It's been two days since I wiped out the red snake from the world and I've also killed a lot of grim, since this annoying lady has no idea on how to control her fucking emotions but to be honest I've made it my mission to piss her off at every turn like right now

"why are you following me don't you have a daughter that you should be raising instead of stroking me,

creep" I said as a sword went through my body

"shut up and I told you that you interest me" she said as her eye twitched as I've been doing this for a while now I mean can you blame me I'm bored and the only thing I have is killing grim and she also offer good training for me when I phase through her attacks

"really you are a drag, leave" I said as I took out Sever and fired six shots into the shy as six griffins dropped around us all missing there heads

"I still can't believe how powerful your weapons are.... Maybe you can make some for my tribe"

"why would I give powerful weapons to idiots like your tribe" I said as a Death Stalkers came

out of the trees it was covered in moss and its armor had cracks all over

"it's bigger than normal and by the looks of its armor its old so smart meaning that I can't use the some trick twice" I said as I side stepped its stinger as it stab into the ground as it tried to wipe me so I side flipped as it missed me by the hair and then jumped back

"it fast to that good, very good I can use this as training" I said as it charged at me as it tried to grab me as I dodge all it attack like they were nothing 'never play with your enemies that how you get killed' a memory of uncle qrow said as I sighed as I jumped back and immediately ran at it as it sent its stinger at me but I jumped on top of and ran on it towards the Death Stalkers but it used its tail to wipe me into the air 'hehehe now I can test if it works' I said as I span in a drilling motion took out my guns as I rapid fired as it Death Stalkers as it got hole all over its body as I landed in front of it with my back turned and as it did a final charge and jumped I set Sever to full power took aim of it as I smiled

"Jackpot" I said as I blow it head off and side stepped to its body as it fall on the floor "huh that was fun" I said as I span Sever from my left hand to my right and fired to one of the trees

"just because I can't see you doesn't mean I don't know your there" I said as ten faunus come out of the tree lines as they surrounded me

"how did you know we were here" the wolf eared faunus said as she stepped up forward but stopped as I pointed Sever at her

"stay were you are" I said as her friend tried to get closer but were scared of Sever since they saw what it did to the Death Stalkers "I'm not really in the friendly mood right now and to answer your question I knew that the Death Stalkers was woken up by someone and it so happened to stop at this location meaning the person it was after was around somewhere and after that is was a simple matter of listening" I said as I rested Sever on my shoulder

"know what do you want" I said looking at the wolf faunus

"we where simply passing through" she said with a smile on her face

"I see well you may all leave then" I said as I set Severs power back to normal as she had to recharge 'she can only fire on of those blasts every ten minutes and after the blast she needs to cool down and recharge' I thought as the gun was red hot

"yes but before that" she said pointing at Sever "where did you get those weapons they seem quite powerful" she said as they got closer

"huh I didn't get them I made them and didn't I just tell you to go" I said as her eyes twitched and her men went for there weapons

"yes since that's the case would you mind handing them over" she said raising her hand towards me "I simply can't allow a child such as yourself have such dangerous weapons with her you could get hurt" she said as her men got closer

"huh you know this ends badly for you all right" I said as one of the biggest one charged at me with his mace but I flash stepped in front of him causeing him to stop as I tripped him as he fall I placed a very hot Sever in his mouth as he silently scream as his mouth burnt as I looked at all of them

"you move he dies, you think about moving he dies, you speak without my permission he dies and trust me killing him and then all of you will not be a problem for me" I said as they all stopped 'so they at least care about there comrades lives I can respect that'

"now since you felt the need to try and rob me I shall do the same" I said taking out Domination and aiming it at the wolf "take out all your weapons put them all in a pile over the and I'll let your friend go but the faunus that tries anything that I see as a threat I'm taking limbs" I said as they complied without any problems as I took out one of the extra fire bombs I had and through it at the pile as it burst into flames

"I say this is fair don't you think" I said getting off the men as I took my gun out of his mouth "now I hope you all take this as a list and that is don't fuck with me or I'll do to you what I did to the red snakes"

"that was you"

"yes burnt them all for there sins" I said as I laughed a little "now which way do I go if I want to get to Vale and how close am I"

"that way but you will have to pass by the Branwen territory and they don't take kindly to trespassers" the wolf said

"you don't have to worry about me if I am attacked I will kill simple as that" I said as I walked in the direction leaving them without a word or care at their warning

After an hour of walking Raven appeared in front of me with a sword drawn

"is there a reason why your in front of me with your sword drawn-out" I said looking at her

"I can't let you enter as the leader of the Branwen tri-" she stopped as I walked passed her 'like I have time for you' I thought as I walked

