"aaahhhh whats going on" I said as I stood by the door

"ah miss rose, if you would shut the door and take a seat, I will explain everything to you" ozpin said from his chair as I nodded

"ozpin is this wise, she is only a child" the one I think is ironwood said as I ignored him

"calm down James, she maybe the only one how even has a chance at this" qrow said he came over to my and pat my head

"I still think this is not right, should we not send a team instead of one.... Child" and you guessed it miss goodwitch

"no I've know full well what ruby can do, adding a team would only slow her down" qrow said as i took out my headphones and began listening to some music and played a game for a few minutes as I felt an aura wrap around my scroll as I disappeared

"I told you, you should have just tapped on her shoulder huh, ruby get out here" qrow said as I appeared again

"are you all done with your little fight" I said as qrow just sighed Oz smiled goodwitch looked irrated

"young lady that not anyway to-"

"enough James, now than ruby the reason to why I've called you here" he said as he pressed a button on his desk

"oh is this about Salem, yeah I already know about her, the silver eyes so you can skip all that" I said as they all looked at qrow who was drinking

"yeah I didn't tell her a thing about all that, she just figured it out herself" he said as goodwitch was about to say something

"we will talk about that another time andthat is not the reason why you where call here miss Rose" he said as the room went dark as a hologram image of my fight with the nevermore

"you see ruby this grim was a powerful grim that not even Salem could control"


"yes and this grimm was the guard of a very old cave that housed many powerful grim, now the grim of this cave act as guards to an old and powerful artifact that if it were to land in the wrong hand, the world as we know it may be lost" he said in a very serious voice

"and what is this power" I said as they looked at each other

"we do not know, but what I can get is that whatever it is, we can not let it fall into the wrong hands" James said as I nodded

"huh have you made sure that the cave is placed on lockdown so non of the idiots you are talking about, don't even get a chance" I said

"we did at first but the nevermore smashed through the defense and we haven't had a chance to rebuild, I've placed a few ships but-"

"say no more, you had me at powerful grimm I was just fucking with you" I said as I had got dressed in my combat outfit with scythe in hand

"when did you"

"I operate at a different time zone to all of you, now can we leave or are you going to give my the location" I said as qrow laughed and ozpin had a smile again

"well I was going to give you a week to prepare but you seem to be ready, you will leave in five hours I want you to pack enough to last you a while for what we could find the cave is extremely deep and-" I cut him of as I nodded

"oh I see, So it's a dungeon then, okay I'll meet you at the dock in five hour while I take care of a few things" I said as I disappeared without a sound

"qrow are you okay with this" goodwitch as qrow as he turned to her


"what she's about to do may as well be considered suicide"

"huh have a little faith, I've trained her most of her life, she's never had a challenge that she was never able to overcome or kill, I trust her with this, and I don't know about you but I've seen her use her silver eye power, she is grimm natural predator" he said as I smiled

"that is why I want her in my forces, she could be a great weapon to us in the fight against-" he couldn't finish as he was slammed into the wall with a sword against his neck

"if that were to happen James I would have killed every single person in Atlas before making your death extremely slow and painful, so I'd advise you, stay far far away from her" qrow said as he removed his sword and walked away

'huh good to know I'm not being played now to deal with Romen, he should have started working with the white Fang by now and there's Penny..... Let meet Penny first then we go to Romen' I said as I made my way towards the city as I got there I spread my senses out as I found a aura that seemed off "that must be her" I said as i made my way towards her as I crashed into her by 'accident'


"oh hello" I said as I got up as she stayed on the floor

"are you going to get up"

"yes" she said as she got up

"okay then see you later then, friend" I said as I began walking away as she ran to me and stood in front of me

"what did you call me"


"friend, do you really mean it!? " she said in a cure tone as I smiled

"sure, I don't mind"

"sensational" she jumped up hugging me

"oh I've never had a friend before, what do friends do" she said still having me in the air

"huh how about we hang out another time, right now I have thing to take care off, but here's my number call or text me okay" I said as she jumped up as I giggled a little as I gave her my number as she gave me one final hug

"oh I have to go see you ruby"

"you to Pen" I said as I moved out to the hide out and hid as I watched Romen talk to Cinder with Neo in the shadows as I waited and when Cinder left I moved in

"huh what a bitch" I said as Romen jumped out of his chair to see me sitting on the couch

"how long have you been there"

