I woke up the next day in my bed as I looked around to see the them not there as I nodded went to the bathroom took a shower, brushed my teeth and came out in my training clothes which was just sweatpants and a t-shirt with 'eat my ass' on the front

"I wounder how they are doing..... Yeah I don't care" I said as I went to my scroll and switched it back on as it was fluided with messages and missed calls from Yang, Weiss 'how the hell did she get my number', Onyx and Blake

"why where they calling me, huh whatever let's see" I said as I called Nora as the phone rang and rang till it was answered by a man

"hello can you please hand the phone over to the owner, I would like to talk to them" I said as I strapped on my shoes

"okay I don't see the problem with that" he said as I waited

"miss Valkyrie there's a call for you" he said as I heard a childish voice in the background screaming give me give me

"hy Nora just calling to check on you all since you did come back to school" I said as I walked out the room and straight to the gym

"oh we're fine ruby we just got in a little trouble after a super fun night out you should have been there with us it would have been even more fun with you there!" she said as I listened to her tell me the events of the night from the fight to the club burning, yeah turned out that the idiot dropped dropped the bomb when they got into a fight and then it exploded

'thats what you get for touching my shit '

"anyways Nora are you all alright"

"oh we're fine ruby see you when we find a way to get out bye" she said as she hung up

"and like that they are no longer my problem" I said as I got on the treadmill as I placed it on full speed, up hill and these where treadmills for superhumans so it was fast but for me it was a morning jog

As I ran for about four hours non-stop sad thing is I can't go full out since there maybe enemies so I have to hold back till the baddies start showing there little heads so for now it's hold back till I feel like killing all that dare stand in my way

'huh that was fun, now to do something about that dust I found' I thought as I made my way to the room as I got in I remembered

"I have no idea on how to work with dust... FUCK!" I shouted as I human speed ran out the room to the library as I got to the front desk

"hello mam can I ask where I can find books on dust" I asked as she looked at me


"thanks" I said as I made my way over and looked at all the books only to find ten that had what I need and wanted

"huh this is going to be a drag, I'm going to have to read more then 10000 pages but it should help me to mold dust better" I said but what was going through my mind was 'I'm going to be a avatar'

"ah miss rose, I see you are working hard on your studies" a voice said as I looked behind me to see Ozpin with a cup of coffee in his hand

"yes sir, if one want to be the best that person needs to be the best in all forms of combat and dust is also involved"

"huh I see but I don't think any of those books would meet your requirements" he said as I looked at him as a book appeared in his hand somehow as the book glowed for a second

"here you go" he said as he placed the book on top of my stack

"what is this"

"oh its just one of my may books from my collection it should serve you well miss rose, now it seems that your teammates have gotten themselves into a bit of trouble" he said with a smile

"oh that, you don't need to worry sir I've already spoken to the police and they will all be released today, maybe they have, but the will be released"

"oh already looking out for your team miss rose but I would advise you to hold back on things like these as your team needs to learn some responsibility"

"yes sir" I said I walked back to the room as I got speed reading and after an hour I was done with all the books but I had a killer headache

"ow ow ow" I said holding my head "no I'm never going to get used to that, even when I slow it down it still hurts, well no as bad but fuck my" I said as sat there holding my head 'at least I have a proper understanding of dust and I can even improve it to work better but for I need to concentrate it into a liquid and I'll work from there..... Let's just hope it doesn't explode and take out the school, but I'm going to need more crystal because these will only give me a drop maybe less..... I'll get Roman to rob a few shipments and as payment give him a few weapons shipments for himself, but know I can use the time to read ozpins book maybe I can find a way to make dust rechargeable' i thought as the doors flow open as the two teams came in as I turned around

"RUDY" Nora said as she ran to me as I stood up and balanced myself as she jumped at me as I caught her mid air into a hug

"wow ruby, your stronger then you look"

"hn you weigh less then my scythe, but please stop jumping on me" I said as I placed her down as an angry Weiss walked over to me

