21 saving a dying world

(the next day)

Knock knock

I woke up to the sound of someone knocking as I got up took a quick shower, brushed my teeth, got dressed with my cape and new clothes, as I took my cores place them in my pocket and walked to the door as I opened it a man dressed in uniform stood there

"come with me" he said as I walked with him as he took me to a room with Weiss, Blake, Yang, Oscar and team JNPR with no Pyrrha

'oh so she's still died what a shame'

"ahhhhhh miss Rose you have come" Oscar said as I nodded


"Oscar is this really necessary" Blake said as Oscar looked at her for a second

"yes, now miss Rose can you tell us on who you are and what your story is"

"huh yeah, but a quick question, the gods of light and darkness" I said as the all showed different expression

"good so you know them, that makes things easier" I said as I explained how I got here and a little bit on what I am

"so your telling us that you where chosen by the gods given power and they also gave you a mission" yang said as I nodded

"yes and thats why I look so different, anyways after that I train every hour of everyday with a dream to become the strongest, meet Raven, she stalks me, got into beacon, killed a giant nevermore by myself, was made an solo hunter" I said without a care in the world

"what were you not placed in team RWBY" yang said a little shocked

"nope, there is no team RWBY in my world, well there is, it's just that I'm not in it"

"huh then who" Weiss said

"some kid named Onyx, he took my spot in the team, but it was for the best, they would have slown me down" I said with a smile

"wow you're definitely not our Ruby" yang said leaning back

"yeah I really don't care and you all are way different from the ones in my universe anyways, I was made into a solo member but was still placed as an extra in the two teams but I got sick of that and asked for an out, got call to the office was told that the grimm I killed was guardian class"


"grimm that Salem has no control over, they are way stronger too, now it's seemed that the nevermore was guarding a cave that was said had unimaginable power and I was sent to find this power"

"wait you where sent in alone" Oscar said shocked

"yep, you see people have tried to enter the cave but would die minutes after and since I could feel everything that goes on around me and the silver eye I was there best option and as I went in I found out that there where hundreds of invisible grimm that where attracted to aura so I hide it and walk past them as I moved deep till I got to the lower levels where I killed a living dragon" I said as this caught them off guard

" what"

"yep in my world we have more then just grimm deep under ground there are monsters that could take out that ugly grimm with no issues"

"and they sent you with those thing" Oscar said as I nodded

"in our defense, we didn't really know there where monsters, but oh well I was able to kill them and finish to bad I doomed the world" I said in as a scroll appeared in my hand (I stole it)

"excuse me" they all said

"yes you see the power was that power or the magic of the world"

"huh I see and since this magic would start flowing into people it would be uncontrollable and would end up killing them" Oscar said as I nodded

"correct, and so I was summoned to the realm of the gods, they told me that I've done something no one else has done and I gave them a few ideas on how to save the world they agreed since it would allow them to spice up the world and add in more monster before sending me here to relax as they said"

"so that when they dropped you here and then you killed the grimm" Blake add

"yep and that all I have, now what the hell is wrong with your world"

"what do you mean"

"all these negative feelings, I'm surprised you haven't noticed it"

"huh we haven't had the greatest luck in the fight against Salem" Oscar sighed as he grabbed his hair and looked up

"in other words she's been kicking your ass huh" I said as they all looked away

"I wou-" Weiss was about to say but

"yes we've lost to many wars against her and with these new grimm I fear-" I cut him off

"that your all doomed.... Yeah your all idiot" I said as they looked at me


"I said your all idiots"

"explain what you mean miss Rose"

"I don't know about you but in my world we had a super strong robot that can hold a ship in place while its trying its best to fly off, and Yangs arm robot arm can do the same with a little rewiring" I said as they looked at me

"you don't mean Penny do you"

"of course I mean Penny, but anyway since I was told to relax and nothing relaxes me more than building, I'll wouldn't mind helping you improve your weapons, oh and can we go to your Ruby's room I won't to check up on her" I said 'huh I've got so much in here that it's crazy.... I blame the book'


"I won't to make sure this is not one of those you die I die things, because that would suck for me" I said as I placed my hands behind my head as Yang stood up

"let's go little Ruby" she said with a smile as I followed her out as we walked



"I noticed you didn't speak about dad and me as much as uncle qrow"

