22 :jailbreak part 1

That night I told Oscar that the meeting will be in a week from today, to give the ones that didn't agree time to thing about it as I spent the next day planning, at night I went to my bedroom and made the camera display me sleeping

"huh time to go" I said as I took three wireless headset that would fit in the ear and could easily be covered by hair and opened a window and looked out

"why is this building so high" I said as I jumped out as I turned into roses a I flew down as I hit the ground but there was no sound as I stayed in rose form and move to the top of a building as I reformed and began running to the prison, placed a mask on and switched on the device I gave ozpin but this one was way more powerful as I got to the prison I climb up the wall and got on top of one of the look out post

As it began to rain

"huh this really sets the mood huh" I said as I switched on the device as all the light in the prison went dark as I moved in but they came back within a second but I was already in, I was able to sneak in with out issue

"okay first one is Mercury since he is a low risk he will be the easiest to get, then Emerald she was placed on max because of her semblance and finally Neo placed in super max cause she has escaped more then ten time from max" I said as I moved to Mercury cell as I stepped in and knocked out his roommate he was sleeping but I wanted to punch something

"well this is interesting" I said as he got up but no legs

"gua-" he was about to shout as I placed my hand over his mouth

"shut up idiot, I'm here to give you your freedom and a chance to get some revenge, so shut up a listen" I said in a deep demonic voice as he nodded


"unlike most you and your friend know what will happen if Salem gets her way" I said as this got his attention

"I'm listening"

"good within 24 hours from now the cell will open and your led will also appear and from that point you will escape, I don't care how just make sure no one dies after you have escape, I will contact you with this" I said as I placed a headset on his bed as I disappeared as he took the headset placed it under his pillow 'good'

As I moved out to my next target Emerald as I got to her cell she was alone but the cell had camera all over as I sighed and went to the control room looked inside to find that the guards where sleeping on the job as I went to the computer and placed the cameras in her room on a loop and I went to her room

I didn't have time to hack into the system to open the door so phased through and into her room, I looked at her sleeping so I yawned as she quickly woke up and jumped at me but I appeared in front of her and pushed her onto the bed and covered her mouth as she punched me but I didn't move or block as she punched me an broke her hand

"huh listen if I want you dead you would be, I mean all I need to do is apply pressure and you head would pop now you will keep you mouth shut and you will listen, understood" I said as she nodded

"good" I said as let her go and went to the chair and sat down

"what do you want"

"oh straight to the point huh, I like it, well you see Emerald I've noticed that the world is only a few battles away from burning, but I'll talk about that later, I'm here to give you freedom and revenge but you'll have to work for me" I said as she didn't looking like she believed me

"huh I see you don't believe me then how about the fact that Salem is already a few steps away from ending all of humanity, but I really don't need you help, I'm just here to give you an opportunity to get some redemption, but whatever I'll make this easy for" I said as I pointed to the door

"this door and ever other door will open in the next 24 hours you can stay in this cell if you do not wish to leave but if you do choose to it will be you responsible to escape, when you out of this prison you will context me and I will give you farther instruction" I said as I placed a headset on her bed and disappeared as she took it and held it in her hand

'one more to go' I thought as I went back to the control room as I looked for Neo

"huh they really have her underground I mean the are five gates and guards everywhere, huh getting in will be a problem" I said as I looked at the vents as I placed her camera on a loop as I went into the vents and made my way to her cell

As I reformed as she woke up as she saw me and ran at me with a plastic knife as I sighed punched her in the stomach as she dropped and stepped on her head forcing her down

"I can kill you at any time but I'm here for something else" as I kicked her onto her bed as I sat on the chair as she looked at me as blood come out of her mouth

"well now that I have your attention, I'll make this simple, I need you for something and in return I'll get you your revenge all you have to do is follow my instructions" I said as she looked angry for a second then nodded

"good in 24 hours every door will open, you can use any method you have to escape but no one is to die after you have escaped I will tell you what to do" I said as I threw her a headset

"kill anyone and I will end you myself" I said as I disappeared as I went to set up blockers around the prison, no one will be able to call for back up

'now to wait, I think I'm done here, for now I'll come back tomorrow, I need to organize a get away vehicle it shouldn't be hard I can steal a bullhead, and I also need to check out those old Atlas hid outs, if I remember correctly there's one a few hours from Atlas... Let's go check it out' I said as my wings pop out of my back as I blasted off into the sky as I shot off at the direction I thought it was in