do you remember where you got her scent?"

"Kevin, the sad part here is that I was so focused on killing the rogues that I just got a whiff of her royal scent. I am not sure where it came from, but I am assuming she is in this town."

I start pacing in my room, remembering the promise made to the moon goddess. I remember that day as if it were yesterday.

I was 6 years old, and my father had come home late at night smelling like roses, covered in blood. He looked at me and told me, "Son, I need to talk to you tomorrow morning, be up early."

Like all other men in the Royal Pack, my father never showed his true emotions, especially towards me. I had gotten up early as demanded by my father and waited for him to call me into his office.

"Kevin, you can come in." I heard my father's voice from the office. I open the door to his office and walk in with my head down.

"Sit down. You are not supposed to ask questions. I want you to listen and learn. I hate repeating myself, so listen to everything properly. Do you understand me?"

I nod. DO NOT ASK QUESTIONS. This is a mantra that I have been taught since I started speaking. I have learned never to question my father about anything he says or does because that will cause his wolf to come out and beat me to a pulp.

My father then narrates a story to me, "Son, there is someone called as a Moon Goddess, she claims that we are all her children, whereas the truth of the matter is she is a cruel bitch whom we do not believe in. We are far more above her. If someone even takes her name in front of you, you have permission from the higher-ups to kill that wolf. Did I make myself clear?"

I look at him wide-eyed. Kill someone? How can I kill someone? I am a 6-year-old kid without a wolf. Plus, if she is a goddess, is she not way above us?

My father looks at my confused expression and says, "You will not believe in any goddess, get it? If my own son starts believing in that bitch, I will disown you and make you a rogue. Am I clear?"

Scared of turning into a rogue, I regained control over my confusion and nodded my head in agreement. I saw my father satisfied, and then he began talking again, "Son, you need to understand why I was covered in blood yesterday. Some Lycans were claiming to be the King and Queen of the werewolf world. They were demanding that we submit to them and change our ways. WE ARE THE ROYALS. THEY WERE JUST FAKE. Hence we killed them. It would be best if you started understanding the royalty we carry.

We have rules to be followed. We get contracts of rogues and other packs or sometimes even humans from the higher-ups, and we need to complete them to get a promotion into the higher-up's circle. Like me, I am going to be. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, Father."

"Good, you can leave. I will ask someone from the warriors to get you ready for the training in the evening."

"Yes, Father."

With that, I got up and left the room. I went to my room and laid down on the bed, re-thinking everything my father told me. Sometime during that thinking, I fell asleep. It must be a dream because I was walking in a beautiful garden. I reached near the end of the garden, which turned out to be a cliff. I sat at the edge and felt someone behind me. I tensed, not knowing what to do. I felt a warm hand on my shoulder and jerked up to see who it was. I saw a very beautiful woman who was practically floating in the air, with her white hair open and wearing a golden gown. I could not stop staring at her.

"My son." She said in her angelic voice.

"Who are you?" I asked her.

She smiled and said, "I am the moon goddess; your father asked you to hate."

I gasp, "How are you here? My father will kill me; please leave."

"No one will harm you here, my child, plus I have some important thing that I need to give you. Something to do with your future. Do you wish to know your path, my child, or sit here being afraid of the wolf who would not even know that you are here?"

"I wish to know my future mother, but why did my father ask me to hate you? You do not seem like a devil."

"It is a long story, my child. It all began when your great great great grandfather had found his mate. They happened to meet when your great great great grandfather was on a mission, as your pack calls it, to destroy his mate's pack. He had killed his mate's entire family. She was the Alpha's daughter. He found her hidden in one of the cupboards, and he cursed when he saw her. He realized what he had done and wanted to apologize. But, she bearing the alpha blood, rejected him without a second thought. He got furious and killed her.

Just because his ego was hurt, he killed his destined mate. He kept searching for a second chance, mate. Since there was no one for him, he put the entire blame on me. He told all his pack members that I had come to him in his dram and acted the devil, killing his mate in front of his eyes. While this was not true, he would always find out that his pack members have found their mates and get them killed. Everyone started thinking that he was telling the truth. That's when he started creating the Royal Pack, making every wolf of his pack reject their mates to cover his guilt up. Everyone followed, thinking that I am the devil."

I could see tears flowing from her eyes. She looked so heartbroken.

"Why am I telling you all this, you must be thinking? Because you are my child. Because I had blessed your mother with you. I gave you from my womb to your mother's womb. Why? Because you have a special destiny to fulfill. Not yet, but in the future. I gave you to her because I wanted that the Royal Pack gets what they deserve. You will lead them to their destiny. From now onwards, you will have to be very aware that we will be able to communicate directly. I will be guiding you till your wolf comes. Once your wolf is with you, your wolf will show you the right path. No one, mind you, my child, No one can come to know about our direct link."

I nod and feel myself falling. I try to grab something but end up grabbing my bedside instead. I hear a knock on the door and get up, startled. It was one of the warriors who had come to take me for training.

From that day until I got Rex, the moon goddess, or how I started calling her mom, told me about my destiny to protect the Lycan princess. She told me that the year I get Rex is the year I will find my mate. She prepared me mentally even to lose her. I was heartbroken at first, but she told me that it was part of her plan. My mate would be a sorceress, and when she would die, she would transfer her powers to me. I would become a hybrid, but my sorcerer side would only start being dominant once I get a whiff of the Lycan princess. My goal in life is to protect her and make her understand her destiny.

Now that I got a whiff of the Lycan princess, I just had to get used to my sorcerer side. Rex helped me start training in the gym for my powers. We were still waiting to get a whiff of the princess again, but we never got any. Today, that good-for-nothing stupid mutt, Cole, will be coming home. He needs to understand that he has to reject his mate. She is human. I like that stupid mutt, and I do not want to lose him since he could not reject a human.

I hear a doorbell and see Cole. Rex surfaces and whiffs the lycan princess on Cole. I lose all control. Rex takes over and says, "What did you do to her? Where is she? Why were you with her?"

Cole looks pissed and confused at the same time. "Rex, what are you on about? I was with my mate. Why are you acting like that?"

Rex gives me control back, and I apologize to Cole, "I do not know what came over Rex. I need to calm him down. Can you give me five minutes? Please see yourself in my dining room. I will be with you shortly.

"Rex, what is the matter with you? You know we cannot let anyone know about her."

"He smells like her. How was I supposed to react? My warrior instinct clicked in. What can I do?"

"Do you think his mate is our princess? You remember the goddess told us that she would not know about herself." I ask Rex.

"That can be one possibility. How about we check on her later?" He suggests.

"Yes, we should do that, but for now, I want you to calm the fuck down," I tell him.

I can feel Rex relax, and I go to meet Cole. If she is his mate, that means I need to protect him too. I need to let them mate. He is going to be my prince. Fuck Moon Mom, guide me well.