19: the end of my reality

"no it can't be m-mom" I said as I took a step forward

"oh honey it is me, I've missed you so much" she said as I ran toward her and gave her a hug as I cried a little

"mother I missed you so much, I never thought I'd see you again"

"yes sweet but I'm here now" she said as she kissed my head

"there is so much I want to tell, so much I want you to see, I wanted you to be there when I claim my place as the strongest" I said with my face on her chest

"yes honey but I'm here now" she said as she smiled

"yes but the thing is" I said as I blow a hole into her stomach as she stumbled back bleeding "your not my mother are you" I said as I looked down with my hair covering my face as I grabbed my head

"R.. R... Ruby" she said as she spat out black blood as I looked up as I pushed my hair back

"you know if I was normal that little trick of yours would have worked" I said as I walked closer as she moved back in fear

"to think you would be able to get such an accurate description of my mother, from the way she looks, talks, moves, feels and smells, I am impressed and thankful" I said as I shot her in the leg as she screamed out

"because of you I was give something I had almost forgotten" I said as I smiled but that smile soon dropped and was replaced with one of pure anger

"but right now that is all clouded with this unique RAGE" I said as I blow off her body parts then her head as she transformed into her original form which was a blue skinned humanoid creature with sharp fangs

"WHO ELSE WANT TO TRY THERE LUCK HUH" I said as more of them came out of nowhere

There where about a few hundred

"OH SO IT'S A FUCKING CONVENTION OF IDIOTS WITH DEATH WISHES, DON'T WORRY I'LL BE MORE THAN HAPPY TO SEND YOU ALL TO THE NOTHINGNESS" I shouted as I took out my scythe and dushed towards them as they ran at me as I disappeared and appeared in front of the brave soul that decided to be first as I chopped his head off with zero fucks then began to spin extreme fast with my scythe as I extended it with the chain turning into a saw

As I slice most of them then stopped threw my scythe into the air as I took out my guns and proceeded to blast all of them

As I place my gun in my mouth jumped into the air caught my scythe landed as I looked around sighed and walked away but stopped as I felt someone running to me as they got closer I span with scythe in hand ready to kill whatever it was but I stopped with my scythe touching its skin drawing blood

As I looked at my attacker to see a little monster girl with tears in her eyes that were filled with sadness, pain, anger, fear and hate

As I took my scythe away and took the knife from her as she was frozen in fear as I kneeled down

"your parents where here correct" I said as I looked at the girl with a blank look as she looked up at me her eyes watering even more as she nodded

"huh I see, well there is nothing I can say or do to bring them back but I want you to understand something" I said as she looked at me as I stood up

"I was never going to attack, they decided it would be a good idea to play with me by showing me something that brought so many emotions but all that soon turned in rage, rage that was directed to anyone that stood in my way, your people attacked me so I gave them a simple death, but you have an option her, leave and live your life knowing that I will not come for you in anyway, shape or form or get stronger then come for me, I will wait" I said as I walked away

After a few minutes I stopped at a large door

"I know your there, come out I don't have all day" I said as the ground began to shake as water began to jet out of the ground as I jumped up onto a pillar as the ground fladed


"your children attacked me first, it's not my fault you are a shitty mother, but you look a little cranky there, are you sure your not getting to old" I said as she roared and used her tail to try and smash me but I disappeared

"WHERE DID YOU GO YOU LITTLE RAT" she said as she looked around

"wow you are slow" I said from the top of her head

"WHAT" she said as I tried to slice her head but her scales where hard like crazy hard 'huh I need to concentrate my sticks on a point' throughout as I began to rapidly swing my scythe slicing the same spot till she thow me of into the air as she opened her mouth aimed at me a green flame flew towards me as I turned into roses as I began to dash around the field as the blast followed me as it was getting closer I used 100% of my semblance as I dodged her in the air as I was above her she stopped her attack to take a breath as I began to spin and took out my guns as I fired aiming at the spot I had began slicing but I had to stop and dodge a tail and landed on a pillar as but my feet only touched the pillar for a second then dodge her tail then water bullets 'she's fast, strong and hard skinned, she has water manipulation on a high level, I need a way to take her out, can't use the one I used with the dragon I don't know why but my senses are telling me to avoid those flames..... Eyes' I thought as I jumped on her tail as I ran up her dodging her attacks as they got faster as I disappeared as she sent water to her head protecting it but I appeared on her eye as I stabbed my baby into her eye

