Chapter fifteen: Growth

And true to his word, Wilson crushed the feather the mysterious old man gave him and instantly received a set of training routine.

From that point onwards, he began to train. From running round his house to jumping up and down for a particular time limit. Sometimes his father of mother would open the door to find him sweating in the process of doing his nineteenth push up.

It was somewhat funny to see a twelve year old working out so intensely but sometimes they remembered it was the world of cultivation where nothing was impossible.

There were times his father would join him for the fun of it and to make sure their boy was alright. While there were times Wilson made sure he dragged Daniel along with him telling him he had to be in top shape if not there was no way he would end up being the world's greatest TRI elemental.

Daniel of course complained during the whole process, at times crying or falling on the floor or being overly dramatic meaning being Daniel. But at the end he still did it.

He sometimes would start calling Wilson names like monster or evil teacher or inhuman creature. Wilson of course ignored him and went on with his own training.

And always at the end of the day, Daniel would still complete his own exercise regimen after cursing out Wilson.

Soon enough, the time limit of two months went by. It was finally time for Daniel to leave.

Wilson didn't know what to say at the moment. Daniel had been his best friend since he could remember coming to this world and now he was going away just like that.

Daniel on the other hand was more normal in the sense that the person from the academy that came to pick him up was trying to drag him back while he was running towards Wilson screaming DON'T LET ME GO!! with snot and tears all over his freckled face.

At the end he went to his best friend and gave him a hug and said

"stay strong buddy, do your best, don't let anyone push you around, try not to get yourself into more trouble than you usually do, continue YOUR REGIME! other than that take care".

Daniel finally calmed down after that replying seriously "I will".

The two of them did their secret handshake and Daniel finally turned around to follow the person assigned to pick him much to the person's relief.


After Daniel left, Wilson decided it was time to go on with his training. His family thought Daniel leaving would affect him emotionally as well as psychologically. But noticing as he still acted okay, they assumed he was going to be fine.

Little did they know it really affected him but seeing as he could only meet Daniel in the future if he was powerful enough which supposedly he was, there was still hope.

Wilson began to train from that moment onward. He trained and pushed himself to the limit every single day.

And just like that, day by day, Wilson began to get stronger even though at first it was with a miniscule amount.

Time quickly went by as a year passed. In that time, his parents had grown accustomed to seeing their only child always doing one sort of thing or the other. In the beginning they were worried, but as time went on it became a part of daily life.

Wilson was now thirteen. Only a year was left before he could retake the test. He was no longer the scrawny kid he always was. He usually used to be scrawny... not the bad type though just the type that looked like they could never add flesh or skin. But now he looked good. That was just a word people were describing him as.

It was his birthday and his parents were happy that Wilson seemed to revert back to normal completely but still they noticed he changed in some aspects.

Without Daniel there he had somewhat became unreachable to others other than his family and family friends. They never saw him with another kid his age not like he was bullied or untalkable to but he had an air or aura of the elderly after being around adults for so long.

Wilson was already eager to go and get tested but he knew rushing into things would take him nowhere. He had to take things slow and steady. He had already waited for a year, what was one more?

That was Wilson's thought. And again, Wilson continued to train and train, harder and harder every single day pushing himself to the extent limits praying for the year to end so he could go back and show them all that he was not weak.

Before he knew it, Wilson was fourteen years old. Lots of things had happened in the span of two years from him not awakening during testing, to finding out he had more abilities than normal to training hard every day and loneliness because his best friend left him.

A week after his fourteenth birthday, Wilson approached his parents and informed them of his intention to go for a retesting.

His parents looked at each other, sighed at their son's stubbornness nevertheless they agreed at the end because they had already given their word. They only hoped he didn't get another dream shattered.


Time was fast approaching for the testing and Wilson kept on looking worried. His parents seeing this thought he was worried about what happened the last time repeating itself and always tried to cheer him up.

Unbeknownst to them, he was worried about a whole different matter.

What element he'd awaken and how many!!

Yes that was Wilson's worry.

The mysterious man had visited again and told him he'd get a surprise on the day of his awakening, that he shouldn't worry. Knowing the old man, Wilson feared for the surprise to be something different from what he was expecting.

It was finally the D-Day and wilson couldn't help but reminisce about the past and how it was two years ago. He smiled before getting ready.

Today,... today he'd show them all.

After getting prepared, he and both his parents left and after some time arrived at the testing guild centre.