"you have no way to touch me or even stop me" I said as she tried to slice me only for her sword to pass through me without stopping or slowing me down

"how long can you keep your semblance going" she asked as she continued 'the rate of your attacks is to quick and the damage your sword does is to small for me to feel anything'

"huh I can go a week with no sleep and I'm only using a third of my semblance so you tell me" I said as I looked at her "but your attacks are pissing me off so continue and see what happens to your men" I said as she stopped and looked at me

"let's make a deal then" she said walking in front of me as I stopped

"huh fine I want your sword it should make for a good trophy and I promise not to kill them unless they deserve death thats my deal" I s

said as she looked at me pissed

"take it I've got more" she said throwing her sword and sheathe at me as I couch it with one hand

"I see so you use dust crystals as the weapon blades and you also use a revolve type sheath to switch or restore the dust hmmm it also seem like a birden like what if you run out of dust" I said as I looked at her "oh right you can teleport" I said as I strapped the sword to my back

"I hope you keep up your end of the deal Ruby"

"deal but if they deserve death but I'm pretty tamed so you won't need to worry now turn into a bird or leave" I said as I draw the sword cut every time tree that was in my way just because I could and after a day of walking I had decided to rest for the night I wasn't because I need any rest but I just wanted to get my thoughts clear because ever since I killed all those children I haven't felt anything about it

"this is so weird one minute I'm completely broken about killing them then nothing like all those feelings went away" I said remembering the day I erased the red snakes

"and another thing for some reason I didn't see the red snake as anything but insects that needed to be removed and I didn't feel a thing as I watched them burn" I said as I looked at my hand and touched my right eye "is this all because of you two hehehe" I said as I sat on the branch as I closed my eyes felt a something coming my way extremely fast not that I couldn't dodge it as I opened my eyes I saw a dart as clear as day coming at me 'must be one of ravens idiots doesn't she know that poison does jack shit to me thanks to uncle qrow feeding me death stalker poison but I'll let this play out a free ride at night is faster then walking' I thought as the dart hit me on the neck as I closed my eyes and fall of the tree but was caught before hitting the ground as they placed a bag over my head and a chain around me but I had a small smile on my face 'hehe idiots'

(raven POV)

I watch as my men come into my tent with a bagged and chained Ruby as I had ordered them to capture her at all costs as her run wild and do as she pleased was to dangerous for anyone or anything and when I saw her resting on the tree I know it was my only option to capture her 'I don't know what kind of training qrow gave her but this is too much'

"mam we've captured the girl you told us of" on of my men said as he through ruby onto the floor

"and her weapons"

"have already been taken to our blacksmith they should be able to make copies of it within a few days from now" he said as he handed me my sword

"good now I want you to place her in one of our grim cells and make sure she is watched at all times no breaks I don't want her moving even if it's an inch and have enough poison ready to keep a nevermore under" I said as they all nodded

"is this all really necessary mam I mean she's just a child she couldn't be that much of a threat" Vernal said as she looked at me with confusion

"that would be true if she was not trained by my brother" I said as I am all to aware of the gap between myself and qrow it was made all to clear the day he killed our parents as if they were nothing to him but specks of dust but after that he became a drank and I trained even hard then ever and got the maidens power. The gap between us lessened and I felt comfortable that I could beat him if we fought a few years in the future but the day I saw him in the forest and the threat he made the KI I felt coming from him it was the same I felt that day meaning that he was back to his prim maybe better as Ruby told me that she has never won a fight against him going full out and the child has a semblance that makes her movement almost invisible and that phasing ability makes her impossible to hit

"I still don't understand mam what could she possibly do" she asked as I looked at her 'poor fool'

"Vernal do you know what happened to the red snakes"

"yes they were brutal killed a few days ago all burnt and there chief was chopped to pieces" she said "but I don't see what that has to do with anything"

"how do you think killed them"

"wait you don't mean"

"yes the child killed every single one of them effectively and without effort" I said remembering what the child did that day and the look of uncaring in her eyes

"wait mam that child did that"

"yes and I would have not believed if it was not for the fact that I was there" I said as on that day I had spoken to qrow about the well being of the child but he simply said 'you don't have to worry about her killing th0

ose things if anything she'll probably have a problem with the children but she also knows that it was for the best for them but there will be no changes to her mentally..... I hope'

"but she is dangerous and keeping her under is our best option right now until we are least full prepared so right now I need you to call everyone back and make sure that they are fully prepared for a fight" I said sending her off as one off our weapons experts ran up to me

"mam we have a problem" he said as I felt a headache coming on'

"what is it"