"what do you want" I said bored

"were did you get those things!" she said angry

"what things? And what are you talking about" I said acting like I had no idea what she was talking about as team JNPR left

"that bomb"

"what bomb"

"these ones" she said as she went to my drow and took out a box with my bombs

"I still don't see the problem"

"ruby please these things nearly costed us our lives" yang said as she walked towards me

"why would my bombs that are safe in my box be a problem"

"listen I took one of them-" Onyx said as I cut him off

"oh so you fucked up and are now blaming me... You must be idiots then"

"listen that's not the point these bombs are very dangerous just one of them was able to take out-" he continued but I cut that shit off again

"a building, are you forgetting that I made these things and who in there right mind would steal someone's thing and then blame that person for they're own fuck up, what the fuck is wrong with you" I said as I looked at them bored "huh you know what no, I don't have time for this" I said as I took out my headphones took my box back and packed the crystals away before they saw something they shouldn't again

As I took my book from my bed and went to the desk but was stopped by a hand on my shoulder as I slowly pulled my headphones down not turning to him

"you have three seconds"


"ruby what Wiess is say is true you can't just have bombs like this"


"ruby you should have told us you had something like this think of the damage you could have caused" yang said as I ignored her

"3" I said as I grabbed his hand dislocating it, kicked his dick with a super speed kick as he drop I kicked him in the face knocking him out

"told you, not to touch me and you go on to touch me" I said as I packed my things

"RUBY, what are you doing" yang said as Weiss and Blake went to help Onyx

"packing my things" I said as I packed and since I didn't have much it did take long

"why, was it because we didn't go with you, listen we'll take you next time just calm down and think about this" yang said as I looked at her 'huh I think I made it to much of a habit, that when she says stuff like this I agree with her huh to bad'

"huh Yang as much a I would love to stay..... I can't, being in the same room as this asshole make me physical sick, that racist bitch over there is a few steps from dying and the mute is an irritation and you a sister that took the side of this thing instead of mine so I think it would be better for me to go solo, so as of this moment on I'm no longer part of the team and besides there is no pointin staying on a team with weaklings and thieves" I said that last part with a lot of venom as my eyes glowed a little as I left the room with my things 'huh this was the right call, while being in a team has its advantages, this one does not as they only slow me down, in other words I'm to ruthless, to strong, to fast and most of all heartless for them, they are simply not on my level' I thought with a smile as I went to my room as I got in I threw my things on the floor and disappeared for a second

"if you going to put cameras in here do a better job" I said as I crushed the device in my hand as I looked around the room

"why are there four beds..... Yeah stupid question, I'll get rid of them tomorrow, but I still won't to finish that book" I said as I hoped on one of the beds and began reading and I clearly lost track of time as my alarm went off

"oh you got to be fucking me" I said as I looked at the book

"AND I'M ONLY HALF WAY WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS BOOK MAGIC" I said as I looked at the book as it seemed as if it become thicker 'who am I kidding, this thing is obvious magic I mean from the information I've got from this thing information that shouldn't exist by the way like how the soul work, spoiler the soul is connected to you memories so if one where to remove them then your soul would be wiped clean and new memories would change the soul creating a new being, well that what I got for this thing anyway but there was other shit in here like how to make a Gundam ' I thought as I got out of the shower got dressed and went to class with a bored expression

As the day went on there was a bit of awkwardness between myself and yang team but I really didn't care enough to give a fuck, but other then that the day went normally

As I was walking down the hall using my shortcut

"huh it's almost time for miss Goodwitchs class and knowing her she won't let me fight for some stupid reason..... Huh you know what if I don't get to fight to day, well theres no need for me to be in her class" I said moving to my next class knowing full well that ozpin was there 'now let's see what happens'

(ozpin POV)

As I watched miss Rose leave I came out of my hiding spot as I sighed

"I was going to talk to her about this new project I have but that can wait, seems that I have to fix something before that" I said as I call Glynda to my office then walked away