"long enough, so how goes the mission I gave you"

"well, we where able to do as you asked"

"oh that was quicker than I expected" I said as I took out my scroll and typed in a few thing then took out two new scrolls

"these scroll are a connection between you and myself, they are completely secure and I will be using them to give you future instruction" I said as I placed them on the table

"why are they two"

"one is your the other is for the little masochist hiding over there" I said as I pointed at a corner as she pop out with a slight blush as they took the scroll as I tapped on mine for a few seconds

"there I've just sent you the location of a small cash deposit" I said as this shocked he as he almost fell from his chair

"wait what"

"yeah there are millions of lien that people just forgot about and I've just sent you the location of one of them, but I would give it a few days before going after it, now any new information" I said as I knocked him out of his trans when he heard millions

"yes, it seems that Cinder has imployed the white Fang to work with us, but from what I've seen she's preparing for a war" he said as he grabbed his hair

"a war against Vale, but it should take her a while, I'm going to need you to steal a large shipment of dust and move it to this location" I said as I sent it to him

"in the middle of nowhere"

"no this was a secret base in the war, I've deleted every piece of information about it so you can use it when you have completed your work with me, oh and since she about to start her plans I'm going to need you to keep me posted a few days in advance" I said

"well well we will be robbing the Schnee dust company in a few days, so I'll be able to get you the dust you need"

"huh good but expect some interference for some teenages, so play with them a bit but don't kill them, they are still of value to me" I said as I disappeared

"huh at least she's not playing us, neo I need you to go to these locations check if they're real and I just want to be sure thats all I've got thinks here" he said as she nodded and walked away

"I need a drink, who would have thought that I would be taking orders from a child but she's far better than the bitch" he said as he began to drink

'good now supplys' I said as I went to the hunter shops since they had food that to mouth to rot and after a few minutes I was ready as I made my way back to Beacon with three hours left

"huh I may as well relax" I said as I made my way to the ship that I think would be taken me to the dungeon because it was heavily armed as i went inside as the guards nodded at me

"right ship then" as I sat down closed my eyes and listened to some music

'if that grimm was anything to go by, then the grimm in the cave are way stronger and/or bigger than the ones we have, so light is my main weapon, but I don't need to fight if I don't have too' I thought as I sat there thinking

"ahhhhhh fuck it I'll just wing it"

"good only idiot overthink, things when it come to creatures like grimm" qrow said as I opened my eyes and nodded

"yeah now are we leaving or" I said as I jumped to my feet

"we're leaving just calm down" qrow said as he and ironwood entered the ship as it took off

"oh and I forgot to ask, but what kind of grim are in there"

"we don't know, the grim in the cave-"

"dungeon" I corrected

"dungeon" with qrow adding

"have be locked away from us you for thousands of years, you will be going into the cave"


"cave blind, so it would be best to keep on guard"

"I always on guard general"

"good cause we will be almost at the drop sight" he said as I looked out the window to see dark red clouds and a mountain devoid of life

"what is that the home of Satan" I said pointing at the mountain

"no that where the grimm came from"

"so how are we going to do this"

"the ship has a limit to where it can go we will be dropping you off a few meters away and off the ground"

"huh understood" I said as the doors opened as I smiled with scythe in hand as I ran out off the ship

"wait, shot!" someone said but it was too late as I began to do a few flips as the ground was coming in fast as I turned to face the sky as I saw the ship turned and go back

"huh must have not been -BOOOOOOOOOOM" I couldn't finish as I crashed into the ground but I soon reformed

"important" I said as I dusted myself off as I felt a few thing come at me

"I just landed" I said as alpha beowolves came out other the trees as I pressed a button on Crescent Rose as the blade turned red as electricity flashed a little

"well then come on then" I said as they jumped at me as I just span using my scythe as a chain wipe slicing all off them as I stopped pulled my scythe back and began to run towards the dungeon along the way I kept dodging grimm since there was no need to fight them and after an hour since I wasn't using my semblance no need to waste energy

As I looked around to see a few dead bodies and a destroyed wall so I walked to one of the bodies and took a knife since there's was a chance I would need it and I forgot mine

"thank you whoever you where now too the dungeon" I said as I walked a little longer till I got to a very dark and scary

"yeah its official, I've gone insane, but whatever, I kill fucking giants for fun" I said as I took a beep breath and normal slow ran in as I felt three people follow me in