"huh before I answer you question I'd like to ask you, how was you relationship with me growing up" I asked as she just looked at me

"oh it was the best we where the best of sister, we did everything together except the things she was to young for but we where close even with dad" she said happily

"oh mine was the opposite, we never got along, dad always thinks that she was better than me, Yang is always jealous of me, dad never on my side even if I was right huh let's just say that they where people I just lived with, well before beacon anyways" I said sighing

"well that doesn't sound right, did you ever try to make things up" yang said as we stopped at a room door

"to the point that I gave up" I said as the doors to the room opened as I walked into a white hospital room with older ruby sitting in a wheelchair as she turned to us

"hy your that girl from before, my name is Ruby, Ruby Rose nice to meet ya" she said with a smile

"hehehe my name is also Ruby Rose, but I'm not from this world" I said crossing my arms holding up my head up in pride

"oh so you an isekai person" she said amazed

"I'm out" yang said as she left

"more like a summoned and I was sent here to relax" I said as I jumped on the bed

"but since this world is so shitty I've decided to help with technology" I said taking out a scroll that I stole from someone as I reprogramed it

"oh I wouldn't call it shitty" she said as I looked at her

"okay maybe a little" she admitted

"looks like in not the only Ruby to lose something" I said as I looked at her legs as she turned to me


"yep my arm where torn off before I come here and it was by stupid luck that I got them back but there not the same" I said as my hand turned into a claw

"wow how did that happen"

"well it's a long story and I've got time so" and like that I gave her the story of my life but I didn't tell her about my past life

"wow you had it harder then me"

"yep anyways how about we make you some new legs and maybe improve your weapon"

"oh you don't need to worry about that the scientist in Atlas-"

"suck, I've seen the designs the made for you and they suck"

"and you can do better" she said as she looked at me with a challenging look

"yes, I mean I made guns that could one shot fully armored grimm, replicated lost technology and hacked into Atlas and have been stealing there information for a few days now so I think I'm better than them" I said pointing at the scroll 'I've been using my super speed to fuck with there system while I was in holding'

"wow you make me feel like I wasted my life" she said with a sad smile

"nuh, you had a childhood I didn't, but anyway you in or what" I said

"of course I'm in, it's not like have anything better to do" she said as she touched the spot were her legs would be

"sweet" I said as I looked outside it was already dark "huh I should get going" I said as I got off her bed

"hy a little help" she asked as I nodded picked her up and placed her on the bed

"thank you"

"your welcome" I said as I walked out of the room and stopped

"what do you want" I said as Oscar stepped out of the shadows

"you noticed"

"ozpin does it better"

"huh well miss rose while that does sting a bit, I actually come here to take you to the forge you asked for" he said as he turned around and walked away with me following him as my eyes scanned everything till we got to an room that was divided into two parts one looked like a lab with computers and robots the other side looked like a modern day forge

"I think this meets your requirements"

"it does but I don't like being watched but I can deal with that, anyways I'll start tomorrow and send out a few blueprints on how to improve your weapons, oh and tell Weiss to send me the blueprints on Ruby's legs" I said as I gave him this scroll contacts

"where did you get that scroll huh you know what nevermide and why may I ask do you want them"

"we've decided to make them ourselves, it should be fun" I said as closed the door to the room and disappeared and reappeared in my room as I took out the scroll

'they never changed the system huh, that good' I thought as I began to copy all the useful thing, from technology, dust usage and weaponry as I began to learn it all

'huh they are way way way more advanced than us but are still getting there ass kicked, I mean seriously they can make super soldier if they used there technology properly and with their discoverys on the human body and all the ways they have to heal it, like if they actually tried the could make something that can improve the overall strength of a hunter by a factor of ten or more, but they where to focused on improving Atlas hmmmmm I think I can make a functional seru in a week, make Ruby's legs in a few days and make the weapon blueprints in an hour huh let's just hope I stay that long' I thought as read through all the important things and also the Penny thing but I decided that it was not my place but since Penny was my friend I placed a virus in her that would send her into her subconscious so it would put her to sleep as she would stop functioning when they start with the experiments and would start her up when she was out of danger after that I checked the blueprint