As I got to my office I saw Glynda standing there waiting for me as I asked her to follow me as we got inside

As I took a seat and took a sip of coffee

"professor if you may hury this up I've got a class in a few hours"

"oh then I won't hold you for long, I just wanted to ask you a simple question"

"if that was all you could have asked me after the school day"

"oh but this is a very important question miss Goodwitch" I said dropping my smile shutting her up

"now then miss Goodwitch, what was the thing I asked you to do for me a few days ago"

".... I don't see how that relevant"

"just answer the question miss Goodwitch"

"to treat everyone equally"

"yes and I would allow that thing you have with the boy correct"


"and do you feel that you've been treating all your students equally?"

"yes I-"

"no you have not!" I said as this shocked her as I stood up and walked to the window

"you see Glynda there is a certain student that I've been keeping a close eye on since he or she has a certain skill that I need for a new project I'm planning and this student would happen to be in your class would" I as turned to her

"and in that time I've seen something that bothered me" I said as I tap my cain as a hologram of her class pop up "now I am going to fast forward you periods with the first years and I won't you to tell me what you see that would bother me" I said as I played all the videos the first few I could understand but as they went on I could understand what miss rose was talking about in every class she was always seated her attitude went from interest too no caring as the video stopped

"have you notice it Glynda" I said as I went back to my seat

"yes" she said as she looked down a little

"good, now go and fix this little mistake of yours and if I am to hear one more complaint about your class I will place you back in you office job and ask qrow to take over, am I understood"

"yes sir"

"good now get out" I said as she nodded

(Mc POV)

"hy Rose" a voice said as I looked behind me to see Cardin Winchester and his team walking towards me

"well would you look at that, the little freak is all alone hahaha" he said as he laughed as he stopped with his team surrounding me

"heard your no londer part of a team anymore, that's quite a shame don't you think boys"


"hahaha what a freak not even her sister wants her near her" the one said as I yawned

"are you done, I've got more important things than to listen to trash" I said as this pissed Cardin off as he calmed down and smile

"well I still have to pay you back for lest time don't I" he said as he reach out to grab my ear but I was to quickly as I grabbed his finger and twisted it in a certain way as he dropped to his knees as I held his finger with my pinky and thumb

"you know for a second there I really thought this wouldn't have worked huh thank you Baki" I said as I felt the others getting closer as I twisted again as he screamed and his team stepped back as I kneeled down to Cardin level

"your really think I need a team to take you on hahaha no idiot you and your little friends are nothing but scum in my eyes" I said as I stood up still holding his finger as I forced him up and dislocated his arm and walked away as he cried in pain with his team helping him not even daring to attack me as I walked to class which was combat class as I went to my seat and laid on my arms

"alright quie down students to day we will be having a mock battle, the rules a simple, I will call out two names and those two will fight, the winner will get the option to pick any opponent he or she chooses, but other than that normal rules apply now would miss Belladonna come to the stage" she said as Blake got up and went down

"and would miss Rose also come down" she said as this somewhat shocked everyone but no one came down

"miss rose, miss rose, MISS ROSE" she shouted as I got up

"I thought we already established that I'm not in your class anymore"

"huh miss rose can you please come down, you will be fighting miss Belladonna" she said as I nodded as I went down and called my locker as Blake did the same as I took out my scythe and Domination

[depowered mode activated] and sent it back

"now if you are both ready BEGIN" she said as Blake turned her weapon into a gun as she shot at me as I took out dominate and fired back as my shots met hers canceling each other out

"huh if we fight like this we won't get anywhere" I said as I ran toward her as she fired at me as I dodged all the bullets as I got close I took out my scythe and slashed at her as she dodged as she turned her gun into a sword and slashed up as I span in my heel dodging he slash as I grabbed my scythe with both hands doing a full 360 slash but she didn't have any time to dodge as my scythe touched her she turned into ice as my scythe got stuck in it and I had to let go of it as I had to dodge her

