20 this place is so..... Depressing

"not again" I said as I walked towards them

"ahhh little soul how have you been, it's been so long since you've seen us did you miss me" light said as I bowed to both of them and greeted

"a little but why am I here" I asked as darkness came towards us

"huh you have no idea on what you did do you" he said as I turned my head to the side


"huh as rude as my brother is you may have completely broken the balance of power in your world" light said as he crossed his arm

"what" I said confused

"the door you open was where we sealed all the magic of the world" light said as an image appeared as it showed the seal magic into the dungeon

"and now everyone on remnant is going to have magic that they can't control"

"which will cause everyone to become incredibly sick before they die"

"and since no one has any knowledge on magic or where not born with it they will die from it" they finished each others sentences

"huh if control is the problem why not just add a system that will control there power for them and like the ones I manga and anime" I said as they looked at each other

"thats actually a good idea, but which one should we choose"

"so I was reborn as a spider so what, there leveling system maybe a little complicated but it work" I said as darkness nodded

"yes but from what I can tell the spider was able to cross dimension" darkness said

"then put a cap on the total max a person has and don't show it"

"I hope you know you are going to make dust useless after a year"

"good, we where anyway killing the planet so it's fine" I said with my arms crossed

"huh so you where ready for something like this to happen, but whatever, the system itself will not be that hard to make, but the grim would become nothing more then an irritation" darkness said as he sighed

"true... Give the a system too them, but make it easier for them to get skills like in the novel" I added as he looked at me

"huh I could replace the monsters with grimm and make a few new ones and the stronger grimm should be able to resist salem and make skills for them" darkness said in a joyful tone as I just looked at him

"oh and I can create a shop that works with skill points but is going to take a while brother" light said as darkness nodded

"then we'll just stop time, make the system integrate it in the world and restart again no big deal" he said without a care as he was now using his powers to shape something

"huh your right it should be fun, now Ruby while we do this I will be sending you to an alternate reality of Remnant" light said as this caught my attention

"which one"

"huh well in that universe there are new type of grimm and you lost your legs and got robot ones" he said as I thought for a second

"ohhhhh RWBY 3.0 By Dishwasher1910"

"yep I want you to relax the before I send you to the grimm version, before it blows up" he whispered that last part

"so what's my mission"

"do as you please, oh and your dragon friends soul will be moving on, I hope you do not mind" he said as I nodded I was really think that it would be fun having a monster in

"oh no it's okay, it's what he wanted right"

"huh well it's time to go the miss Rose oh and have fun" light said as I bowed to both of them as I disappeared and reappeared in the shy

"ahhh what the fuck" I said as I rightend myself aiming downward as my new wings popped out as I flew a little to get use to it, it was hard for the first few seconds since I had to learn how to move them properly to fly and move in the air

'huh this is so much better than when I do it in rose form since I really cant feel a thing in that mode" I said as I did a few tricks

"AAAAHHHHHH" I heard a scream at a distance as I crash landed and made my way towards it as I could feel three auras that felt like Weiss, Yang, me and a big dark figure

"oh so that where we are huh, now I get to kill the grimm the took my legs" I said as I broke the sound barrier as I got closer I ramped up a tree as I flew up as roses trailed off me with a smiled,

I turned my body as I nose dived towards the giant grim as my fist turned silver

"HY UGLY" I said as they all looked up as I dropped my fist into the grimm head as the impact made a crater as my hand stabbed into it, but it was still alive

"HY KID RUN AWAY THAT THING IS TO DANGEROUS" the short hair blonde women said as tendrils launched towards

"so am I" I said as my eye glowed silver as this thing began screaming as I ripped my arm out and jumped away, landed than snapped my fingers as it was consumed by silver and disappeared the next second leaving nothing behind

"huh that's a weird grimm" I said as I crossed my arms and then looked behind me

"hello there my name is Ruby Rose it's nice to meet you" I said with a smile

(holding room)

"huh I really don't know what to tell you but I'm Ruby, just not the original" I said for I don't now how many times as I was being questioned

"and yet our Ruby is in the hospital, are you some kind of clone Selam made along with those grimm" the man's said as I sighed

"you really think Salem had the power to copy the power of the gods, hahaha anyways I don't know what to tell you, oh is other me okay she seemed pretty hurt losing her legs must be hard"

"that non of you concern, tell me what these are and why are you cloth filled with blood" he said as he took out the three cores and pointed at my cloths that still had my blood on them and where full of rips and tears

"oh these are my babies, and this is my blood I was fighting something that almost killed me a few days ago"

"huh well these cores have the same energy as the cores Dr Pietro Polendina made a few years ago"

"huh well that really doesn't matter now does it see as those one where lost and I made those ones myself so it my property, now if you like living you will put them down insect" I said as he got angry as he was about to attack me

"that's enough, Blaze" a voice said as the man looked behind him to see older Weiss

"you can leave"

"yes ma'am"

"I save your lives and as thanks I get treated as if I killed someone important, kinda makes me wish I left you to die"

"ENOUGH" she shouted in irration but

"eat my ass, I've been in here for two days now I haven't been given food or water, I've had to listen to you idiots ask me questions, and if I give them an answer they don't believe me" I said as I looked her straight in the eyes