'these are not bad at all, if we remove the unnecessary things and change the program, add a skeleton to increase and act as a backup, use fibers to act a muscle, but they would take a lot of time to get use to.... Hmmmmm if I add some that functions as a nervous system this would make them feel like her old legs, I thing if we make use of the build of a human I can make the way stronger than the originals but her semblance will suffer a bit but I can show her how to turn into rose and go intangible her speed on the other hand is gone.... Whatever if matel gear could make super robots then so can i'

"it's the most I can do at least now the experiments will stop" I said as I looked out the window to see that it was morning as I sighed got out of bed to a shower got dressed but left my cape in the room as I walked out of the room made my way to Ruby as I opened the door to see her in the temper legs as she tried moving around

"hy ruby your up early"

"I didn't sleep, anyways I came to pick you up we've got work to do"

"I still don't see how I could help"

"you'll find a way and besides I'm planning on finishing this project with in the next few days and besides you need to know how to, make and program them since they will be yours" I said as she went for her wheelchair and sat down a we made our way to the lab as I got to the computer and loaded the virus then changed the programming separating it for Atlas and then hacked the camera 'they will see what I want them to see' I thought after that I showed Ruby the her legs

"these designs, they look more like a human leg than a robots" she said as she looked at the hologram

"that's because they are, I think that how ever created us had the right plan, using these designs we would be able to increase the power with out losing control or it break from the stress when fight, it will allow free movement, speed and flexibility, to why you guys haven't been doing it like this is a mystery to me" I said as she nodded

"well last get to work then, Ruby Rose" she said as she grabbed a hammer

"hehehe this is going to be fun" I said as we got started

(five days later)

"it took us a full 120 hours, with no sleep but we did it, AY little me" Ruby said as I was laying face first on the desk since the final 24 hour was me make all the programs with her watching and learning, yeah turns out this Ruby is also smart as shit, we also remade the robot arm in the lab in order to help us

"ahhhhhh your to loud" I said as I lifted my head up as I took out my scroll, went to the legs and hooked them up as I downloaded the program

"now they are done, now lay on the table" I said as she got a part of the room we divided so we could do the prosesse, as she got on the table as the door opened with tam WBY and JNR

"whats going on here" Weiss said as she matched up to me as Ruby got behind the glass doors

"we finished, now we are installing should only take an hour at most you can watch if you like just stay behind the glass" I said as they all nodded as I went to the computer

"okay Ruby I hope your prepared this" I said as the robots got closer as she was strapped to the bed with no way of moving

"yeah let's begin"

"you know I can put you to sleep right and do it while you sleep or like give you pain killers" I said this as the others looked at me then Ruby

"what are you talking about" yang asked as she looked worried

"no it fine, we've done the calculations already this way is best" she said as I sighed

"yeah, whatever" I said as the robots come closer to her with as they began, there was a loud scream as I was by the computer controlling one of them since we first had to get rid of her old robot legs and disconnected them from her body and since they were fused with her I had to cut that out, then I had to add a device in both her leg that would fuse the leg to her but it was another but simple and I had to put a lot of energy not to touch anything important, but after that it was time for the legs as I placed them in position as they hooked on

"okay three two one" I said as there was a red light where the robot legs and her flash met

then a scream from hell this got the team shaking a little as they tried to move forward but Oscar stopped them

"huh done" I said as I sat back on the chair for a second then got up and went to her

"hey your still alive" I said as I looked at them as they looked the the originals since I didn't want to change that but now she had feet


"good now sit up, I know the pains gone" I said as she did as I asked as I kicked her leg

"ow, I felt that, looks like they work" she said as the legs glowed red from aura that was flowing in them

"was there any doubt anyways they should function like your old one" I said as she got up but fall, sighed then stood up again then wiggle her toes and then began to walk and move around as she went over to her friends as her sister gave her a big hug along with everyone else and I was somehow pulled in as they separated

"we should celebrate, I'm think a night out"

"sorry I haven't slept for five days now I'm tired so every body out" I said as they all left

"well miss rose you surprised me again with these" Oscar said as I looked at him

"huh how are the weapon upgrades going" I said as I went to my desk and sat down as he walked to the window

"quite well, it's still scary on what those things can do to a human"

"I don't think you have the right to say that but I'm also working on something, that will give you an edge on the grimm and Salem" I said as he looked at me as I pressed key on my scroll as all the cameras in the room where shut down