"HHHHHAAAAAAA" I shouted as I pushed in my darkness into there eye

"AAAAAAHHHHHHH" she screamed out in agony as there was an explosion as I was thrown back into a pillar as I smashed into it as I got up as the snake dropped along with the water level as I jumped down tired as my eye began to hurt as I dropped as I held it 'too much, I used too much darkness just to kill her'

"huh whatever, I'm almost there any way" I said as I closed my eye and began to walk to the gate

As I was about to touch it I had to dodge

"to think a child would forces me to use this form, tch, it doesn't matter I'll just kill you so I don't have to suffer like this" as voice said as I looked up in the sky to see a lady with white hair, pale skin wearing a white komoa holding something in her hand as it looked like a human limb as I looked at my left to see that I no longer had a left hand as it was bleeding heavily as I screamed and dropped to the ground

"oh don't cry know little girl the pain will only be worse from here on HAHAHAHAHAHAHABABAHAHHAHAHAHA" she laughed as she as she charged at me and disappeared as I was punched in the stomach as I sat out blood as I was grabbed by my hair and threw into a pillar as I smashed into it as she grabbed my head and dragged me face first on the ground as she forced me into a wall as I transformed using my full power 'she's able to touch me even with my semblance on' I thought as I tried to pass through her but it was pointless

"you see little girl, this is power, something you will never touch, in your short life" she said as the one side of my face was bleeding hard most of the skin was gone as he raised her fist and began pounding me into the wall

'I need to think of a way to fight back or she's going to kill me, a way a way a way!' I said as I watched her movements as she was about to punch me I dodge covered my hand in as much darkness as I could manage and made a blade as I went for her neck but

"foolish child, thinking that such a trick would work on me" she said as she grabbed my wrist stopping me

"I will show you pain" she said as she slowly began to pull as I could feel my muscles getting ripped apart slowly as I began to kick her to no avail as she pushed my head into the wall

"scream for me child" she said as I bit my tongue not daring to open my mouth to give her the satisfaction

"huh what an irritating thing you are" as she pull and final ripped my arm off

"the queen of monster child, to be able to put such a wound on me" she said as she grabbed her eye lid and then grabbed my head a threw me into a pillar as I smashed into ten of them before stopping

'I can't move anymore, fighting back is impossible now... Am I going to die again..... Kill in a dungeons final boss..... Would I be missed..... I.. I.. Don't won't to die..... Not like this..... Never like this.... On the ground like some rat.... No I refuse' I said as I forced myself up fight against my body as I pushed myself slowly up

"I.... Will..... Not.... Die..... Here.... My.... Name is Ruby Rose... The one that will stand on top of all creature!" I said as I stopped and looked down to see a hand going into my chest as my eyes glowed like they where on fire as I gave her a full headbutt

"I'm impressed you are still able to move but this is the end for you Ruby Rose" she said pulling out her hand from my chest but I still stood

As everything began to go black

'get up child' a deep voice said the same as the dragons

'huh dragon is that you'

'yes now get up'

'huh you must not have seen but I'm done, I'm out of power, no arms, all my bones are destroyed, my organs to and my muscles have been ripped to nothingness, I'm going to die here'

'huh then why haven't you then'

'probably the gift the gods gave me'

'you where able to kill me take my soul and power but get beaten by that snake what a disgrace to dragons you are girl'

'well if you don't like it leave then'

'you think I can I'm stuck with you if you where to die I would disappear, but since that going to happen anyway I may as well give you what is rightfully yours'


'killed me, bathing in my blood and eat my heart as such my power all of it belongs to you now'

'huh that would be cool but I'm still dying so there's no point'

