18 :down the rabbit hole we go

As I moved in the dungeon with the flies on my tail as I stopped

"ohh three little mice, I know your there" I said as I turned to them since they where hiding themselves under an illusion and did come out

"well whatever, I was just going to warn you that we are currently surrounded but invisible grim, like this one" I said as I shot behind them as a lond screch was heard as the grimm turned visible 'these things are not like normal grimm, instead of them getting attracted to emotions these one are attracted to aura and from what I can see they don't have any eyes or ears making them blind, but there size, claws and fangs scream killer machine'

"see know shut your semblance off, your making yourself as bright as the moon in the night sky" I said but she didn't listen

"huh well good luck then" I said as I began to run away from them as they followed me but I was just to fast and knew how to hide my aura

As I ran I could feel the grimm getting closer to them as they started clawing at them break threw aura 'huh yeah these things were definitely made to kill humans'

"hy wait, stop" one off them said but she still had her semblance on

"you must be stupid or crazy!" I said increasing my speed

"wait help us we can pay you" Cinder said as I was still running

"these things are attracted to aura and using you semblance makes you a very big target so I would advise you turn it off before you get ripped apart in the worst way possible" I said as she seemed to listen as there aura seemed to decrease as I stopped and looked behind

"disappear" I said as my eye flashed as I killed all the grim in range

"huh that hurts" I lied as I walked towards them and wouldn't you guess it was cinder and her gang

"huh I don't know if you have a death wish or are just stupid but you need to turn back" I said as I crossed my arms

"what are you talking about-"

"YOU LEFT US TO DIE" thd green haired one screamed as I covered my ears

"yes I did but I did warn you before did I not and you had the smart idea to not listen, anyway the dungeon gets darker from this point on and those grimm are the least of your worries" I said as I could feel all the monsters and I've got to say nightmares fuel right there and there numbers are insane like World

War Z type numbers

"what do you mean your here right, what makes you so special"

"I can see in zero light, I can see all the grimm, I don't need sleep oh and did you not see what I just did, but whatever I was just warning you since this maybe the last time we see each others..... Good luck cause they are closing in and if you start moving you may survive.... Maybe" I said as I began to walk away from them as I shot a few times at different directions and as we heard some dieing screams

"wait your just going to leave us, aren't you supposed to be a hunter" the gray haired boy said as I laughed a little

"you where able to get this far on your own, and may I add that most hunters die within a hour of even getting close to the dungeon, this means that you are skilled so you know" I said as I placed my hand on the ground as I sent a pulse of light as it moved out and back to me

"so there's five floors, going up and three going down, there are more grimm in the lower floors and some kind of door.... There power must be behind it but there also that hole it seems to be linked to the door" I said as I looked at a pitch black hole on the floor it was way to deep for normal hunters to survive falling into but I was never normal

As I jumped down I took out my scythe and stabbed it into the wall stopping me as I cracked my neck and began to run down as I sliced all grimm in my way

As I was moving I saw something glowing coming at me fast

"ohhh shit thats a fire ball! " I said as I moved my scythe in front of me as I began spinning it fast as the flames hit I was able to block them as I looked down to see a dragon with its mouth open shooting red flames at me as I smiled

"dragons have hard skin, but they are as weak as humans in the inside, I think?" I said as I began spinning as I turned into a drill

"how to train a dragon, don't fail me now" I said as I dove inside of it mouth and began destroy its insides after a second I jumped out of its mouth full of blood and a it's heart in my hand and it was as big as my face as it dropped dead as I looked at the it properly 'It's not a grim, from the color to the blood and the fact that it's still here means'

"I just killed a dragon" I said as I looked at the dragon as it looked extremely injured then at the heart then I thought for a second

"bathe in the blood of a dragon and eat its heart" I said as I chomped on the heart a I swallowed

"disgusting, fucking disgusting, disgusting" I said as I dropped to the ground screaming as I felt pain so intense that I felt like I was began burnt alive as everything in my body felt as if it breaking or being ripping apart, I didn't know nor didn't I care, as I began to hear whisper


'disgusting human'

'nothing but a failed race'

