"huh it's the weekend huh.... Damn I've got nothing to do" I said as I took out my Domination as massed with her a little 'may as well add quick switch on both of them in case I need to let the monsters out in a second but I should also find a new way to increase there little sisters flame mode and the speed of the vibration maybe find a way to use both abilities and maybe add a new mode maybe axe or sword or or both, poh maybe I can make the chain to faction like those weapons Penny has... No that wouldn't work she had a direct linked to her weapons cause she was a robot so no..... ' as I was lost in my own thoughts not noticing the group of teens that entered the room

"OH WE SHOULD LET RUBY JOIN US IT WOULD BE SO MUCH FUN, oh hy ruby" the voice of the ever active Nora said as I smiled as I turned to her

"hy Nora what's up and what's up with all of you, you all look like you about to go to one of those vampire movie events or something" I said as they where all dressed in all black clothes or black with a dark color

"oh we going to Vale there's a new club that's opening today and I was able to get us in sweat right" Onyx said smiling as I just nodded 'huh how are they going to leave the school grounds at this hour'

"how are you planning on leaving the flouting school at this hour" I said as I pointed out the window as it was completely dark with only a few lights and the moon providing light

"I have my ways I've gotten us a ship that will take and bring us back, sweat huh"

"huh interesting" I said as Blake, Yang and Weiss came out of the bathroom 'huh I do need a few parts and my dust supply is low.....'

"I think I'll go with you guys since you have a way to get too Vale without getting into trouble and back" I said as they all stop and looked at me as Nora smiled and was about to say something but Ren covered her mouth dragged her out along with jaune 'what a strange group of friends'

"ahhh ruby I don't think that's a good idea" Yang said as she looked me 'huh her again'

"I don't see what the problem is" I said as I fixed Dominate putting all her pieces back

"well you are a little to young"

"and the fact that you are one of those creatur-bang" Weiss was cut of as I shot her but only grazing her cheek as I drow blood

"my guns have the ability to break through aura without issues, so please finish your sentence" I said as my eyes glowed a little as I soon calmed myself "huh if you don't want me to come with just tell me I don't have time to listen to you run around the bushs"

"ruby that not what I meant it's just, you are..... y'know"

"I don't know and I don't care" I said as I got up took my combat outfit went into the bathroom and left with in a second as I came out with dressed in my combat outfit took my guns as I made my way to the door

"where do you think your going," yang said walking in front of me with arms crossed

"out, I realized I don't need to ask you to get where I want to go, it was just me being kind," I said as I walked past her not caring for a response as I walked out the door but was stopped as someone grabbed me

"wow now ruby you cant go out at night alone or talk to your older sister like that she is only trying to look out for you, so I think you should stay here where it's safe," Onyx said 'wait is he being for real'


"huh that was a good joke Onyx and it may be the only reason why you aren't bleeding right now, but," I said as I looked him straight in the eye as I released a bit of my darkness "I don't like being touched randomly so I'll give you a second to release my insect," I said as he jumped back as I nodded and walked on

"Are you okay Onyx you seem alike spooked" Weiss asked as he grabbed his hand

"I'm fine, it's just for a second there I thought she was going to kill me," he said as I disappeared but,m to honest, I just went up a tree and followed them as they left no before Onyx went to my drow and took out one of my bombs 'he took one of my bombs and from the color it was the one that can destroy buildings, I could stop him.... Nuh I let him die'


"yes Weiss"

"Why are you constantly trying to get ruby to come with us on everything we do," she said 'huh this seems interesting, may as well listen'

"well Weiss to be honest, I like being around ruby"


"yeah we just click," she said with a smile 'yeah make sense I don't mind her and we get along we'

"yeah but enough about that let's go" Onyx said stopping the conversation

"where are we going anyway Onyx" yang asked

"We are going to board a ship that's going to take us to the city and back here," he said as they continued walking till they got to a ship as it went down to the city a little quicker than I thought as I was a bit far from it since I was following them and Blake is an undercover Faunus

"shit its faster than I thought," I said as I ran off the cliff and nose-dived aiming at the roof of the ship as I got closer I righted myself and landed on top of the ship as it shook a little

"shit," I said as I got up as I stood on top of the ship with my arms crossed as the ship flew for a few minutes we were at the city as the ship docked as it opened the doors as they all got out

"should I, no I shouldn't let them see me... But I don't care" I said as I ran as I got to the edge I jumped off did about six flips and land in front of them

"huh that was fun, now where am I," I said as I looked around

"ruby where did you come from" yang said shocked with everyone else

"oh hey yeah I hitched a ride on a ship that was leaving the school anyways, I've got things to do," I said as I walked in a random direction

"hy ruby since you're here why don't you come with us" yang add but

"no, I'm good," I said walking 'huh I came here to get some parts for my baby's and I think I'll find Neo and Roman the could be of use to me," I said as I disappeared as I moved from the rooftop to rooftop spread my senses out 'this is one of the powers my eyes give me, I'm able to see life and emotions clear as day, that how I know when I'm being stalked but it does have limits rang and I can hold it back by limiting the range because feeling every single thing around you is something that can drive anyone normal person crazy and I am no exception' I thought and after an hour I was able to find him as I appeared on a rooftop looking below to see Roman with a new group of idiots

