Chapter fourteen: Hope

Wilson walked into the house to see both his parents in. His mother just stood and walked up to him, then gave him a big hug.

"It's all right, you're all right now."

That was not what he was expecting. He thought she would fret and ask where he had been but it turned out that the old man's words had been true.

"Don't worry mum, I'm fine" and he truly was this time.

"I just need some rest"

"alright dear, don't worry I and your father are here for you if you need anything" she said to which his father nodded.

"thanks mom, thanks Dad, but don't worry I'll be fine I'll go back for the testing again and I'll show them all that I can be the greatest" Wilson declared to which his parents smiled lovingly.


Wilson sat on his bed trying to understand everything that had happened to him so far that day. He began to recall what the old man told him.

" you have more potential than you could ever imagine" the mysterious elder man spoke"although I might have a little hand in that" he smirked.

"you're not really ready to know the real truths of this world, but I can tell you some things. Every of these higher powers I mentioned, has where he or she specializes in. We all decide to gift a human with one of our areas if they take a liking to that human or if they just feel like. But even at that most humans haven't been able to unlock the full potential of what they were given.

You see I had to ask favours from each of them to gift you with all their areas. I don't mean to pressure you but something is coming. Something big and we're going to need all the help we can get."

"Anyway, away from this gruesome topic. let's talk about you. When you clock fourteen, your powers will awaken but .... and I say again but you have to be ready for it."

"It's not going to all awaken at once, that'll bring too much attention and we don't want that do we?"

"A random element will be awakened on that day, but before then, train your body. you're no longer in your old world and in this world of cultivation and magic, only the strong survive."

"Train your body. Take this feather, when you are ready to begin your growth, just place it on your forehead and you'll instantly know what to do."

"You must strive to grow strong to protect those you love. Wasn't that you and Daniels dream? well then, here's your chance!"

"I will try to keep in touch but as a higher power, we are not meant to interfere in the matters of humans and mortals. But let's see what I can do. Take care of yourself Wilson, you have a destiny to fulfill."

He smiled and pointed to some trees behind him and said "behind those trees is your home, take care."

Wilson bowed to the man and thanked him before running towards the trees When he turned back to look one last time, the old man was no longer there, neither was the log or the encirclement of trees which made him wonder if it was all a figment of his imagination. A desperate attempt of hope?

But then he felt his pocket, and removed a golden feather which made him realize it was all reality.


Back in his room, Wilson slept peacefully with a smile. His parents seeing this by peeping through a gap in his door could only sigh out in relief that their child was really fine for the moment despite the trauma of broken dreams he had faced.

But they knew tomorrow with a new day would show whether he was over it or not. As it was said 'only time would tell'.

The next day arrived and Wilson's parents sat at the table nervous worried of what Wilson's behavior would be.

They were surprised when he came down bouncing happily on the steps before taking his seat for breakfast.

"morning mom, morning dad,"

He looked so happy his parents didn't know what to think. Until his father being the blunt one asked

"son are you really okay? you don't have to pretend to be okay in front of us, we know it's been tough not awakening an element or grade but we're proud of you no matter what. well be happy as long as you're happy."

His mother wanted to rebuke his father for being so blunt with a child but the deed had already been done.

To their surprise, he looked up from his food to them with a confused expression

"wait is that why you guys have been closely watching me, don't worry about me, I'm fine. I mean at first I was kinda sad but I'm over it" he smiled and continued eating.

Over it! which kind of child would get over not awakening was the thought on both his parents minds as they looked at each other in confusion.

After some while, Wilson spoke

"I'd like to go for the testing again two years from now. hope that's okay?"

"No problem son, but why two years from now?" his mother asked

"No reason, just feels like the right time" he replied

"Are you sure son?" his father asked to which he nodded.

"Alright dear, if you say so"


Later in the day, Wilson went to meet Daniel.

"hi willy boy, how are you feeling?"

"oh enough with the sad faces today okay, I'm ALRIGHT!!" Wilson replied.

"really, why didn't you say so, I was so tired of pretending."

Wilson only sighed. Then he asked "what academy did you get into?"

"oh that....." Daniel sighed "well I was offered a spot in the famous sunsglow academy, but I don't know I..."

Wilson cut him short "go, don't mind me remember, just go, plus I'll be able to beat you even with my eyes closed. I'll be fine"

This was one reason these two were friends. They cared for each other almost like brothers.

"so when are you going?" Wilson asked.

"well in two months. That's how long it actually takes for one after they you know ..... awaken."

"Well, I'll be going for another test two years from now, but before then I plan to work out a bit" Wilson smiled cheekily.