"OH WOULD YOU SHUT UUUUUPPPPPPP AHHHHHHHH!" I roared as I released my light and darkness in one giant roar as I blasted the dragons body to nothingness as everything went back to normal

"I'm not the one that dead, you disgusting dragon" I said as I took my scythe and made my way out the the cave towards the light as I moved around I couldn't feel anything around

"the dragon must have been able to scare all other creatures away from it.... I wounder if there are more" I said as I got to the exit

As I got out I looked around to see that I was in a normal looking cave but it was lit up by strange rocks the glowed different colors but there where also trees, the hole place looked like a forest

"yep definitely a dungeon but where am I" I said touching the floor 'I'm way way down, I can't even feel the outside, how deep was that hole, wait behind the door.....THE FIRST TWO LEVELS WHERE JUST TUTORIAL, FUCK" I shouted as I panicked for a second

"huh it doesn't matter, I should be able to move back up if I tried, and I was still right when I said the power was behind the door to bad what was behind was just something to take you here, anyways there's another door that way it should be a boss room or something" I said as I made my way there

As I was moving I had to dodge a claw as I stopped

"what the hell" I said as I began to dodge as I took out Sever and then I sidestepped and fired at a random direction as I hit something as I went to look at what I hit I saw an arm with large blade like claws with different writing on it as well as circle that almost looked like

"runes" I said as I ducked and kicked whatever was behind my away but I wasn't done as I appeared behind it with my scythe as I sliced its head off

"the same trick doesn't work on me twice idiots" I said as I disappeared as heads began to fall as I killed all the creatures with zero mercy as I appeared again

"now to see what the fuck is this thing" I said as I walked to one of the body

"huh these are definitely runes, this would explain the speed, the teleportation and the fact that I can not sense them in at first, to bad I adapt quickly, but this is a problem, if these thing where a little smarter they would have offed me" I said as I began looking at they bodies as I took out my scrap book and draw all the symbols and circles 'you never know this could come in handy one day' I thought as I began moving again and on the way I was attacked by the same monster but they didn't last long

But suddenly the earth began to change as spike began to shoot out of the ground

"ohhhh fuck you" I said as I began to dodge the spikes but I slipped as the ground turned into mud as I turned to get my balance a spike shot through the ground and into me as I went limp

(nobody POV)

After ruby got stabbed the ground began to move and shift as a giant worm like creature come out of the ground and move toward Ruby as it opened it mouth and chopped down but a second after it did it was punched forcing its teeth to smash together as it head flew backwards but it wasn't over as Ruby appeared in the air and dropped down with her foot up and a trail of roses behind her as she had a dark purple glow to her

"BLACK ROSE AXE BOMB" she said as her foot connected with the worm it destroyed its head and some of its body, as more come out of the ground as Ruby took out her scythe and charged at one of the as it tried to bit her but she jumped over it and landed on it head stabbed her scythe in it and released as large amount of darkness into it blowing its head up as she jumped away as one lunched at her but she threw my scythe at it as it hooked in she used it to pull myself to it

As she got above its neck I span around as her scythe and chain span with her turning into a saw as she ripped ripped through its neck then disappeared and appeared on top of the last one

"see what happens when you don't mind you business" she said as she stabbed my scythe into it head and began to run down it as it caught on fire as it split in half killing it

(ruby POV)

"huh first disappearing demons now earth moving worms this is get irritating" I said as I continued and was attacked a few more times this time by different monsters

A wolve that shots lightning, giant snakes,

invisible lizard and trees, yep trees with teeth like what the fuck as the hours passed I felt that I had been walking for days but I finally got to the end or in this case an entrance to the final level which was another hole

"well down the rabbit hole I go" I said as I jumped in as I turned into roses since I didn't feel like showing off

I hit the ground and reformed a second later

"huh this is new" I said as I walked and looked around as the place was foggy to the point that I couldn't see a few feet in front of me

"yeah this is creepy" I said as I walked around for a few minutes notfeeling a thing

"yep there's is most definitely something here, and if there is one thing I've learned from this dungeon it's that, if it's to normal it's most definitely a trap"

"Ruby is that you" a voice I thought I'd never hear again

"no" I said as I turned around

** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * except chapters every day till I finish this arc