"the weapons you gave us to remake"

"yes what about them"

"they are bombs"


"they're bombs and from the power they are outputting" he said as he took out the guns "these things have the power to blow the entire camp so we decided it was best to just leave them"

"who did you find this out if you were not able to dismantle them"

"oh that a recording told us the minute we tried to open them" he said handing them to me

"whatever they are still high powered weapons we can use" I said taking the guns 'they have a little weight to them

"yeah about that mam"

"what now"

"we can't use them"


"yes it seems the child made sure we or anyone else could not use them and even if we could" he said pointing at the one on the left "that one would probably remove a normal person's arm and break a hunters"

"then who is a child able... Huh never mind these no point to this anymore" I said as kicked him out and placed the guns on my table as I got in bed 'this is a trap.... There's no way it was that easy to capture her and the fact that qrow hasn't killed everyone here just proves my point.... But is she really summers child but they are so different and her view on people or lack of.... To be able to kill so many without a single care... I can't '

(ruby POV)

'fucking idiots' I said as I got up from my spot in the cell as gas was pumped in but it had no effect as I just got up as the chains just fall off and walked to the glass as I knocked on it as the group on bandits looked at me with shock

"hy idiots" I said as they all looked at me "do you have any food, I want to have a full stomach before I break out of here and beat all your ass" I said as they began to run around as one of the went to the and passed on a button as the box filled up with even more gas 'huh they really didn't learn do they huh oh well' I thought as I began to run in a circle around my box as this created a very violent twister in the box as I took out some fire dust I had on me I throw it in the center of the twister as it sparked and due to the high oxygen levels the glass box exploded shooting glass every were stabbing into a few and killing some as the shock wave pushed them all back and after a few seconds I began to reform

"huh that was fun" I said as my head formed completely as I walked to the main tent

"stop" I hear someone said as I side stepped dodging as shot that was heading for my head as I turned to see a girl on the floor with a piece of glass in her side as I looked around and saw a club as I picked it up as slowly made my way to her as I dragged the club on the floor as she left her gun again to shoot but this time I didn't dodge no the bullet just passed through my body as she dropped to the floor

"you know that's not going to work right and even if I didn't have my ability to do this I would still be fast enough to dodge all you shoots with no effort" I said as I got to her and lefted her chin and looked at her straight in the eyes "you where never my match, you are nothing but a mob character" I said as I smiled and dropped her as I lefted the club with one hand as I brought it down to her face I was forced to go intangible as sword stabbed through me

"well you took your sweet time, I thought I would have to start kill your idiots for you to come out raven" I said not looking at her

"start killing, you have already started" she said as I could feel her anger

"no, the explosion and the glass did, not me but now that your hear I would like my property back" I said as she took out the guns from her back and throw them on the floor

"take them" she said as she pulled out her sword

"oh and the sword to, it's mine anyway" I said as she threw the sword at me as I caught it and took my guns placed them on my lower back and the sword to my sidel

"and I thought we had a deal but whatever" I said as I began walk away without a care in the world

(hour later)

'huh there is no sign of the raven but, it seems I'm still being followed by so rats' I thought as I stop a took out Sever

"this gun can rip through aura and remove limbs with no problem and right now I'm feeling trigger happy, so I'll give you till the count of one to show yourselves" I said as I aimed her at the spot the rat was hiding

"wait don't shoot" a voice said as a group of people came out

"huh I don't have any time to deal with you all so you have two options one you leave and that will be the end of it or you stay and I add more holes in you all" I said as they all froze

"wait we jus-" he stopped as the tree next to me blow up

"shut up, I do not wish to hear anything from anyone right now so leave or die" I said as he simply nodded turned around and walked 'huh I think it's time i finished this there is no point in this anyway, I've already done what I was supposed to and that was to have my first kill' I said as jumped from tree to tree heading to the Vale

'huh if I keep this up I should be there in an hour' I thought as I dodged a Claw from a griffin as I jumped to the side and shot it blowing its head off but after that there where no more enemies and I made it to the city's front gates to see qrow waiting for me with a smile

"good to see you made it back in one piece"

"it wasn't that hard, uncle qrow and you know it"

"I know" he said as he walked into the city with me following

"so how are you feeling, those where you first kills" he said as I placed my finger on my lips

"huh I really don't feel anything for those monster, but the kids are a different story, I feel like I should have done more, but the sad truth is that there was nothing I could do and killing them was my only option" I said as bit sad as he just nodded as he took me to a cookie store and told me to get anything I wanted, which was his mistake as I haven't eaten in days

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Here you go a chapter that I was not planning on releasing for at least two more days but I've been getting some great comments so here you go