"what is it" he said as I went to my chair

"a super soldier sarem"

"a super soldier sarem we have attempted to make something like that in the past but the lives lost where to great and that was for the ones luck enough to die"

"yes I've read the reports and those experiments where done by idiots and its been all most a hundred years now, but don't worry I've made something and since you can die and come back you are the best person to give the formula to" I said as I took out a fist sized bottle with a green liquid

"what is this"

"this is your key to victory" I said as I smiled

"what does it do" he said as he took the serum

"Superhuman Physique and Physiology

Hardened Bones

Enhanced resistance to poison and disease

Superhuman Agility

Accelerated Healing

Extended lifespan

Enhanced superhuman strength

Enhanced Superhuman Stamina

Superhuman speed

Enhanced Senses

Increased aura"

"that does sound intriguing but" he said still having duties

"yes yes it has been tested" I lied without showing a hint that I was lying


"ive already used this on someone on my world, that how I know so much about it" I said as his eyes wide 'to be honest this may as well be poison, but I'm never wrong it should work'

"I see but there has to be side effects to this"

"oh there are, you see this little thin is every bit as toxic to human and only the strong can survive the changes"

"I see is there more"

"yes, the transformation period lasts about a week but that person would be in constant pain as the have to fight for survival, but to be honest the reward are worth it don't you think"

"yes and it would give us an edge with Salem"

"oh did I forget to mention that children have a higher rate of survival" I said as he looked ate

"huh miss rose while this thing would do us good it can also be a problem if it falls into the wrong hands"

"that's why I'm giving it to you and will also tell you on how to select the best candidate for this, I mean I've already made a list on those that have a very high chance of survival" I said handing him a piece of paper with 20 name as he looked at the name

"do you know what make a great warriors"

"huh you know I've been around for centuries right"

"Confidence, Strength, Aggressiveness, Discipline, Bravery but that all doesn't matter if you don't have Will"


"the will to fight on even when all hope is lost that what everyone in that list has" I said with a smile

"I see, Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Yang Xiao Long, Blake Belladonna, Jane Arc, Nora Valkyrie, Lie Rén, Sun Wukong, Scarlet David, Sage Ayana, Neptune Vasilias, Nolan Porfirio, Coco Adel, Fox Alistair, Velvet Scarlatina, Yatsuhashi Daichi, Ilia Amitola, Neopolitan, Mercury Black and Emerald Sustrai" he said as he paused at the last names

"is there a problem"

"the last three"

"yes I know that all three of them are in jail and where on Salem side correct" I said with him nodding

"yes so why would you put them on the list"

"because I will be able to use them, the two know exactly what Salem is planning for the world and I'm pretty sure they helped team RWBY escape from Salem a few years ago and have had assassin's attempts on there lives a few time, so they are already on our side and just need the right push and I will get there loyalty"

"I see and this one from last I heard she has a deep hate for Ruby, how are you going to get her on our side"

"oh she will actually be the easiest"

"huh how sure are you that they will survive this"

"high, I've already made all 20 serums now I just need the go ahead and we can get started" I said as I looked at him

"huh we are already out of options and we are losing this war..."

"your not an idiot that good, I will get the three criminals on our side you try the rest since they will listen to you" I said as he nodded

"I'll transport those three here give it a few days" he said as he walked out but I stopped him

"Oscar, no one can know about this, Salem has people in very high places and if the government has any say, they may end up working for Salem instead of against, that how you all are always one step behind her so they must operate as free agents" I said as he sighed

"I know so what the plan then"

"give me your scroll" I said as he handed me his scroll as I placed mine on top as it glowed red for a second

"I've add a virus on your scroll as this will act as a very very powerful fire wall it will protect your scroll from any unwanted ears and yes they did hack it, anyways when you meet them place you scroll on top of there's and here" I said as I gave him a small device

"when you talk to them press this, it will disable every piece of technology and allow you to speak freely, anyways I will send you a location for all of them to meet up if they agree and I'll also be breaking the three out of prison" I said as he nodded and left 'huh why am I doing this again . ..... Oh right I'm bored, but it will help them get a little hope' I thought as I looked at my computer as I typed a little

'huh they where all placed in the same prison, good that makes things easier, sneaking in shouldn't be hard but I'll have to test them out'