'there's always a point, you have survived so much in this life purely of you skills but I think every great hero or villeness will always need help, yours just comes for powerful being so stand up Ruby Rose' he said as I slowly began to push myself up with energy that I didn't have only my will

"I will not die here DO YOU HEAR ME I WILL NOT DIE HERAAAAAAAAHHHHHH" I shouted as I roared to the sky as I was surrounded by silver, black and red flames

"you disgusting human that refuse to..... No this energy it can't be, YOU DIED WE KILLED YOU, HOW CAN NO NO NO NO STOP CHILD YOU HAVE TO STOP, DO NOT RELEASE THAT MONSTER!" she shouted as she ran to the flaming tornado as she made a giant ball off green flames and thew it at the tornado, before it could hit all the flames where blown away by a huge gust of wind

As the smoke settled a figure with hair that stood on edge as it had a mixture of colors from black, red and silver, four dragon demon like wings one side black the other side silver, black horns on here head , black and white clawed hands that looked like a dragons with scales that straight up to her shoulder with spikes , and a black dragon like tail as it stood up

As she opened and closed her hands as she reviled her face as it looked the same except for the scales around her face and under her eyes

"DAMN IT CHILD DO YOU HAVE AN IDEA ON WHAT YOU HAVE DONE, YOU HAVE DOOMED US ALL" she shouted but Ruby payed her no mind as she looked herself over as she opened and closed her hands as if testing something this pissed the women in white off as she charged full speed at ruby as her hand was covered in the green flame as she punched Ruby in the face as the whole dungeon shook violently as the ground beneath the was completely destroyed

As the white smiled but it soon dropped as she looked at Ruby who had stopped her punch with her tail what was worse is that Ruby did not even look at her as she began throwing punches at speeds that broke the sound barrier but non of the hit as there was an invisible object that blocked her at ever move she made

'what is this, she was not this powerful a second ago, and why can't I touch herL' white said as she looked at Ruby who was still busy with her hand thing as she continued to hit her but her attacks where not making hitting there marks and just for a microsecond she saw some move to block her but it was to fast to see what it was as white jumped back

'that thing..... It can't be' she thought as she looked at Ruby's tail that was moving around freely

'no.... It can't be.... I was faster than her now she's stopping my attacks with a tail'


the sky as she raising both her hands as her magic began to gather into a single point as a giant green ball of power could be seen it was almost as big as her when she was in her snake form as she threw the ball

'my green flames are anything but normal flame they are a highly toxic venom that a single drop off can poison the ocean and at that size she will die it doesn't matter if she's stronger then me she'll still die! '

"DIE DIE DIE YOU FILTHY HUMAN" she said as she watch the ball move

(ruby POV)

'I'm strong' that was my first thought as I looked at my new form as I could feel the power inside screaming to be released to burn everything to nothing

As I looked at both of my hands

'there back how..... It doesn't matter..... The feel different.... Oh I have a tail and are these wings the look sin trigger dante's wings but the color is different, my claws look like Neros but mine is more dragon like.... I wonder if I can us phantom hands like him hmmmmm questions for later' I thought as used my tail to block the snake bitch but I could feel that she was struggling so I slowed down for her to see as she jumped back into the air

And then she began to spout non-sense so I began to ignore her but what caught my eye was when she began to use her magic

'oh so thats how you use magic huh, I should test this out later' as she threw the ball as I wanted to dodge but

' dragons have high pride we do not run away '

' that why you where placed in that weakened state , don't be an idiot' I thought as the green ball got closer as I simply used my wings to create a large gust of wind as it pushed the ball away

"h... How did-" she could finish as I appeared behind her as a headless body dropped and in my hand there was the snakes head

"sorry for not playing with you like you did me, but realized I that you where not worth it and like everything else in this world you will be forgotten Queen of monsters" I said as the head and body were covered in a black flame as they began to burn to nothing

"huh now to get my arms" I said as I flew down and crashed as I got up I found both of them as I touched them they completely disappeared then I went to look for my babies