As I back flipped away a few times and pulled on my chain as it ripped the scythe out of the ice

"huh so we are using our semblance now huh" I said as I smiled "good" I said dushing forward the disappeared and reappeared in front of her

"sup" I said as I had my scythe up and brought to down on her as she jumped back as I stabbed the ground and kicked her away as she landed on her feet

'so it applys to all cats huh' I thought as she ran at me with me following as we meet blade with us blocking or paring each other but I was holding way back

As we met blades as I looked her in the eyes

"your holding back aren't you"

"oh she speaks, but yes and I'm get really tired so I'm going to try one of my news moves on you it's" I said as I pushed her back as I disappeared into a twister of roses appeared as she was slammed into the air as a chain wrapped around her as she was forced into the ground with enough force to break her aura

As I walked towards and offered her a hand

"your good but you suck when fight fast opponents"

"good now miss rose who will be your next opponent" she said as I simply pointed to my side as they all followed my finger to see that I was pointing at Cardin Winchester

"well then Mr Winchester, if you would come down" Goodwitch said as he nodded and came down

"I'm going to pay you back for what you've done to me freak, I'll make you wish you were never born" he said as I held my head down and began to laugh as I grabbed my face and left it up my silver eye as my red glowed deeply

"30 seconds, no more no less" I said as I got ready

"we if you two are finished, you may BEGIN" Goodwitch said as the moment he took out his weapon he found himself flying backwards as he tried to right himself he was hit again as he continued to bounce around the room extremely fast as he was kicked up as ruby appeared as she drop kicked him to the ground


"no way in hell"

"just how much was she holding back"

"damn it"

"huh she is quite skilled"

"yeah but she's not stronger then Pyrrha, right Pyrrha" they all had different things to say but I really didn't care


"as much as I would love to, I can't Goodwitch would disqualify me so no can do" I said as I looked at Nora


"huh fine" I said as I looked the meter to see that Cardin aura was at 25% as he tried to get up

"oh I am impressed, most wouldn't even be able to stand let alone move but here you are doggie" I said as I felt him get angry

"oh is the little doggie angry well come than doggie I'll take you out for a walk, come on come doggie" I said as he became pissed as he began to stand

"there we go doggie, you can do it" I said again as this pushed him over as her roared and ran at me as I grabbed my scythe and appeared behind him

"you should have just kept your head down and your mouth shut, insect" I said as his armor and clothes where shredded as he fall with cuts all over his body with his aura dropping to zero as the ball rang as I walked out of class

'oh my gods, I had no idea that holding back was so hard I mean seriously I had to slow my punchs down so much that it was almost like I was pushing him away, and this baby is a problem, it's like having a max level weapon and using it on a level one monster, like I had to hold some back just to not split him in two, I need a new weapon to fight these weaklings, if not I may end up killing one of them'

"RUBY" a voice shouted as I felt someone jump toward me as I flipped over them

"Nora, you really should stop that you may end up getting hurt" I said as she got up and rushed to me

"how did you do all that"

"huh well you know my semblance is speed basiced so, but it takes a lot of aura"

"what do you mean, I was looking at your meter the whole time and it didn't drop once"

"huh that my mistake, I had my scroll on pause by mistake" I said as I turned my scroll on as a made an app the doesn't show my actual amount as my aura seemed to be halfway

"see anyways I should be getting to my next-"

[will Ruby Rose please report to the principals office]

"oh I wonder what I did.... Oh well it doesn't matter" I said as I left the group behind as I disappeared and appeared in front of the clock tower as I went inside and straight for stairs as I looked at them and creaked my neck and speeded up the stairs within seconds

"huh I should really take the weights off at some point..... But I really don't feel them anymore huh doesn't matter now anyway" I said walking to ozpins office as I got to his door I knocked

"come in" he said as I opened the door and in the room was ozpins, Ironwood, goodwitch and qrow

"what's going on"