25 :I'm making a killer robot

I walked up to the glass and placed my hand on it as a figure inside crawled into a ball shaking with fear as my expression dropped for a second

"well is that how you greet your friends Pen" I said as she picked as she saw me as her mood took a full 360 as she swam to the glass and placed her hand where mine and I placed my forehead as she did the same

"don't worry I'll get you out I promise" I said as I went to one of the computers and placed my phone next to it and waited a few minutes

As the computers lit up giving me full access to their network as I got to work, which was deleting everysingle piece of data they had on Pen I erased it from there system leaving nothing but a fuck you emoji

"okay now to unplug you from there network and free you" I said as I looked at Pen as she just nodded as I pressed a botton as her eyes went dim for a second before coming back on as I nodded and opened the tank as the liquid poured out along with Penny as I caught her before she fell as she looked at me

"R-R-R-R-R-Ru-Ruby t-t-t-t-t" she tried to say but couldn't as I placed my finger on her lips

"shhhh save your strength okay" I said as the alarm went off

"shit" I said as I looked at her "can you walk" I asked as she tried to get up but failed as I nodded pick her up, placed her on my back and wrapped my cape around her as I took out my guns as they began glowing as I aimed it at the doors as I felt the guard gather at the door trying to break in

"Die" I said pulling the triggers as two blasts of energy flew to the door as it hit it blow up the door killing everyone behind it but I felt more coming so I ran toward the destroyed door, as I jumped out of the smoke, firing my guns killing all the guards before I touched the ground as I got up looked around then picked up one of the dead bodies and used it as a shield as two guards fired as I threw the body at one of them as it smashed into him because of the speed the body was going

"SAM, YOU DAMN BITCH" the other guard said as he looked back to were I was standing but saw that I was gone

"WHERE ARE YOU LITT-AAAAHHHHHHH" he screamed out in pain as looked down to see his arm were missing as he fall on the ground as I walked towards him looked at him for a minute as he cried and screamed from the pain but I simply walked up to him pointed my gun at him and shot him in the throat as he choked on his blood

As I walked with my eyes glowing as I dodged all the guards that to decided to be heroes but the all died, but someone appeared with and bazooka as he was about to fire I shot the projectile before it left the gun as it exploded killing the rest of them as I made my way to the elevator

[hmmm did you really think you can just walk in here and take my favorite toy from me and I wouldn't know] a voice said as I felt Pen shake as I took out my scroll and began typing as the elevator stopped

[know I'll ask you this once, hand over my play thing and no harm will come to you and if you don't I will simply drop you and rebuild that thing so what do you say you can even be one of my guards] he said as I looked at the camera and pressed a button on my scroll

"I refuse" I said as the elevator began to move again

[what are you doing you idiots] he shouted at one of the employees as I watched from my scroll

[it's not us sir we've been locked out of the system]

"you know most of the time I'm actually keep myself in check, never allow the monster to get out but you've gone and done something that that just ruined my hold, you hurt one of my friends" I said as I pressed another button

[what's going on open the door!] one of the works said as all the doors were sealed

[huh and what are you going to do about it child we are funded by the government we are allowed to do this it's only a matter of time before we have her back]

"ohhhhh so you think you are going to live through this, oh that's adorable you actually have hope" I said as I laughed as I watched them


"did you know that there is anit-fire system in this place" I said as I pressed a button as the vents began to drain the oxygen

[what does that matter child open the doors now release us]

"well do you know how it work, it's simple really you see first it seal that part of the lab so that it doesn't spread and no air can enter" I said as I began to hear the suffocate from the leak of oxygen

"the system also sucks up all the oxygen in the air creating a vacuum right now I'm sure you can feel the spit in you mouth boiling, don't worry you won't explode, no no no that would be to much of a kindness to you monsters" I said as I allow enough air so they could scream, cry as the suffered from the leak of oxygen

"you will all die and know one will even know you existed, I've erased every single piece of data you had on Penny all you years of work are gone, it must suck but don't worry your deaths will be slow it would probably take about an hour and I've also fuck with the power generators so the lab will blow up killing some and trapping most in the rubble and no one will be able to come a save you, so this is goodbye" I said as the elevator took us up as I felt people standing waiting for us

"I don't have time for this" I said as turned us into roses as we flew out of the building to my ship that I came with as I placed Penney down as she turned on 'good thing my virus is still working'

"okay Pen, I'm going to need you to give me a second" I said as I connected to her system and began to remove all her restrictions as I took a step back as she stood up

"Ruby!" she said as she jumped onto me and began rubbing her face onto mine

"I MISSED YOU SO MUCH" she said as she hugged me as I hugged her back

"I know but, I need to take you out of here" I said as she nodded as I took off to the hideout as she switched off mid flight

As we got to the hideout I forgot to activate the landing gear again so we crashed landed again

"another successful landing" I said as I went out of the ship kicking the doors opened with Penny following me as we went to Oscar, who we found sitting, read my notes as I brought Penny in and sat her down

"okay, first of all I need to explain a few thing to you Pen" I said as I began to tell her everything as she looked sad when I told her I'm not her Ruby as her mood changed to sad then happiness as she hugged me not caring then I told her as she got even more excited when I told her that ruby was also here but she couldn't see her as I explained why

"I want to help" she said as I looked at her for a second

"I don't think you are in any condition to help" I said as I went to set down as she followed me

"then make me a new body" she said as I

"what" I said as a hologram of blueprint plans of her body 'huh this looks like the body she had after she was rebuilt'

"from what you have told me you can build me a new body one that can be useful to the team, and even if you don't create one you can use my father's work" she said as I looked at the hologram

"interesting whoever made this was a genius, this is about a generations ahead of this world but it's still sloppy it could use some work"

"yes this was the body my father was building for me before he.... It's incomplete I know but it would do the job, it's already five time more efficient then my old one..... It's my father's final work" she said as I could hear the sadness in her voice as she looked down

"huh to be honest I was already going to make you a new body but this changes things, I can use this to make you even stronger then what I had planned... Maybe add blaster that use the same tech as my guns..... Ohhhh a bettle mode, flying drones that you control that fuse into a giant gun, wings that can act as shields, rocket boosters, ohhhhh so may plans and I can add the same design to your body like I did Rubys leg, a skeleton, muscle and nerve, it should give you a human feel" I said as I crossed my arms as I thought on how I was going to make this

"and you going to need more then you core... I'll make more, now come on Pen let's go make you a killer robot" I said as I threw her over my shoulders and ran to the lab

"huh sometimes I think we are just her lab rats or toys that she use as she sees fit... I don't care she's helping and with her help and weapon designs we have been able to push the grimm back... Maybe I should think about adding so of my students into this group" Oscar said as he shook his head as he went to his room

As I placed her on the table as I hooked her up to my computer and began to remove all the trash in her code and replaced it with useful things so there is no more shut downs with words or turn her into a killer robot, she is now free like a human

"okay Im going to connect you to hideouts system, this will act as a backup for you and give you full control over the base so you can eject from your body if you are in extreme danger or self-destruct and I'll also add some viruses to help you keep yourself secure" I said as I went to my computer and began typing as her eyes went black

"success, I have successfully connected to the base I have control of all base functions" she said as the lights turned on and off

"good know you are going to help me with all of this, first thing we are going to do is make the skeleton then we'll move on from there, so are you ready" I said as she gave me a pose

"I was programmed to be ready for every possible situation" she said as I nodded

"huh okay then" I said as Penny and I got to work on her new body

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Ahhhh I'm dieing but I really enjoyed writing this chapter, to let ruby let lose her anger and rage she's felt