I found Creasent Rose with the blade broken and snapped into a lot of pieces as I gathered all of them, then my guns but they where anything but useful they where destroyed

"I'm sorry" I said as kneeled down placing both weapons on the ground as I arranged the pieces of Rose so she looked normal and placed Dominate and Sever next to her

"everyone else may have seen you as tool, but to me you where my friends, the ones I could rely on to get me out, I sorry I failed and for that you paid, but don't worry that crazy bitch is long dead now ripped out her head...." I said as tears fall from my eyes

" it's it funny, we live in a world that has the ability to give you so much and then take it away from you in an instant... " as I took out there cores

"huh I was never really good with words, but I promise you that I will achieve my dream and become the strongest, beside I want to see everything" I said as I stood up as a silver flame burnt in my hand as I lit them on fire turned around and left

'Wait how do I turn back' and with that I was back to normal with my wounds cleaned and full healed but my clothes where nothing but healed as they got torn up pretty badly but it was fine they should least me a few fights... When was the last time I ate, slept..... Yeah to long' I said as I as I ran back to the dragons cave

"I've got way faster, I'm probably on that snake cunts level now in my basic maybe more..... It doesn't matter" I said as I walked in and got my bag that I left as I ate all the food then passed out


"huh to think that you just gotten my power and you where able to use it so well, I am impressed human, not even some of the strongest dragon could handle another's power so easily" as giant black dragon said as he crossed his arms

"hn I am the one chosen by the gods, I've train most of my life, so what was that snake bitch talking about" I said as I looked at him

"hmmm to be honest I forgot, I've been in that cave for so long that I lost most of my memories"

"huh well that was a waste, but if you are so strong why was I able to kill you so easily"

"hmmmm for millions of years I've been in that cave I didn't eat, my body was already breaking down that fire ball I threw at you at first was the last bit of magic, I knew death was coming and like yourself I did not want to go out on my knees" he said as I nodded fully understanding

"I understand... Wait last bit of power, then what was that back there"

"that was all you, you see when you eat my heart your body had begun the process of turning your into one, but the strange thing is that it usually takes years but for you it was less then a day and your trigger was almost dieing at the hands of that creature "

"but explain the strength what is"

"huh think of it like that game you played what was it..... Ahh devil may cry"


"now you in the begin are the start dante from devil may cry 3"


"after you ate my heart and bathe in my blood you got a slight boost of power as my blood begin to mix with yours as the prosesse of the awakening began as you body began to adapt to the new blood that was transforming you body, the pain you felt as this was also opening you bodies channels so that my dragon energy flowed into your body mixing in with you light and darkness before you blow up"


"after that it followed the rules as your transformation began to slow, well until you met that thing that was acting as your mother, the anger you felt placed you body back as the change became much faster and didn't stop"

"wait, now that I think about it my anger is always tamed"

"oh don't worry all dragon have anger issues, now when that happened when you where near death that when the transformation was completed and you awakened duo to your unstable emotional state, if it was anyone else I would advise you to train before, but I don't think you need it, anyways you body got a large boost along with getting a form that operates like a devil trigger, to how strong it makes you I have no clue so good luck finding that out" he said as he lied down and closed his eye

"oh just like that, whatever, anyway your just going to become a demon locked inside a host that is always trying to take over" I said as he nodded

"I've live to long in pain to care about the world so don't die and we're good, oh and you have a full dragon mode but I have no clue how you are going to transform, I'm just telling you bye" he said as I woke up

"great just great.... Whatever let's just finish this mission" I said as I teleported to the door and placed both my hands on it and began to push but the door wouldn't move as I transformed

"AAAAAAAHHHHHH MOVE YOU STUPID DOOR MOVER" I said as it began moving little by little as the ground cracked behind me

As I had it opened just enough I used my superspeed to speed away then back as I rambed the door open as I was pushed back out into a wall by different colors as I was then hit by a crimson energy this causing me to black out again

As I woke up in a very bright room with light and darkness sitting around a table drinking tea

"not again"

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Yep I just gave her a power up oh and I hope you enjoy