"who are you"

"I'm not answering that question again" I said as she asked the same question as before I sighed after a while and layed on my arms since there was no point as she left

(Weiss POV)

I looked at the girl as she ignored all my questions as I got sick of this and left there where way to many things I had to deal with so I left the room as I went to another room where there was Oscar and Yang

"so no luck" Yang asked as I shook my head

"non whoever she is she's good" I said as I looked at the girl as she slept

"did you not say she saved your lives from the new grimm" Oscar asked

"I wouldn't say save but she was able to take it out with only two moves" Yang said

"and her power and control over the silver eyes or eye in her case are strong, stronger then anything I've ever seen Ruby" I added as Oscar looked at me

"what do you mean" he asked

"she dropped from the sky, drove her fist into the grimm her eye glowed for a second then the grimm screamed as if it was in pain, she jump off it snapped her fingers as the grim was consumed by a silver light for a second then nothing was left" I summarized everything to him

"she's powerful" he said

"too powerful, she may be a threat" I said as the girl woke up

"that it I've had enough" as she stood up from the chair she was chained on as she stretched a little as

"what did she do" yang asked as we watched her move from the chain completely unaffected by the chains and hand caffs

"I don't know it seems that the chains just passed through her" I said as I looked at the girl as she jumped turned into roses and went through the air vent 'what the hell is this, does she have more than one semblance' I thought as I placed the building on red alart

"wait" Oscar said stopping me as I looked at him

"she's in here" he said as I stopped and looked around to see nothing

"miss Rose if you are done with your little game" he said as there was silence for a minute

"wow I am impressed, but you do have a thousand year old wizard in you, but still to tell that I'm here, impressive" a voice said as a figure began to form out of roses

'can ruby do this to'

"yes now if we can continue" Oscar said as she shook

"nope I'm hungry" she said as she crossed her arms

"I don't think you are in any position to make demands little girl" I said as I was a little irrated by her

"huh you do realize I let you take me right and I can walk out of here without even trying right" she said as she had my hat on her head

"what" I said as I touched my head 'I didn't see her move what is she' I thought as she handed me my hat

"oh can I have my cores please" she asked with a smile but her voice said another thing as I took them out and gave them to her

"well if you would come with me miss rose I can get you the food you wanted and then maybe you can tell us something" Oscar said as she nodded and followed him

"sure but I'll need to borrow a work shop and a forge"


"my babies where destroyed a day ago"

"I see, but you could use a shower and some clean clothes, don't you think" he said as I looked at her her clothes had tears on them that indicated that she was in a fight with a monster, her sleeves were ripped off showing her arms the left side of her dress was barely hanging on, she had no shoes on the stock and scart where also ripped but her cape was okay strange, all in all the clothes covered what they needed to


"then miss Schnee will lead you to a room we will send someone to pick you up, so for the time being stay in the room"

"sure I've got nothing better to do" she said

"follow me" I said as I walked her to one of the rooms in the building

"you will stay here, some one will bring you food and clean clothes" I said as I left

"you are hiding something, something makes me want to rip you head off for some reason..... Whatever" she said as she closed the door 'does she..... No she doesn't' I said to myself as I walked away

(Ruby POV)

'huh that was fun, now I was told to relax, so I'll just chill with the Ruby of this world, it should be nice to find out how the world got so.... Depressing, the air around everyone and the feel of this place and that grimm it looked a lot like the first enemy I killed in the dungeon but it was way bigger, not as fast, not as strong or smart and couldn't use magic or runes' I thought as I took a shower got out covered myself with a towel and to my cap and threw it on the bed

Knock knock

Some knock as I went to the door opened 0it to see Yang standing there with a smile I haven't seen in a while from my own sister

"hy I brought food anf clothes for you" she said as I nodded

"thank ummmmm you can come in if you want" I said as she shook her head

"nuh I've got things to do, oh and sorry about the clothes if they look like Ruby's"

"they don't look like they are hers, I mean I did see what she was wearing..... But I really don't have a choice, still don't understand why she wears tiets"

"there are not, they are actually a super strong and flexible material" she defended

"oh that makes it better...." I said as I took the clothes and food as she left as I got dressed I looked at myself in the mirror

"huh I was right these are Rubys clothes except I've got sleeves that stretch down to my wrist and it covers up to my knees, it's a plan black suit with a skirt that matched

"not bad, not bad but" I said as moved in super speed around the room

"okay they'll work" I said as I got my cape placed it on as it stretched down to my legs

'I really need to find out what this thing is made of' jumped on the bad before eating all the food and began to think about all the thinks that happened in the cave

"there's going to be a system soon and if I know the gods they will make dungeons and I wouldn't be surprised if light decides to make the monsters from the novel and make them just as strong, huh I hope they now what they are doing" I said as I closed my eyes

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I felt that everyone in the world of rwby is a little bit to..... Weak for ruby so the system has been added but for now I would like to play around with a few fantasies I have but don't worry its just two worlds then we're back but for now this is a set up for my next fanfiction

But I hope you all enjoy