9 school life

It been three years now and I've been go to single Academy for a few months now and I'm top of my class in all subjects and this has gotten me a lot of hate so I have no friends and that's how I like it and for some reason yang came to hang out with me from time to time

Anyways the academy has nothing for me and it's filled with weakling and every student I've fought went out in a few punches and I suck dog water when it comes to hand-to-hand combat and going to high grade is pointless since yang is the strongest fighter and has been undefeated and I can kick her ass I see so no point in it, so here I am in a school that can't teach me anything with no stepping stools

'huh and not to mention that this year has been uneventful, my training with qrow is still as brutal as ever maybe more, and he even got me new weights that are five times the old ones and I haven't taken them off'

"miss rose" the teacher call out as I raised my head


"I would appreciate it if you payed attention to my class"

"why, what you are teaching right now is nothing new to me, I learnt most of this at age five " I said as I saw her get angry

"well why don't you come up here and solve the problem" she said as I looked at the board for a second it's a whole equation the covered the whole bord

"7" I said as I layed back down 'super speed is to op' as the teach kept quiet for a while before going back what she was doing before and after a while class was dismissed

"huh where to" I said as I had no idea on what my next class was so I just wondered the school til I found a girl that was in my class in the combat class

"huh so we have combat now huh" I said as I walked into class as the teacher was non other then Tia as he turned to me

"ruby you are late again" he said in a disappointed tone

"yeah I had no clue where I should go so I tried ever class till I found the right one" I said in a bored tone as I sat down and layed on my arms

"Rudy, jasmine would you two come to the field" dad said as I got up with a tired as I walked down slowly with jasmine already there

"okay this is combat and all you have to do is get your opponents aura to zero" he said as I placed my hands in my pockets

"begin" he said as I yawned

"I'm going to take you down" she said as she ran to me full speed as I waited as she got closer I side stepped her kicked the of her knees as she fell on her knees as I span and kicked her on the back of the head as the impact caused her to impact the floor with the back of her head with my hands still in my pockets the whole time knocking her out 'even if her aura protected her from damage she still suffered from the pain knock her out... Weakling'

"next time you want to talk a big game at least make me sweat a little bit" I said walking back to the my seat 'and that is way no one dare to bully me' as I slept through the whole class as I continued on with my day till I got to qrows class

"okay kids since I'm not allowed to take you anywhere or train you in any way just run for the whole class" he said as he went to one of the chairs outside and sat down

"this is such bullshit, why in the fuck are you no longer allowed to teach us the useful stuff"

"shut up ruby this is our chance at a free class" a random kid said as I looked at him with glowing eyes

"you do realize we are going to be killing monsters in a few years" I said to him as my eyes returned back to normal

"huh it doesn't matter anymore, I can no longer train you as some of you decided to complain and I'm not willing to fight so just run" qrow said as he took a nap 'huh this is why non hunter child must not be allowed to have a say in hunter academys'

"you are all going to die very painful death" I said as I took of running as I did a hundred laps while the others were still trying to do ten 'weaklings all of them'

"you know you could slow down and allow the others to at least catch up" qrow said as I looked at him with a blank face


"have you tried making friends" he said changing the subject

"no there is no point in making friends with these weaklings, but I'll begin making friends when I get in Beacon" I said just to get him off my back 'I think the only friend Ruby ever had in the show was Penny since everyone else was way to old for her'

"oh and why is that"

"the fact they got in means they have something that they can help them to survive in the world"

"so do some of these students, they are not all weaklings, I mean jasmine is pretty strong"

"I took her out in two hits, not impressed"

"huh you know you are going to have to stop seeing people as stepping stools right"

"yeah I know it's just that I'm more focused on becoming stronger and actually survivin"

"says the child that takes down dragon grim for fun" he said as he laughed

"not for fun, but for training" I said with pride in my voice 'they're not really that hard if you have something that can one shot them or remove their ability to fly'

"think what you want, just don't lose your humanity okay" he said as he stood up and gave me head pats

"stop that and I wasn't planning on it uncle qrow" I said as I got up and made my way to the lunch room to get some food because it would be break in a few minutes and I hate lines

"oh hello there ruby, will you be having the usual" the lunch lady smiled at me

"yes please" I said in a polite manner 'you can fuck with anyone but the people who handle your food, is code I live by' I thought as she handed me a tray with food

"I've given you extra cookies" she said with a smile as I cried a little

"thank you" I said as the room began to get fluided by students as I went to sit down and eat my food as I saw yang and her friends came in as I payed her no mind as I continued eating

"oh sorry guys my sister alone again" yang said sounding disappointed as she spotted me 'huh there is zero reason for you to come'

"what's up with your sister anyway" one of her friends said as she looked at me

"yeah she looks nothing like you are you sure she's not a faunus" the other said as I just decided to ignored them its was best for there health that I did

"hy ruby" I looked up to see yang smiling at me with her friends behind her looking at me weird

"hy yang what's up" I said with a smile that screamed innocent

"nothing much I just came to check on"

"oh okay and why are your friends here" I said as I smiled at at her friend's as her and her friends sat down at my table and began to talking as I just listened to them as I had my innocent smile holding any and all of my KI as a few of her friends continued to talk bullshit about me and after an hour it was time to go back to classes but I decided to skip the next few classes because I'm at my limit and knowing the idiots in my class, but I would be going to weapon class cause today we are building our weapons and its about time I givel Sever and Dominate a little sister, I've been preparing for this day, researching and mixing different types of metals to get the best killing metal

As the day went on it was finally time for us to build our weapons as I got to work as I had prepared important parts at home

"miss rose" the teacher called out to me as he stood next to me


"don't you think your weapon will be to heavy to use " he said as he tried to pick up one of the blades 'huh qrows one is double the weight and I use it to kill grim and these also ravens weapon but I use that when I want to be flashy'

"no" I said not breaking my concentration as I focused on the high frequency blades because I really don't like having to cut a hundred times just for something to die 'huh but he has a point.... Maybe I can use an anti-gravity dust to decrease and increase to make my hits more powerful or faster maybe both if I can make the switch instant....hmmm I can make that later'

"and what is this ruby" he said pointing at a chain

"I'm going to add it to the scythe" I said still not looking at him 'I was always a fan of God of war'

"but don't you think it will be to dangerous"

"no, leave, you starting to annoy me" I said as I left a little darkness out to scare him away 'I've gotten so use to using my gifts that I can target a single person or grimm without effecting anyone else.... Maybe I should go ancestor hunting, to test my new weapon out it should be fun' I thought as I add the finishing touches on Crescent Rose

"okay children we will be testing your new weapons in combat and I've got grim for all of you to fight" he said as some of the kids looked a little scared but som looked excited but I just looked bored

'Beowolves huh this won't even be a challenge for me' I thought as I went to the cages filled with grim as I held Rose in my hand as I opened the cage doors as the teacher got scared as some of the kid hid under their desk as I shut the cage

"miss rose what are you doing" the teacher said as I held my scythe in a reverse grip as I go low

"you said test our weapons did you not" I said as I looked at him

"I'm simply following what you said" as I disappeared and reappeared on the other side as all the heads of the wolves fall 'just like everything I make its a kill machine' I said as I disappeared and reappeared next to the teacher as he looked at me

"go to the principles office" he said as I simply nodded 'I hope I get expelled' I thought as I left

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Thank you all for the funny comments really gave me some ideas for future ruby