"oh what's this, is he robbing another store, oh and it seems that Neo is with him," I said as smiled a little and then disappeared

"huh to why I'm robbing bust stores and only taking the dust I will never know" Roman said as he sighed "how the mighty have fallen"

"true but you were never mighty, insect," I said as he looked behind but it was too late as I kicked him through the wall as his man looked at me as they rushed forward

"Please" I said as I took a step forward then back then walk away as they all dropped to the floor bleeding but not died but a few seconds after I felt Neo at the location I kicked Roman to as I flashed to the building roof as I watched them as neo picked Roman up as they moved out not knowing that they were being followed as they got to there hid out after an hour

"damn it, not only do we have to deal with the witch but now there's a demon!" Roman shouted as he flipped his table as he went on a rampage in his office as neo watched from the corner but after a few minutes he calmed down as the light flicked for a second and I appeared sitting in a chair with my legs crossed as he jumped back with neo moving in as she tried to stab me as her blade passed through my body

"huh annoying" I said as the next second she was faces first on the floor as I stepped on her head as there was some sort of smell coming from her

"huh so you are some sort of S/M but I'll have to play with you some other time but now just stay on the floor," I said as I got a nod before I placed my feet on her head as I pushed down

"now Roman why don't you sit down I have a business proposition for you," I said with an evil smile as I released some of my KI as cold sweats fall from his face as he picked up a chair and sat in front of me

"w w what sort of business proposition" he said a little scared as I sealed my power back

"the one that we help you and this little pervert over here," I said rubbing my foot in as she started breathing heavily

"oh and why would you think that we need help from a-"

"Cinder Fall" I said as he looked at me

"where did you hear that name" he said seriously

"oh it is none of your concern, but I do know that she is someone who has you by the balls and is probably planning on killing you two at the end of all this hehe," I said as he narrowed his eyes

"huh do you even know what she is planning or who she's working for," I said as he looked confused

"does it matter, we already screwed as it is" he said as he realized his situation

"well that is true at a certain point you will die but lucky for you I hate that bitch and you are a very important pawn in her little game so I've decided that instead of killing you, I can use you, and at the same time help you and all you have to do is give me information and a few other minor things that I will need you to steal for me"

"oh and let's say I agree with you what assurance do I have that you won't just stab us in the back and what do we get"

"huh well if it makes you feel better I don't need you in any way I just want to have a pawn of my own and the places you will be breaking into have extremely valuable tech that you can easily flip and make a whole lot of money," I said as he looked at me

"oh no, you're speaking my language miss-"

"don't call me to miss I'm way too young but you can call me Reaper, my real name is Ruby since you've seen my face these no point in hiding it"

"well then Reaper looks like we will be working together from now on, but can you take your foot off my right hands head, I don't think she can take anymore," he asked as I looked at the woman as she drooled with her heavy breathing, red face and the smell of lust all over 'so that how it smells, super smell for the win'

"huh did you know about this" I said pointing at the woman as he shook his head

"not to the slights but in my defense I've never seen her lose to anyone or get hit so"

"understood," I said taking my foot off her head as she slayed there for a few seconds before slowly getting back up as she looked at me with lust as I just nodded and ignored her

"now the first thing I'm going to need you to do is break into the Atlas academy plug this in there main computer" I said as I took out a USB drive and handed it to him

"what is it"

"nothing much, it's just insurance if you would, now I'm going to need you to plug this in there main computer within the next week, if you can't do it..... Well let's just say that they will never find your body" I said releasing a lot of darkness as he froze with fear as I disappeared as he waited for a full minute

"that maybe one of the scariest little girl I've ever met" he said as he looked at neo who was still triggered

"oh you can go take care of that oh and this is your mission" he said as he left as I watch him for the window outside

"at least he took my mission to him seriously by handling over to neo, and with that little virus I will be able to monitor Atlases system and after a while I should be able to access there secrets projects easily, like there systems are really not that that hard to access I mean first gen Facebook had better fire walls" I said as I went to the dust store that was got robbed and took most there high quality without anyone seeing or hearing anything 'it's not like there need it hehehe' I giggled as I jumped from roof to roof then

BOOOOOOOOOOM I heard an explosion as I looked around to see a building on fire but what caught my attention was who was in the club the idiot teams

"huh they a most definitely going to jail" I said as I took out my scroll and call a number

"m miss rose wwwhat can I help you with"

"there's going to be students from beacon academy coming in,I want you to hold them for the night and release them tomorrow, but scare them a little"

"yes miss rose but I've just gotten word that the club they destroyed was one off Junior-"

"I do not care follow the instructions I gave you" I said in a very dark voice

"y y y yes m m ma'am" he said as I hung up and then switched off my phone 'now I'm going to have to deal with Junior, stupid idiots don't they realize that this is not a FUCKING VIDEO GAME' I said as I flashed to the dock to and went to the ship we came with as I looked at the pilot as I took out a few line

"we waited but you got tired and then took me back to school, you will fill in the blanks on your own" I said as I nodded as he took the cash with a smile as I went in as it took off but as it got to the school I disappeared leave the ship as I appeared in my room and threw the dust on the table my table since 'I don't know what I'm going to make with you but I'll figure it out and I promise you I'll make you into something that kills better'